well today was the last full day for the rest of the year!! WAHOOO!! ^_^ this morning played some softball. right when i was about to be batter our team got four outs. T.T [my teacher let us have 4 outs instead] but in the end we won. we totally pwned them. MWAHAHHA!! ok. then in art i had to bring my painting home to finish since i was behind cuz my kimono is ard to paint. too many colors. and plus im super picky. LOL. then after school went to office depot. yay for sharpies. its real easy to get high on them. HAHA. it miakes you feel lightheaded. xD then for hte rest of the day painted my kimono. im still not done. lol. at least tomorrow we get 2 hours to work on it since we're on finals schedule. xD only half day! WOOT!and of course for those who havent even voted yet. heres the damn poll. :P
Pic of the Day
trowa. lol. its the only pic i like of him so yea. he got a lil abs there so its a-ok. xDD