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Member Since
school bus driver
To learn evey thing that life has to offer. Live life to the fullest and to have fun doing it.
Anime Fan Since
for several years now
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, full metal alchemist, s-cry-ed, wolfs rain, case closed, cowboy bebop, trigun, ghost in the shell
To open a B&B for people that travel with there horse.
camping, fishing, horse back riding, drawing , photograghy
| Jewel 4 Souls
I would like to say thank you for visiting the site. Still figuring out some stuff and trying some new things. So stay a while and look at the great pics. Don't forget to sign the guestbook. Thank you again for visiting....^-^
Saturday, June 17, 2006
I have been buzy
Sorry its been awhile seens I been on. I have been buzy finishing up school, with the new baby filly that arrived. It has been hecktick. Now I have a week off then back to the grind with summer school. But the last day of school was fun. I got to see another elk and some more deer before school got out. So it was not all bad. Well here are the pics. Hope you injoy them. Hope you have a great summer. Type you all later and happy drawing. Thank you for visiting.
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The New Arrival
She arrived sometime between mon. evening and tues. morning. She was found out in the feild, as I was driving out the driveway on the way to work.
May 23, 06

This pic was taken after I got home that morning.
This pic was taken a few day later she was feeling spunky.

She was almost a week old in these pic they grow fast. She already has teeth.

They grow up fast she is already learning how to lead with a halter and lead rope. She is also learning how to pick up her feet too.
Nap time

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A puzzel of fun
This pic was take one afternoon I thought it would be cool to try a puzzel.
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Friday, April 14, 2006
Gives a hole new meaning to stick horses.
A friend of mine sent me these pics, of these ladys. They are using driftwood, scrapwood, and some bark, to make these horses. They look realy cool and at the same time they sorta look creepy in away. I took some of these pic to work and they love the pics. Then one of the other driver said, "That there are some of them down at the PDX airport on display." So one of these days, when I down in the area, I will take some pic of them.
This is the pic of them working on one.

This is the finish product cool ha.

too cool....^-^

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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
it is intresting what you see
The elk were out a 8:20 in the morning. That was petty late. But the students love it. I usally see them really early in morning. So it was a real treat to see them that late. These two usally run with a herd of fifteen or more elk. Seeing that many in a herd is petty cool to.

But the deer we will see laying down at any time of day and the student really like seeing them. I will see diffrent small groups of them through out the day. In diffrent places along the route.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
surprise in March
We had some snow in mid March in northwest Ore. I ended up being sick over the weekend that it happen to snow. But was well enough to go to work on Monday and get this pic.

I just had to also get a pic of my horse standing at the gate waiting be let in and be feed.

It was nice to see the snow. It maked eveything look so petty while it lasted. Would like to have seen it back around late Dec. or early Jan. But better late than never I say. Well type you all late and happy drawing.
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