
Ok well summer's been alright. I'm planing to get my car fixed while I'm in Japan instead of early in the summer. Ax is coming up in a week. I'll be there all 4 days. Only some of my friends are going but we won't be together. My friend Priscilla is going but she's gonna stick with her other friend from a different school because she's gonna be moving back to canada in a month. My other friend, Alan, is also going but the people he hangs out with are either too weird for me or they are just plain mean. So yeah. I'll be somewhat of a loner there. :[ so sad. I guess I'm sticking with my brother and maybe my cousin. I hope it's not too hot next week. Anyone know what time you can start getting your pass? I don't wanna be in the long ass line for hours.
well my Japan trip is also coming up. :D YAY! I need to buy more clothes to wear.
yeah nothings happening in my life right now. My daily routine is fairly simple. Monday - Thursday I wake up early to bring my brother to school then pick him up. Then we eat. Then I watch TV and do nothing until dinner time. After dinner I do nothing. haha. It's SOOO boring. Friday's I do whatever. Saturday I bring my brother to bowling and then pick him up a few hours later. I then do whatever comes up or whatever people invite me to do with them. Sunday is the same as saturday minus the bowling. THen it repeats. [sigh] i wish I was rich so i can bring everyone out with me and do a lot fun stuff. :D
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