
yo yo yo. Ax is finally here. :D I'm excited but kind of not really. I don't know. Maybe because there aren't any super special guests this year like the previous years. But yeah, I'll still be looking forward to it. My friend, Priscilla, is sleeping over . I know for a fact that the lines this year will be SUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER long. My cousin got his badge today and yeah. It was freakin long as hell. So I'll be heading there at 7am to get in line. =.= so yah. I'll update you guys on my day after I come back.
so yeah. For those going to AX, have lots of fun. It should be better than last year. PPLEASE be better than last year!!! [pleads]
I need to sleep early to wake up tomorrow so I'm gonna stop now. I think this was like the shortest post I've written in a LONG time. haha.
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