break me off a piece of that kitkat bar
well i dont really feel like making a long post like usual so i'm gonna shorten it a bit. k went to school. had double second period. BORING. i thought it would rain today so i packed myself with a huge sweatshirt and scarf and guess doesnt rain at ALL. =_= the weather hates me. Its official. i had to walk home with all that junk too..*sigh*
k well i was also on this forum having my first sig battle [signature images. blah blah]. and wow. people these days are so harsh with their words. they were pretty much bashing. kinda made me feel bad but yeah. people are so mean. TT.TT just cuz they are more experienced and better with graphics, they like to put people down when they try their hardest. it really irritates me about those people. and its ONLY at THAT forum too. other forums are so much nicer. sheesh.
and of course. thank you to those who reminded me to make that wallpaper. haha. *coughTERIcough*. lol. here it is people. XD
ok. im done. ^_^ i go watch one piece now. [4kids is EVIL!! dont watch it. *points at banner at bottom of post*
EDIT - The person in the wallpaper is MALE. i repeat MALE. He's from a yaoi game. X]
the banner i did for the sig battle.