11:45PM Wednesday
well today was our block schedule today. 2 hours of PE. =.= but we got to go wall climbing and badminton. we challenged people for their courts. haha. but on our match point right when i made the point i hurt my ankle and yeah. it hurt like a mother-trucking fudgebucket! i swear i've never hurt my ankle before now. T.T it really hurts. i was clutching my ankle for like a whole ten minutes before i could even speak without screaming 'AH!!!!!!'....^^' yeah. i'm not good with pain.
but anyways. my dad just barely finished rubbing my ankle with this chinese oil thing. luckily i didn't twist it, he just said i only hurt it. the pain is only my bones/tendons hurting from falling on it. >.< so its gonna be hurting for a few days. *sigh* at least i dont have to walk home....i think....
hm..nothing much happening again. lol. just some stuff that is irritating me. like i hate it when people first meet you online and they tell you they like you and want to be with you. how the hell do you like someone you just met. serious. *sigh* then when you reject them they get all pissed at you and threaten to kill themselves. i mean serious. what kind of f*cktard is he?! EKJH*(#KJF*(IOUYDSKJ
:) there i feel better now. i just feel like crap =.=
but on the good side [for some of you at least] for the rest of the week....the pic of the day will all be half naked/realyl hot ASIAN MEN!!!!!! WHOOT!!! you know you love it♥
Akanishi Jin♥