August 9 2007Yargh. Another update. :] How fun. lol. anyways, I'm really trying to get the updates as consistent as possible...for me at least. You all know that I SUCK at this consistent updating since my life is pretty last minute no matter how you look at it.
anyways. today had to go to my moms workshop to teach her how to use the internet and how to connect via dial up [oh the HORROR!! O_O] it was hell but at least my mom knows how to function her computer now. haha. I finally left in a couple of hours. I later went bowling with some of my friends for a few hours. It was pretty funny since my friend kept getting gutters. fun fun. Then i gave everyone rides home [like always =.=] because my friends like to treat me like a taxi. lol. jk but seriously, someone needs to get their license too so they can stop trashing my car. *sigh* so sad. :[
Anyways. When my schedule starts clearing up, I'm gonna need to get a new layout...even though I've said this for like 5 times now. haha. ^^" But I might be lying again since I really don't mind keeping this layout. This has been the only layout where I have been able to stand it for this long. *pat* go me. XDDD
anwyays. I'll be visiting later after dinner. :] Glad to be back.
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