Birthday 1990-02-05 Gender
Female Location California Member Since 2005-04-03 Occupation psychotic rapist :] Real Name you can call me saran.
Achievements won a scholarship... Anime Fan Since does it matter? Favorite Anime I don't remember Goals To stay happy. Hobbies being lazy. Talents Sleeping through all noise. jigglyness
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
haha. well sorry for the late post. got kinda distracted talking to lindsey [EAMR] on aim. haha. anyways....this morning woke up in a freezing iceland also known as 'southern california at 7am'. yes. and also got kicked off hte bed only to fall asleep right on the floor. lol. evil meanny sister. but yea. this morning was pretty good except we got caught up in traffic...AGAIN!!!! ARGH² !!!! yea. does this ever happen to you, your in class and some random person goes up to you and asks you.."hey, arent you 'insert.evil.sibling's' sister/brother??"..well that happened to me today. haha. o wells.
also found out i got dropped back down to geometry. they said i didnt pass the algebra 2 pre-req....dammit. the damn office said i was ok!! LIARS!!!! well yea...that was pretty much the only thin g interesting happening at school. x]
after school went to spend all my money i saved up to go to office depot to buy school supplies. TT.TT i have only four dollars to last me the rest of the week. *sigh* why does everything have ot be so damn expensive?!!!
\and then after dinner i ran with my doggy around the outside of hte house again. we had to bring him back inside after that but he didnt want to so i had to carry him in. he struggled so much!! [EAMR laughed real hard when i said this] he scratched righ above my boobers so theres like three main claw marks still attached to my body. TT.TT now was it THAT funny? hm....i dont htink so...just REALLY painful dammit. haha.
then we went swimming [me and too obsessed with his little games to ge off his lazy ass an dmove around] so i was all doing backbends inthe water and everything. lol. i banged my head against the damn boulders and lost about a bajillion more braincells....AGAin. *sigh* i think i should put pool boulders on my things-that-hate-me list....its started to get REALLY bug lately. haha. *cough* anyways...gtg to bed now. its pretty late...need to get up early again in the morning. TT.TT
hello people ^_^ well today im in a slightly better mood than last night. especially after all my dad said. havent spoke to him all day today. but it was totally coincedence though. well letsee. today woke up early once again since my sister had to bring my brother and little cousin to school at 7 since they have zero period. tisk tisk. lol. its cuz theyre really bad in english so they need extra help in the mornings. sucks for them. lol. today was theire first day of school.
well today i was almost late for school since there was SOO much traffic. why does everyone go to school five minutes before school starts?? its kinda weird. yet annyoing at hte same time.....well anyways. school was ok once again. i memorized my schedule since all my rooms are even numbers. lol. so yea. too bad i have to walk back and forth across the school. TT.TT from one end to the other. @_@ i swear!! its too much walking!!! yea...and plus i forgot to do my i finished it like 10 minutes before class started. LOL. stupid me. i procrastinate too much...that should be my new years stop procrastinating. xD thats like impossible but ill try. ill try. ^_^
after school i had to walk home since my sister had a club meeting at school. and yea. the walk home was so damn hot...its wasnt even fair.=_= i HATE SUN!!!!!!! [who doesnt right? well...except for EAMR....] and yea. got home rested for a bit. helped my dad with his computer a little...wait...i DID talk to my dad today. whoops. *crosses out beginning sentences* well yea. after than i played with my comptuer for a while. pretty much just taking out all the adware in my computer. scanning it takes a while since i have SO much files in my computer. lol. i save like everything. HAHA. *cough* anyways....
after dinner we fed my awesomely cute doggy and ran around the outside of the house with him. lol. it was so damn tiring. lol. that little booger can run alot. lol. we took turns to go running around with him so im pretty sure he was relly happy. hes SOOO cute!!! so answer some questions about my they are.
-beyblader - my mom just recovered from removing cancer out of her body and is already taking alot of medicines so we dont wanna stress out her body. shes been real sick. i dont want the doggie to be a burden to her. and plus i dont think we're ready to be taking care of a little doggie. our house was meant for animals. too much really expensive things. besides hes going to a good home only about three houses down the block. ^_^
yea so after than we let him rest and went SWIMMING....again. lol. yea. this time it was only my and my little cousin since my brother was already taking a shower when we went out. i dont htink he would have gone with us anyways. lol. *cough* anyways. me and my cousin were messing around in the pool again. lol. we were all screaming under water. it scratched up my throat alot. lol. we were also blowing bubbles to tickle each other. lol. it actually does tickle when they pop right under you. lol. yea...haha. also lost lots of braincells once again. ^_^ those damn boulders are a b.itch. LOL.
so yea. thats pretty much my day....long post. lol. i think i talk too much sometimes. LOL.
hey guys. sorry i wasnt around lately and missed all your sites. ive been pretty busy lately. *sigh* k lets explain...monday morning woke up pretty late. around 2pm we went to the mall near rodondo beach [for those who are familiar with southern california] and shopped for like HOURS. well it wasnt really us shopping. it was more my mom shopping. evertytime we asked her for something she would yell at us saying we waste too much money. then at the end of the day she wouldnt stop saying that we cost too i responded 'well mom, when you bring all of us to a MALL its like a LAW to use lots of money' she was all saying 'hm...then maybe i shouldnt bring you guys shopping anymore..' so we were all ike ' =_= we didnt mean it like that....' then she walked away...the only thing i managed to get was a pair of really awesome earings and a new pair of shoes. teehehe. i LOVE them....i couldnt pick between the converse ek 2k5 pro or these REALLY nice chuck taylors. TT.TT so i jsut picked one with my eyes closed. ^_^ ..
then later that night we went to the pier for some seafood. ^_^ it was SOO good. i LOVE seafood....well mainly clam chowder and crabs. xD so yummy. then we later went to the arcade place to get some prizes and stuff. lol. we got a car vacuum [is that how you spell it?], a pancake pan, and this HUGE roulette pillow. ^_^ so coolies. xD
when i got home i couldnt update since the next day we would have to go to school...yea great huh? school ona tuesday. *rolls eyes* well yea.
this morning woke up super early since my sister wouldnt stop threatening to kick me off hte bed if i didnt get up. lol. man...waking up at 6:50am iosnt that easy when youve been waking up at 10:30 every morning in the summer >[ wel yea. went to school. it wasnt as bad as i thought it would be but yea. it was pretty good. except in some of my classes i dont know ANYONE. TT.TT its kinda sad. im like a loner there. LMAO. *sigh* o well. at least in mandarin i have friends. xDD
o yea..we found out my mom has allergies against dogs so we have to give away our doggy TT.TTbut its ok cuz my neighbor wants to take care of our dog. ^_^ i know her from school so its all good. she cme over today to see how the dog is. xD she LOVES him. she just needs the dog stuff to take care of him.
well yea. sorry for missing out. lol. ill be my active self again. i promise!! xp
sorry this post is ALOT later than usual. my doggy pooped everywhere so i had to go clean it. *sigh* and then my dads being a coldhearted bastard again. i was getting my baby some water and my housekeeper was all telling me to give him more water or he would die. and my dad has completely made me lose faith in him as a person. he said 'who cares if he dies? just let the stupid dog die...i dont care....' that TOTALLY pissed me OFF!! so im my mind i was all ike 'go to hell you f*cking bastard. im sorry if im not a cold hearted asshole like you to let a baby dog die of thirst. ' GRRRRR. I HATE HIM WITH A PASSION> HES NOT EVEN HUMAN!!! i cant believe i was even ALITTLE but excited he came back from china. i dont blame my mom for not missing him. he f*cking deserves to die lonely. *breathes* ok im done with my awesomely rant. xD i feel much better ^_^
*sigh* so many things have happened today. im kinda tired now. lol. usually i wouldnt be tired till REALLY late. x] but yea. ok first this morning had to kinda drag my sister our of my bed to get her to bring me to art class. she wouldnt get up. haha. then during art class i FINALLY finished my contest entry [remember the one i was talking bout last time with the chinese newspaper and everything?] i submitted it just now so heres the link for the drawing. feedback/comments please. ^_^ it looks really ugly up close...DX but yea. took two art classes to finish. x]
then after my sister picked me up pretty late so we were late for yoga like 20 minutes. damn...we were supposed to be fifteen minutes early too! she had to go get gas...well during yoga is was actually kinda funny. my cousin was right in from of my and then she all the sudden fell flat on her butt. LMAO. so funny since it was so quiet then al the sudden you here this thud. lol. its alot funnier if you see it yourself. ^_^ and we did the freakin 'plow' again....damn...if only i was flat...LMAO. thats probly the only time our ever gonna here me say that. haha. but yea. damn boobs blocked my face and couldnt breathe....grr...but yea. it was so i make a REALLY ugly stick figure for you to see.
haha. yes. its freakin crazy. yes i know...your jealous of my paint skills. LMAO.
then after my sister dropped me off at home then yea. after a while my cousin linda called me to tell me they were cropping off my baby [remember my dog?]. if you dont heres a recap.
aww so cute!!! so when i asked her how long she said 'FOREVER!' so i was all like ' WHAT?!!!' we dont even have dog food yet!! so she gave me a can of food and left. O_O how the hell am i supposed to take care of mydog when we dont even have a freakin doghouse yet?! jeez! so for now all we have is a big box with lots of pillows and carpet. but yea. hopefully tomorrow were gonna go buy all the dog stuff....jeez.
so yea. that all i did today...taking care of a dog takes up so much energy. haha. well sorrry for not visiting some of you guys that updated late. dog distracted me. lol. ill try visiting later on. xD i smell like dog. LMAO.
GASP!!!!! OMG i jsut found out i won first place for blackmagiciangrl's graphics ontest!!!! *jumps like a madman*
YAY!! heres the pic i made for hte contest.
k today i switch the order of things appearing. MWAHAHHAH!!! *cough* ok. since this is my first graphic from the new program i jsut got, it gets special presentation!!!!....yeah...that was it. lol. download by clicking image. x]
wallpaper of magna carta...i think....LOL.
hm..well today got scared out of my pants when my sisters face was about a centimeter from mine. its really scary when im used to 'peacefully' waking up in the morning. haha. jeez....why cant my sisters room be freezing....then id have some personal space. lol.
k this morning after lunch we went to go bowling for fun. ^_^ my mommy was still home. haha. she was all saying i need to stop being glued to my computer for the 5839th time. haha. so we went and it was all weird cuz we were the only asian people there. lol. not to be racist or anything but they were all mexicans. yea. they asked the cashier people to play all these weird songs. lol. they even played 'girls just wanna have fun'.....=_=x.....yea. then it started playing mexican music. haha. i swear i think thats why i got such a bad score. lol.
when i got home i was messing with the program some more. ^_^ and thats how i ended with the wallpaper above. xD yea..then later my sister forced me to go swimming in the BURNING HOT SCORCHING YOU-WILL-DIE-IF-YOU-STAY-IN-IT-ANY-LONGER sun. so yea. i think i got even darker now. lol. i have this HUGE ass tan on my back already. swim suit tans are a b.itch. haha. yea. then dinner came and we had lots of leftovers. lol. well WAS leftovers. nothing new today. lol. then went swimming once again after we beat mario kart double dash for the 62nd time. yea. fun day....
when we were swimming i think i lost like 5 million brain cells. i was swimming and i turned my head since my cousin was swimming next to me [little kids can be VERY michievous] and the next thing i know, i hit a HUGE giant boulder thing sticking outta the wall. so i nearly drowned from pain. ^_^ then later when i was doing flips and everything i stuck my head out of the water for like 2 seconds then all of a sudden my brothers face cam outta nowhere and scared the cacamolies out of me. i almost died from a heart attack. yupp. it seems like everyone wants me dead for some reason. lol. [ for those who dont know. i have my own swimming pool that i swim in EVERY night so dont be surprised when i say i go swimming. ^_^]. well thats about it. well....when i was in my bathroom i almost killed myself again. i slipped on the water in the floor leftover from when i jsut came in and stood there staring at my huge tan.
limited edition
Fullmetal Alchemist Pokeballs! buy 2 get one free!!
ooo!!! i wonder if they have one of envy. id so want one. LOL.
well sorry for the late update again. haha. its been a habit to get distracted lately. lol. well this morning surprisingly woke up earlier than usual. 9:30. teehehe. then after a while i went to watch more anime. I WANT MORE NARUTO!!!!! *sigh* i gotta wait till wednesday again. haha. gundam seed destiny is so awesome too!!! *rips out hair* i dont wanna wait till wednesday!!!! TT.TT
then after a while i was browsing around graphic sites and everything. then i just BARELY found out about a new graphics program so i like downloaded it right away. its really similar to photoshop but its not....i cant explain it. so i spent like HOURS just trying to figure out how to copy and paste and other stuff....*faints* i know im slow but damn...its freakin confusing. lol. i dont know ho wyou guys with photoshop do it.....*sigh* you crazy people. haha.
then after dinner experimented more with it. w00t!! then around 8:30 my sister came back to bring us to ballys. but when we were driving there i actually find out we werent gonna go to ballys. we went to her bf's house so she could talk to him about their 'relationship' they REALLY needed to talk about it but my sister didnt want my mom to get mad at her so she lied and told her that she was bringing me to the gym. believable story. ^_^ so i stayed inthe car for like almost an hour while my sister was talking to her bf. they decided to take a break for about two weeks. so yea. but i hope they still stay together. theyre such a good couple. haha. that sounded weird....especially since im her sister *shrug* o well. hes cool so yea. xDD i wouldnt mind having him around. hes really dorky. as in personality of course. :D hehe.
yea....boring day. made another wallpaper. not with the new program though. it was BEFORE i got hte new program. ^_^
wallpaper made by me. click image to download
WARNING: the following material contains sexual humor. knowledge of sex education prefered.
well changed some stuff on my site again....not that you can notice it very much. ^_^ but yea....i wanna do more with this site but i cant think of anything right now. haha i dunno. anyways........this morning woke up with my sisters face in my face again. woke up froma weird noise her cell phone made. heh. then after we ate we went to my moms factory to help out again. SO stuffy in the factory. it felt like dying in a steam room. @_@ i hate it. but yea. stayed there for a few hours. we also decided that we were going to the beach on saturday. first the regular beach then at night go to rodondo beach [where i got that crappy guitar]. yaya! cant wait!!
after that we reserved some lanes for bowling around 4 since we needed to make-up for last week. we didnt go last week cuz my dad came home from china!! ^_^ so we left to my grandmas house first to pick up some stuff. saw my cousins hamster and it was hella nasty. there were all these fly thingies in there. *shudders* so since we were in a rush we cleaned it SUPER fast and left. i think we might pick it up tomorrow too.
when we arrived at the bowling place we bowled and stuff. it was SOO weird sinc ei saw the guy the used to have a crush on me there. *shudders* hes so weird....and annoying. haha. luckily he didnt se least i think he didnt......*looks around* well yea. hurt my finger inthe hurts like a #%$@&*#$&!!! teehehe. yea. it hurts alot.
came home. had dinner then went swimming. haha. i was all trying to pants my brother and cousin. LOL. i saw lots of tans for sure. LOL. almost killed my brother too. ^_^ fun fun. xDD
i now officially worship EAMR. i am her apprentice and shes my master. MWAAHHAHH!!! and were gonna brainwash the whole world with our color pencils and ramen!!!!!!!!! w00t!!!!!!!! *runs around like a psychotic madman* BWAHAHAH!!!!!!!
well sorry for late post. i had to help my mom with some stuff. since she manages a swim suit factory i soemtimes help her by folding the swimsuits and putting them into little bags. it takes skills to be able to go that fast. MWAHHAHAH!!. *cough* haha. well anyways. if you havent noticed i changed a little bit of the intro to my site. it took me forever to get it right. like beyblader has said. myO doesnt let you do some html coding so i was stuck with doing tables instead. :S darn it. haha. well i hope you like. x]
k this morning woke up when my sister was preventing me from breathing by holding my nose. she wouldnt leave me ALONE!!!! i swear. she likes messing around too much...its hard to believe shes two years older than me. *sigh* i think shes gonna be sleeping in my bed for the rest of the summer. *sigh* its kinda sad....for me at least. lol.
took the whole morning getting my page set up and everything. well i didnt have the whole day so yea. since i wake up like 11 so took a few hours just trying to sort out the mess aka my site. i dont really like this theme so i might have a poll for a new theme soon. i dunno. it all depends if im lazy or not. LOL.
oh yea. my dad fixed my cell phone. at first it kept on saying i had no signal no matter where i went. i think its becuz the phone is from hong kong. well he chaged some broadband thingy majigger. i dunno. so now it works again!! w00t! now i jsut need to figure out how to put my mp3's as my ringtone. it holds a mini sd card. WEEE.......its hasnt been released anywhere in the world yet...thats why its so cool looking. havent seen it anywhere in the states. MWHAAHAH!! too bad its orange....if it was black id SO take it. hehe. i want a black or purple one. that'll be 'TUBULAR' [stole that from EAMR] HAH.
after dinner we went swimming. have you ever tried floating underneath the water upside down? it feels so funny. haha. we were 'attempting' to wrestle inthe pool. haha. almost drowned like 7 times. haha. ww swam so long that my mom came home [which is already pretty late] and told us to go back into the house before we turned all pruny. haha. when i got out i was all like 'O_O OH MY GOD! ITS F*CKING COLD!!!!!!!!!!' so i ran into the house dripping wet. haha. my mom started screaming at me. LOL. funny. x] after that we helped my mom with like 7 big bags of swimsuits. ^_^ int he middle of that we had some watermelon. luckily i dont like them. haha. after like ten minutes my brother was all throwing up in the restroom. when he came out my cousin ran into the restroom to throw up too. while my brother was waiting for my cousin he needed to throw up again. but my cousin was inthe restroom so he ran to the sink and started throwing up even more. *shudders* and i heard it all.....*shudder* SOOOOO nasty. i felt so sick after that. eww....haha. my sister ate some watermelon too. haha. shes all like 'omg im next...i dont wanna die!!!' luckily she hasnt thrown up yet. haha.
made another wallpaper. ^_^ enjoy.
HAHA. wow. al looks like he lost some weight and for once ed doesnt look so short. HAHA.
*sigh* well im like SUPER tired from today. haha. let see. last night my sister came to my room in the middle of the night to sleep in my room. haha. my cousin was over since we were going to boomers the next day. my sister was sleeping in my moms room since her room is like SUPER stuffy for some odd reason. but last night she said my dad was snoring WAYYY too loud for her to stay sane so she went into my room. haha. so three people on my queen sized bed...i was surprised we actually all fit. haha. since ya not exactly tiny...*cough* haha. x]
we didnt sleep till like 3 am. they wouldnt stop saying i was gothic...*sigh* i swear...they are so stupid...listening to rock music DOES NOT make you gothic. i swear....i shouldve just smacked them last night. they were all saying ' oh no dont let her hear...her gothic friends might climb into her room and kill us. and when we wake up tomorrow i wont be surprised if i find two fang marks in my neck...blah blah blah..." *sigh* it was SOOO anoying. grrr...then all the sudden they started talking about food TT.TT theyre so mean!!!!! they took like two hours talking about food.....T.T thats so mean..then it went to the decision that we were going to soup-plantation for brunch.
k then woke up this morning around 8 since my sister wanted us to get up early so we could sneak out of hte house before my mom woke up...that failed miserably. lol. so this morning we were in my room rollling around i nteh sheets. lol. literally. i went from the side of the bed to the middle then to the other side of the bed. haha. i LOVE rolling around in sheets. so fun. xDDDD
then we left for soup-plantation. but when we got there we find out that they werent even open. they wouldnt have been for another hour. haha. so we jsut decided to go to subway instead. w00t! subway is THE best!!! so when we got there we bought all our stuff and then played a whole bunch of arcade games for free. w00t again!! ltos of DDR and initial D. MWHAHAHA!! and i beat my little bro and cousin at marvel vs. capcom thrice!!! BWAHAHAH!!! i totally OWN3D them!!! hehe. then later on we went go-karting!!! its so fun!!!!!!!!!!!! there was this damn little kid who was all trying to act all tough just because his car was faster than mine. PSH. i'll kick his ass one day. lol. damn brat. ^_^
so then later we went to soup-plantation around 3:30..yea..dinner time. LMAO. thats officially hte earliest ive ever eaten dinner. ^_^ haha. man....we were SOOOOOO bloated after eating there. man i felt like i couldnt even was killing me jsut walking back to the car. LMAO. seriously...dude...soup plantation is THE best place EVER [except for phó places of course]. ^_^ that was pretty much it...won some stuff at boomers from tickets...nothing that exciting. haha. x] i might change some stuff on my site....i dunno...still thinking about it.
wallpaper by jigglyness [me] click for new window. 8-29-05
haha seems like its not only us that hate the SAT's around here. haha.
hiya. well today was ok again. ^_^ woke up kinda early. 8:30am. woot! i was surprised i was able to get out of bed. haha. left around 9 to my school to pick up all my school things. i hate long lines TT.TT i had to wait in the 'return books/pay fines' line for like 1 and a half hours. D< it was so irritating. i was all surrounded by mandarin speaking people...i was having one of those moment where it seems like everyones screaming in your me a slight headache. after that the lines were EVEN longer. TT.TT i hate pdays at school. *sigh* but yea..when i got my schedule i it came out:
1st- fit for life [PE]
2nd- soph eng 1
3rd- mandarin2
4th- biology
5th- animation [the teacher was last years math teacher =_=;; ]
6th- algebra2
then went home and rested for a bit. a llittle while after lunch we went swimming with my cousin in our pool. then my sister came with her friend. haha. he friend is so nice. she was all messing around swimming with us. haha. we were having a water fight. haha. we had the huge waterfall while she had our water hose. LOL. we still won. teehehe. right after swimming we helped wash my sisters car.....well we were kinda forced to wash it. haha. damn...well yea. my sister got all pissed when we stopped washing it to eat some food. she was all threatening to not bring us to boomers anymore [this go-cart arcade place were going tomorrow morning, its kinda like speed-zone] so we ALL got pissed and finished washing her car.HMPH. i hate it when she threatens....she always threatens me to walk home in the heat...grr...i mean i live almost a mile from the school....i HATE walking home from school...its annoying....
so after the car wash we watched princess diaries 2 again. i love hte darts hilarious. LMAO!!! yea...then dinner etc. oh yea!!! i finally got a new phone!!! its so freakin crazy!!! it has like EVERYTHING. too bad its from hong kong. haha. but its so cool. it hasnt come out in the US yet. haha. w00t!!! heres a pic:
BWAHAHAHHAH!!!! *cough* ok. haha. x]
yea so right now my OTHER cousin is here since shes coming with us to boomers tomorrow. ^_^ so im gonna go now. xD im gonna be nice this time and let her use it. lol. i usually dont let ANYONE on it so hmph. she shouldbe greatful.....LMAO!! ok....chao.
ok made yet another wallpaper. click to go to download page. comemnts/feedback appreciated. xD
WARNING: lameness ahead
haha ok. that was SO gonna go bye bye now. toodles. xDD