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Saturday, December 30, 2006
happy new year
and late merry christmas. hope everyones had a good holiday. any fun plans for new years? im going to the lake (finally) with liana for the weekend.
i got a new scanner and some pencils for christmas, so my art looks better bothin real life and scanned. and, to test both out, i did a piece liana came up with. its more about emotion than 'look what i can do!', but i like it. one of those things that maybe an amateur artist wont appreciate as much because of the simplicity, ya know? that didnt sound right, but i cant come up with anything else. so go see and comment please?
 Against All Odds Hosted By theOtaku.com.
quote of the day:
“Due to current financial restraints, the light at the end of the tunnel will be turned off until further notice.”
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
merry christmas eve everybody! hope everyones having a good holiday. everythings about to start happening all at once here. have dinner with dads family tonight, this afternoon actually, at 5:00. we dont understand why older people eat so early. then just us for christmas morning, and lunch with moms family tomorrow. fun stuff, and limited family time, which is lovely. dont get me wrong, i love my family. im just glad i dont have to spend days with them.
so! in honor of christmas and by tradition, i drew a picture.
 Christmas Hosted By theOtaku.com.
(oooooh thumbnail)
if youre liana, ace, yami or sage, you should especially see since youre in it. but of course id appreciate if everyone would go see and comment.
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
so, here on the last day, i get my cancer awareness picture in. what, you thought i actually thought ahead on things like this?
im not expecting to win or anything, just putting in my support. unlike nearly everyone else, i chose not to have mine be as girly as possible, because ya know, breast cancer doesnt tend to hit pretty teenage girls. so i didnt see a need for one in my picture. the pink was quite bad enough for my tastes. dont expect to see pink in anything again so long as i have a choice.
good luck to everyone else who entered.
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
music quiz!
What does your music says about you?
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
No cheating!
What does next year have in store for me?
A: "The Riders of Rohan" - Lord of the Rings (horseback riding?)
what's my love life like?
A: "Hey Jealousy" - BOCA (*chuckle* suuure)
What do I say when life gets hard?
A: "Dance with Me" - Rockapella (*burst out laughing*)
What do I think when I get up in the morning?
A: "You Don't Know Me" - Michael Buble
What song will I dance to at my wedding?
A: "Can't Buy Me Love" - Beatles (what wedding?)
What do you want as a career?
A: "The Stone Table" - Chronicles of Narnia (furniture sales??)
Your favourite saying?
A: "No Doubt at All" - Rockapella
Favorite place?
A: "Trip to Skye" - Dance of the Celts
What do you think of your parents?
A: "The River of Dreams" - Billy Joel
What's your Pornstar name?
A: "Smile in My Heart" - Rockapella ( o_O )
Where would you go on a first date?
A: "Dreams" - BOCA (hehehehehe...)
Drug of choice?
A: "Time" - The Alan Parsons Project (ha! see, im smarter than that)
Describe yourself?
A: "The Kids Aren't Alright" - BOCA (whoo! knew there was something wrong with me)
What is the thing i like doing most?
A: "Enjoy the Silence" - BOCA
What is my state of mind like at the moment?
A: "Twilight and Shadow" - Lord of the Rings (oooook)
Where is your favorite place to be?
A: "One Particular Harbor" - Jimmy Buffett
How will I die?
A: "Immortal" - Eric Woolfsons POE (ha!)
oh that was fun. i encourage everyone else to try it too.
quote of the day:
"It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians." -Henrik Ibsen
the animals have actual value.
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Friday, December 15, 2006
of dragons and choclate
so! first off, 'eragon' comes out today. whooo! great books, and the movie looks awesome. liana and i along with another one of my friends from college plan to go see it on saturday.
secondly, saturday is 'national eat something covered in chocolate day'. seriously. were making fudge and puppy chow to celebrate. tho i think were going to end up making it today instead because of course well be at the movie on saturday. if you think i mean dog food when i say puppy chow, youve been sadly deprived. puppy chow is chex cereal covered in melted peanut butter, chocolate and powdered sugar. its gooooood.
aww...as i type this my puppy is curled against my back under a blanket. hes twitching, which is adorable until he kicks me. awww i missed my puppy at college.
quote of the day:
“People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light within.”
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
i just found out my study abroad application was approved!!! i get to go to china! ill be going spring '08, feb-june. 4 months, long time, yes, but still! *happy* boy, its pretty sad. i was so anxious about being approved that i literally screeched when i got the email. whoo, that made my day better.
so! i get to come home today. just one more test to get through.
yeah, no ones around and i just had to flail with joy somewhere, so there you are ^^' going to bed now.
quote of the day:
“If ‘A’ is success in life, then ‘A=X+Y+Z’. Work is X. Y is play. And Z is keeping your mouth shut.” -Albert Einstein
because most of us are in (or soon to be in) exams, you get an academic quote.
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
so very close...
i return!
in the middle of exams at the moment: 1 down, 2 to go. had chinese yesterday, and it was surprisingly easy. zoology (zo-ology, not zoo-ology) tomorrow, and music weds. then im off for a month. oh yes, college is wonderful. we get real breaks ^^
so! what do i have to show for my absence? why, i come bearing art. not much, and none on here, but something nonetheless.
Flying High - bday pic for ace. shes 21, go congradulate her! now!
Symbols - my art class final
At Bay - happy christmas dragon for a friend
so there you are. i have another christmas picture in the works (lianas) as well as a little extra doodle she asked for. and im getting in on the cancer awareness contest. and i want to do a picture for some friends who just lost a dog. just have to get through two more tests first. whooo....
quote of the day:
“All poets adore thunderstorms, tornadoes, conflagrations, ruins, scenes of spectacular carnage. The poetic imagination is therefore not at all a desirable quality in a chief of state.” W. H. Auden
*dancy* zoology was easy!!! and its over!! whooo!!! *gets celebratory brownie*
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Friday, December 1, 2006
T minus 2 and counting
2 more class days^^
sadly, both those days have tests. zoology lab practical today and lecture test monday. lot of material. i know what im doing this weekend. its mainly today im worried about. the practicals are brutal. only 1 phyla this time, but its chordata (which roughly means things with bones) so, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals. lots of classification, and lots of anatomy. have to be able to identify things on slides as well as disections and specimines. gonna be fuuuuun. the test monday is evil: arthropoda (bugs, crustaceans, etc), echinodermata (star fish, etc) and chordata. eeeeeeeevil. so yeah, busy weekend for inu.
a wee bit chilly here. got some sleet/almost snow after dark. mostly just rain though, which is oh-so-pleasant when its cold. but i got to sleep in and then have ice cream, so it was all good. was more tired than i thought. got back to sleep when my roommate left, and she woke me up again when she came back at 11. im usually up by then. looking forward to a week off before exams.
and i really wish i hadnt left my glasses at home. kinda want the contacts out, but i cant see more than about 6 inches in front of my face otherwise. erk.
quote of the day:
“I have made but one prayer, a short one. ‘God, please make my enemies ridiculous.’ And God granted it." –Voltaire
edit: its freaking cold!
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
4 days and counting
4 class days (minus exams) left ^___^
our exams run from the 6th-13th (which is weds to weds). i dont have any the first week, so i get to go home until the following monday. which is lovely since i study better at home anyway. and ill be able to sleep without the psycho roommate studying all night. only have three exams and theyre all in the afternoon, so thats all good.
the zoo party yesterday was fun. we had: oysters, mussles, shrimp, crab legs, eggs, scrapple (like sausage), pineapple (i know its not an animal) and cookies. got to play with the dog, and the other girls were absolutely obsessed with the goats and chickens. it was actually pretty funny. one of them had a conversation with the goat. in goat. it was amusing. and the billy goat kept biting our teacher. he lives in the middle of nowhere though. took half an hour to get there.
working on some new art. as its close to christmas, i need to get moving on my gift pictures and such. but what do i do? draw a fight scene. hey, its fun! good frustration relief too.
quote of the day:
"The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues." -Elizabeth Taylor
dont think ive used that before
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
'free' day?
only one class today, which is lovely. our zoology lab is done for the year, so were having a party at the teachers house during lab time. our goal is to eat as many phyla as possible, though god knows what hes going to come up with seeing as he was trying to find chocolate covered ants. thats going to be entertaining though. he threatened to have cat as our mammal since he hates cats and the squimish/PETA-esque girl in the class started flipping out. it was hilarious.
man, walking back from class i saw a couple hilarious bumper stickers. one said "please forgive me, i was raised by wolves". i want that one. so very much. the other said "republicans for voldemort" which is awesome. i laughed so hard over that one. man, gotta love political humor.
bleh, its raining again. glad im getting a ride to the party instead of driving. does it strike anyone else as kinda redundant when people see you drawing something and ask "wow did you draw that?" sure a way to start a conversation, but kinda obvious. dunno, i just find that kinda funny.
quote(s) of the day:
“Cry me a river, build a bridge, get over it, and I'll set it on fire when you're halfway across.” –Axel (KH2)
“I'm not short, I'm concentrated!” –Yami
im so saying the first to someone, and lianas adopted the second. beware, the short people are uniting! *flees before said short people attack*
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