yaya! i finally saw charlie and the chocolate factory today with my sister. man its SO funny!! man johnny depp is my new hero. haha. man the glass leevator get me everytime. LOL. but yea...the oompa loompas are really creepy. haha. and the so funny. i was llike laughing so hard. yea...=_=x.yea earlier today my cousin came over to rest a little since they were running past our house. so funny. they were all saying it took them half an hour to run a mile. LOL. funny. they were all trying to get me to go with them. haha. buti was like "HELL NO!! its fucking hot outside!! whats wrong with you?!!" .....haha. yea. they almost dragged me out. yar har har. cant believe i could actually go against like 5 guys. LOL. man....i need to workout my muscles. haha. xp
thanks for those who sad theyd help promote my contest. so far i havent gotten much particiapants. if i dont get enough then im gonna have to cancel it. =] same thing with the banner/sig contest. ive only got one person participating in it. *sigh* so if any of you regulars here are going into one of my contest can you please comment or PM me with which contest your joining? thanks. that'll help make it go faster instead of me PM-ing everyone that comments me. haha. you guys rock!
oh and to those who asked yesterday. my dog is a jack terrier. hes a lot smaller than he looks. hes just a baby!!! get it? its a baby.....his name is baby......haha. yea. i just noticed that too. haha. weird. i miss him so much T.T
can you believe someone painted that?!! its so crazy. it by this chinese girl in china. in DA her username is heise [which translated into mandarin is 'black color' or 'black'] all her art is REALLY good. go check out some of her works. its really amazing since its so realistic and the details are off the chains. haha.
loveless wallpaper coming soon. woot! trying to find some time to work on it. ^_^ o yea hoprefully tomorrow ill have a new poll up for the next theme. =]