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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
its snowing! snowing a lot for this area. we usually just get ice, if anything. but its been snowing all afternoon/evening. its pretty since it actually stuck. but man its cold. sure, just below freezing isnt really that bad, but for those of us used to 50+ even in the winter, its cold. it was 19 when i went to class this morning. my roommates been teasing me that im going to just die when i go to china. the average temperature there this time of year is around -5 or so. yup, inus going to freeze her tail off.
so! picture in the works. taking some time with it since i like it, and my most recent coloring style is a lot more meticulous. its a colored version of this. dont ya love random doodles that turn into full pieces? hm, on the art note, does anyone out there have suggestions for making two things of the same color stand apart? such as a person wearing black standing in front of a black dragon? any suggestions at all are more than welcome. im at a bit of a loss.
today was a theme day in the cafeteria: twas margaritaville day^^ theyd set up a giant screen and were playing a buffett concert. i wish i hadnt been working; id have loved to watch.
quote of the day:
“If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.” -Henry Ford
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
art! yes!
finally, i have something new and worthwhile. this is one of those ideas that just appeared out of nowhere and lurked in the back of my head until i put it down on paper so it would leave me alone. and man im happy i did so. this is up there with my best things. please go see, its actually on here for once.
 Assassin Hosted By
quote of the day:
"Draco Dormiens Nunquam Tittilandus" (Never tickle a sleeping dragon)
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Thursday, January 18, 2007
its cold. i know by some standards, 30 degrees F isnt bad, but for southern usa, its cold. we get snow/ice maybe once a year. its rarely below freezing here. so yes, its cold. there was a small glacier floating around in the fountain all day. it was kinda funny. and there was a big puddle by the fountain, so some poor soul got thrown in. (college tradition, get thrown in the fountain on your bday, even if your friends have to break ice to get you in the water) im glad for my may bday.
in other news, the mysterious roommate finally appeared. third roommate of the year, and third exchange student. shes from china (the university that im going to be studying at) so thats neat. weve already agreed to help each other with language issues. her english is really good, but she still has a fairly thick accent, so im kinda having trouble deciphering it. but shes really nice.
ive had a few art ideas appear out of nowhere and smack me in the head, so im slowly doodling away at those. no time frame as of yet. (the little pseudo-poll from a couple posts ago is still checked tho)
quote of the day:
“Two lives riding on cold steel and warm hearts; fight your best to live a placid life and die an honorable death.”
i dunno, its just neat.
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
first day back
well, only one class today. id usually have a lab in the afternoon, but since we havent had the class yet, theres no point. so, had chinese at 8am (whoo...) that was nice, see just how little we all remember. then i had a couple hour break before i went to work. im still working in the cafeteria, which isnt fun, but isnt horrid. so, today we were just going along, normal day and all that. then, the freaking ceiling collapsed. i was on the other end of the room, so i wasnt under it when it happened. that shut us down for at least 20 minutes while we cleaned up the plaster and pulled down the other precarious ceiling tiles and lights. so we were horribly backed up, and didnt catch up for about an hour. that was a nice 'welcome back' deal. then i got cake. and i was better. but i mean come on! the ceiling caved in! thats completely ridiculous, and proves that we really need the new cafeteria.
oh, see my last post if you want to have a chance to influence my odd art ideas.
quote of the day:
“Evil is that which one believes of others. It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake.” -H. L. Mencken
got bored, and made a silly little doodle sheet of liana expressions. behold!
The Many Faces of Liana
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Monday, January 15, 2007
well, got my books and all that today. as well as my class and work schedule. im going to be a busy little beaver this semester. 3 of my 4 classes are before noon, which is kinda nice. it also looks like im going to be working 2 hrs a day 4 days a week. o_O suppose this is why i shouldnt have told my supervisor that i have that much time. oh well. thursdays are still completely open *cheers* sleep late then go have ice cream (yay sundae thursday!!) still no word on the roommate front. they have to come back eventually. i just wonder where she slept last night, since her sheets and such are in here. along with some fruit... not a clue there. but hey, im enjoying having the room to myself while it lasts.
ok, i rarely do this, but well see what turns up. usual situation: at a loss for drawings. ive got some nice new paper that i wanna try out. so, im curious, what kinds of things would you people like to see from me?
more dragons?
inu and/or liana?
fanart? (unlikely)
anthro things? (of various species?)
a vampire? (this is for liana, shes dead set on that one for some reason)
yeah, im cheap, i ran out of my own ideas. humor me, im interested to see what other people think. anything goes, the list was just guidelines. (this is pretty sad. im more imaginative than this. oh well, take the chance to influence my weirdness while you can)
quote of the day:
“Skill without imagination is craftsmanship and gives us many useful objects such as wickerwork picnic baskets. Imagination without skill gives us modern art.” -Tom Stoppard, "Artist Descending a Staircase"
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
ah well
breaks finally over. have to go back today. it was a month, so im not going to complain. but of course, the break is never quite long enough. looking forward to seeing my buddies again and all that, but no one wants to go back to classes.
happily, since i got my new printer/scanned, that means there wont be weeks between uploads and a giant mass of crap when i do get a chance. yay.
i changed my music again. its been pirates of the caribbean for a ridiculously long time, so i put it back to mortal kombat.
quote of the day:
“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand - and melting like a snowflake.” -Marie Beyon Ray
well, moved back in now. signs of a roommate (stuff on the other bed) but no ones come in yet. got my schedule, and it is indeed as stated above. classes start tuesday.
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
yet more art
once again, i have nothing better to do. however, this art thing is a gift. my aunt and uncle gave me some new pencils and paper for christmas, so i decided to draw something for them with the pencils. y'see, they got me art stuff on moms suggestion, since they (and everyone else outside my imediate family) didnt know i draw. since they love gardening and birds, i drew some birds (ooh creative) so, take a look and let me what you think please. lots of first tries on this one, so be nice.
i plan to frame it first. not sure when ill get a chance to give it to them; we dont see them very often.
quote of the day:
“Do not worry if you have built your castles in the air. They are where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.” -Henry David Thoreau
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
more art. since i ran out of things to do in the first three weeks of break. another pointless yet funny comic. i actually have a couple projects to work on (again). but yeah, heres that:
 Perfection Hosted By
a few more days of break left. been a month. thats one nice thing about college, you get longer breaks. you also have much much harder classes, but thats beside the point.
quote of the day:
"In the confrontation between the river and the rock, the river always wins...not through strength, but by perseverance."
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Friday, January 5, 2007
art crap
more putting my new scanner to use. its definately better than the other one, but everything is still better in real life. im pretty certain that my coloring style has a lot to do with that, but its still annoying.
anyway, since this is technically an anime web site, im only putting my anime art up here. may go through at some point and cull my gallery of the other stuff and just leave that up at deviantart. dunno, just a thought for now. so, this one i just finished is another non-anime thing, so its not here. check here:
comments are nice ^^
quote of the day:
“It has been said that man is a rational animal. All my life I have been searching for evidence which could support this.” -Bertrand Russell
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
happy 2007
happy new year everyone. hope the last one was decent to you and that this one will be as well. went to the lake for the weekend. it was nice. very cold and raining, but nice. liana brought a card game, and we watched some tv. also, we made a strategy board game. i actually managed to make it up, and we put it together. played it through and it works just like i wanted. just something for friends to play, no plan to make anything of it. but its fun. hard too.
no new art this time. but id appreciate if you go look at the last thing i put up (see previous post) im really pleased with it, and i want to know how to get better.
quote of the day:
“Slow and steady wins the race, then wastes no time grinding salt-caked glass in
your open wounds.” -Randy K. Milholland, Something Positive Comic, 11-06-05
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