hey guys! ^_^ im in a somewhat good mood i guess XD dunno...anyways...what to talk about..oh yes. new wallpaper..just barely finished it. phew. it was originally for alex [destinyssweetman] but i decided to also send it in to myo so yeah. hehe. thumb lead to download page >.<
k played badminton and won again. 11-3..they kept on sayig they had three even though they had two so i got sick of their complaining and gave them the damn point we ended up winning anyways..:] woohoo. and in animation class we got this really uptight asian sub...jeex...hes so uptight about everything...i mean he starting bitching about everything....i mean our regular teacher let us eat in class and everything since its right after lunch and some people get lunch late..and he wouldnt let us eat..we even told him that the regular teacher let...what a butthole. D<..then in sixth we had a test.. ^_^
friend gave me a ride back home. my mom wouldnt let me sister go to work since she was alittle sick. haha. my sister made it sounds like my mom was gonna kill her if she went. haha :D then yeah...tried to visit people but myo is still kinda slow for me. but it was faster than yesterday for sure. heh. ^_^ then conitinued to read this really interesting crossover fic with naruto and warcraft...i personally have never played warcraft [im not really into games] but it seems pretty interesting...its pretty damn long though...still not done with it...this is the second day too. LOL. damn..yeah...
ok then after dinner i was running to the stairs and WAM. i totally trip over my bowling bag and land face first on tile floor about five feet away from where i tripped...@_@ it hurt SOOOO much!! i cell phone was in my pocket too and when i dug into my leg and now i have to limp....TT.TT i dont know how but my bag just totally went from the wall to the middle of nowhere [where i tripped outta the blue]..someone must REALLY hate me...and it was dark so i didnt see my bag...*sigh* why does life hate me so much?!!..i think i have a bruise now.. yesterday was..interesting..hha. ok first.. dont know if i should take that as an insult or copliment...with the licking bishies thing...=_= i was actually a joke...haha. i didnt ACTUALLY mean i was dating everyone. haha. jiggy + player = no no. must really like stirring up trouble dont cha? LOl.
-LS...madness indeed....i DO NOT sound like an old lady..=_x
-alex...i ¢¾ you very muchos. >.< [you = best big bro].
and...more bishies. HAHA. SANZO is so damn sexxy...hes like a sex symbol or something..i mean what he usually wears isnt showy but OMG its like skin tight and you can see ALL his muscles *drooling to the max* sexy that its almost orgasmic!!!!!!! @_@ haha...i sound like such a pervert >.<