Birthday • 1990-02-05 Gender •
Female Location • California Member Since • 2005-04-03 Occupation • psychotic rapist :] Real Name • you can call me saran.
Achievements • won a scholarship... Anime Fan Since • does it matter? Favorite Anime • I don't remember Goals • To stay happy. Hobbies • being lazy. Talents • Sleeping through all noise. jigglyness
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Japan was freakin amazing!! :D OMG. I had such a good time there. wow. I want to seriously go back but with friends this time. It would have been mind blowing if I could do whatever the hell I wanted. seriously. I wouldn't have wanted to leave though. :\ SO yeah. I'll quickly summarize a little bit of the trip.
We landed on Tokyo late afternoon around 5pm. Got on a charter bus and experienced japanese traffic [omfg its freakin PACKED and all the cars are like bumper to bumper.] I saw plenty of Toyota and Nissan cars. All the cars are cute too. They're boxey but cute at the same time. I don't really like box cars but these were cute. Got to the Hotel and then walked to Tokyo Tower for dinner. It looked like the Eiffel Tower, just taller. We spent the first three days in Tokyo. I wish we could have stayed longer.
ehh. I don't feel like typing too much this time so I'll end it here. I still have a lot more to talk about. :D Maybe I'll talk about my plan ride experience next time. too lazy to do it right now. haha.
I think I'll change the layout of the site soon. The same look is annoying me. haha. Hopefully college won't kill me if I take a little break to make another layout. :D
ughh. I kinda feel like crap right now. [sigh] well saturday went to Santa Monica beach for my friend's 18th bday. we headed out pretty early in the morning. Got there super early so nothing was open yet. So we headed into the water for a few hours. The water was so nasty and dirty. I'm never going there ever again. It's so disgusting. So we started to build a mote in the water but every time the tide went a little higher, it would smash it down again. D: Some of us were looking for sand crabs. They found a bunch but they later let them go. I got major sunburn because I thought I wouldn't get sunburn. But I did. =.= I had it the worst. My friend said my back and shoulders looked purple. O.O later that night we went to the most awesome restaurant ever. Bubba Gump Shrimp Company!!! FORREST GUMP!!!! I loved that movie. The shrimp was freakin AWESOME.
SO yeah. When I got home, it was hell. The sunburn was radiating heat. I was burning up like CRAZY. When my mom saw it, she was shocked. LOL. She told me to take some pain killers. It was so hard to fall asleep. =.= and the next morning when I picked up my brother from school, OMFG. I've never hated the seatbelt this much. It freakin hurt SOOOO much D: I almost cried.
Last night saw the documentary, Invisible Children. It was so sad. My friend and I cried. I would suggest everyone go watch it at their site and donate at least $1.
YOSH. another update, yo. :] Thanks to those who actually read through the WHOLE post last time. hmm. so life has been pretty chill since I came back from AX. I miss AX. I had so much fun. Now I'm back to my ordinary life. [sigh] what a bummer.
this week nothing has been happening to me. I wish there was something to do besides sitting at home watching anime. In the past two days, I've finished two whole seasons of 'Zero no Tsukaima' and I'm totally caught up in this Taiwanese drama called 'Fated to Love You'. It's so good. I've never cried so much in just one season of a drama. It's so good and for once they have decent looking actors/actresses. I ♥ Ethan. Zero no Tsukaima is so REALLLY good. This was the first time I actually teared up watching anime. The season just came out this week...I think. So I'll be waiting for that.
hmm...tomorrow get free slushees at 7/11's!!! YAY. gonna hang with some buddies. Saturday going to friends birthday bonfire at the beach. :] yay. sunday going to a pool party for the group I'm going to japan with. 17 MORE DAYS TILL JAPAN!!!!!!! WHOOO. I can't wait.
wows. It's good to be back. My AX weekend was freakin awesome. My best AX trip so far. SO I guess I'll just dedicate this post to my AX weekend stuff. :] I'll try not to drag it on too long.
THURSDAY: K the night before my friend, priscilla, slept over at my place since I was her ride there all four days. Woke up freakin early and dragged ourselves out of bed expecting a LONG line at AX. got something to eat and then picked up my cousin. Had a nice drive to LA. Didn't take us anymore than 20 minutes to get there since we live in the LA county area. Parking was overpriced just like everything in the convention center. When we got in, I was so surprised to see that the line was so puny....there was NO LINE. I was so amazed. I like their system this year so much better than last year. It was terrible last year. This year it literally took us 30 seconds to get in a out...for pre-reg people only though. so we then headed towards the exhibit hall on the other side of the convention center =.= but it didn't open until noon. It was like 8:30 when we got there. AISHHHHH. So we started looking around. found the arcade. Took some pics with some cosplayers. First day wasn't too exciting. No interesting panels or animes to watch. then we found the console gaming room. There was so many people surrounding the brawl station it was ridiculous. seriously. played some guitar hero, fell asleep in the middle of the hallway. then went to the dance with priscilla and my cousin. Dance was freakin BOMB.
FRIDAY: woke up a little later this time. Then went to pick up my cousin and her friend. drove there. Took lots of pics and explored the exibit hall some more. Everything is so damn expensive I swear. restrained myself from buying everything I liked. Around 4 we went to line up for tickets for AX Idol. It started at 8 but to get good seats at the theatre, we had to line up at 4. =.= yeah. In line we played cards and slept a little. We then met some pretty cool people lining up behind us. We then decided to have a mario kart party! so a whole bunch of us were battling it out in mario kart. I OWN3D everyone. seriously. I was too crazy for them. ahah. there was also this one stranger that entered into our game but we had no idea who the hell they were. They didn't show their face. lol. Oh wells. So we got into the theater after getting lost a little. AX Idol this year was so freakin good. Especially the voice actors. man...this year was bomb diggity. so after that, we just kind of chilled and then went to get some food.
SATURDAY. woke up late. wasn't able to get good parking so i had to go to the parking lot super far away. I kind of forgot what we did that day. I think we went into to karaoke room for a little bit then headed to the exhibit hall....again. Found priscilla and then explored a little. all the interesting panels or events were totally packed so we just kind of walked back and forth into the console rooms and stuff. Later we headed to the dance. Man...there was so much people there on saturday. It was so fun though. THey were throwing out free stuff. I was too short to reach for anything. :[ so sad. I almost had things in my hand but the freakin tall people behind me would hover over me and take it from my hands. T.T WHY?! They were throwing out raver beads too. :[ I wanted one so badly. [goes into emo corner] so after that, I was so freakin sweaty. met up with some people and hung out in the arcade for like ten minutes. Went into the karaoke room and signed up for a contest but i wasn't able to participate because by the time it would have been my turn, the time would be too late. I left at like 12:30. :[ So sad.
SUNDAY: woke up and man oh man did my feet hurt. jumped around and danced for three hours straight. =.= My calves were dying on me. lol. and not having PE for over two years didn't really help me either. haha. so yeah. got there early enough to park in the regular parking lot that was closer. ate some food, met up with some of the new people we met on friday, then headed to the exhibit hall. A lot of booths weren't really having discounts. Quite disappointing. But I got some of the stuff I was really wanting. Like this tote bad. OMG. It was SOOOO cute. I even helped buy my brother a real sword. They actually checked ID. I was surprised. I wanted to get myself this REALLY sharp looking blade but nah. Don't waste my moolah. then we strayed to the origami room. I really wanted to learn to make something but I ended up teaching some kids how to make a crane and ball and other stuff. Then we headed to the exhibit hall for the last time. Waited for priscilla to come back to me. :D Then for like an hour [since everything was closed by then] we just chilled in the halls playing cards and taking random pictures of us being retarded. >.< It was fun. THen we all went home.
Oh my gosh. This post is sooo long. SO SORRY T.T I would totally understand if you skipped it all. lol. I would...
yo yo yo. Ax is finally here. :D I'm excited but kind of not really. I don't know. Maybe because there aren't any super special guests this year like the previous years. But yeah, I'll still be looking forward to it. My friend, Priscilla, is sleeping over . I know for a fact that the lines this year will be SUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER long. My cousin got his badge today and yeah. It was freakin long as hell. So I'll be heading there at 7am to get in line. =.= so yah. I'll update you guys on my day after I come back.
so yeah. For those going to AX, have lots of fun. It should be better than last year. PPLEASE be better than last year!!! [pleads]
I need to sleep early to wake up tomorrow so I'm gonna stop now. I think this was like the shortest post I've written in a LONG time. haha.
yah...I'm like having trouble sleeping nowadays. My sleeping pattern had gone haywire ever since the summer started. haha. Oh noes. So every night I sleep at like 4am. I seriously try to sleep but I can't seem to get my body tired. :[ Maybe because I'm so bored out of my mind. :\ Just great. Right now is about 3:40-ish where I live. Almost 4...still not tired...
Well. I saw Wanted this weekend. Angelina Jolie has a really nice butt. haha. She looked amazing in the like always. The main guy had a really nice body too. RAWR. haha. But yeah. It was better than I thought, but it wasn't great. I really wanna watch WALL-E too. I think I'll be watching it soon with some peoples. :D mom partially ripped my blanket when she was trying to wake me up. She was trying to get me out of bed and ripped my blanket in the process. [sigh] then she tried to rip my pants off. [rolls eyes]. I swear, why does she hate me so much? She just wants to see me suffer T.T WHY?!?! But yeah. I ignored her and fell back asleep. KAHAHA.
I got an AC installed in my room FINALLY. But I promised my friend I will try to use it as less as possible. She's a really green person. She recycle's ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. It's nice to see someone care for the earth. I give all my recyclable things to her. So I've only used it once since I've gotten it.
I'm sooo hungry after reading Sammy's post about ribs D:
Last night I finally watched 'The exorcism of Emily Rose'. It's not as...psychologically damaging as the original 1970's version but it still freaked me out. I was afraid to go to bed at 3. haha. I love scary movies! :D Any recommendations?
Ok well summer's been alright. I'm planing to get my car fixed while I'm in Japan instead of early in the summer. Ax is coming up in a week. I'll be there all 4 days. Only some of my friends are going but we won't be together. My friend Priscilla is going but she's gonna stick with her other friend from a different school because she's gonna be moving back to canada in a month. My other friend, Alan, is also going but the people he hangs out with are either too weird for me or they are just plain mean. So yeah. I'll be somewhat of a loner there. :[ so sad. I guess I'm sticking with my brother and maybe my cousin. I hope it's not too hot next week. Anyone know what time you can start getting your pass? I don't wanna be in the long ass line for hours.
well my Japan trip is also coming up. :D YAY! I need to buy more clothes to wear.
yeah nothings happening in my life right now. My daily routine is fairly simple. Monday - Thursday I wake up early to bring my brother to school then pick him up. Then we eat. Then I watch TV and do nothing until dinner time. After dinner I do nothing. haha. It's SOOO boring. Friday's I do whatever. Saturday I bring my brother to bowling and then pick him up a few hours later. I then do whatever comes up or whatever people invite me to do with them. Sunday is the same as saturday minus the bowling. THen it repeats. [sigh] i wish I was rich so i can bring everyone out with me and do a lot fun stuff. :D
Hey guys. Sorry for not updating in a bit. I was kind of busy being a house bum. :] lol. Ok so let's get caught up. Graduation was BOMB DIGGITY. I'm so glad they decided to start our graduation later this year because the past years, there have been heat strokes and fainting spells. And of course, every year its getting hotter and hotter. I took a short nap right before leaving but woke up half an hour late so I was almost late to my own graduation. haha. But the nap was really nice. I really needed it. So I arrive and switched onto heels and start walking to the graduates area and I see people wearing flip flops and casual shoes! I was like 'WTF I thought we had to wear formal shoes?! EFF MY LIFE!!!' So I walked in painful shoes and kicked up dirt when I coud've kept on the flip flops I wore arriving to the parking lot! WTF MAN!! I even spotted some people wearing jeans under their gowns. Seriously...If you're not going to wear a dress and least don't make it so obvious that you're NOT wearing formal clothes. I wore a tank and capris under my gown. haha. lovely. The graduation ceremony wasn't that bad. A little boring at the beginning but yeah. It took SOOOO long for all of us to get seated...I mean we DID have 932 seniors. :D
After graduation my family and I went to Souplantation for dinner then I headed out for Grad Night. :D Grad night was awesome possum. Loved it. I really wanted them to have a karaoke station like previous years but they didn't have it this year. darn. BUT they did have unlimited IN-N-OUT and unlimited BOBA. [drools] I love the bobas. kehehe. I wanted to get hair extensions but yeah. I didn't want to take care of them. lol.
After they kicked us out of there at 5AM, our group headed out to the top of the mountain. Where I live, it only takes about 5 minutes to get up there so yeah. We watched the sunrise with a bunch of other people who had the same idea we did. hah. then I crashed at munky's place and died for like ten hours. It was fun.
and that's the end of that. I'm officially a freshmen again. :D Joy. I'm also looking forward to AX in just a couple of weeks from now. Hoping to see some of you guys there. Let me know if any of you guys are going. We should meet up, yeah? Munky will be there with me too.[for those who still remembers who she is...I mean it's been like FOREVER since she's been on.] So yeah. I'll be there all four days. I MIGHT rent a hotal room with a bunch of people but I'm not sure yet. I mean I live in LA so its like really no point, huh? haha.
and I'm also looking forward to my trip to Japan!!! Can't wait. I'll be leaving July 27th through August 9th. I think I'll be arriving back on the 10th. Not sure yet. I'll try to update while I'm in Japan :D If they allow me to, of course. I'm pretty sure I can, since they have internet cafe's....i think. We'll see. :]
OMG. I'm graduating in three days!!!! I'm completely speechless. And really, all I can think about is graduation. I'm gonna be balling tears Friday night. I already started. I'm disabling the comments today because I'm lazy and it's not like anyone comments anyways. :]