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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Friday, August 11, 2006
finally, we get to go to the lake again. leaving around 9:30, so we can get there before lunch and not lose a whole day. its supposed to rain, sadly. we hope it clears up enough so that we can see the meteor showers. and, if the threat of storms goes down, were going to take the houseboat out for the night. man thats always great.
oreo is doing better. his eye still looks terrible, and weve been told that it always will, tho it will get better over time. they had to stitch a flap of tissue over part of his eye, and they have to leave it there. so, for now, oreo has this nasty red patch over half og his eye. thus leading my dad to nickname him "terminator dog". and of course, me being the art dork that i am, took that idea and ran with it. so i found a poster for the first movie and subbed oreo in. its hilarious. not posted yet because im not finished. should have that when we get back monday.
man, i got this awesome email from my mom. if you have a few minutes and love music and awesome cg animation, go check this out. its so freaking awesome.
quote of the day:
"A warrior stays to fight...even when the hope has left." -Hiei
you only thought id run out of hiei quotes. but look, its inspirational for once.
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
as promised
i managed to hatch a pair of comics liana has been after. well, she only wanted one, but the second was my rejoinder to hers. so those are/should be up. i advise taking the dA links so you can actually read them.
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things improve...sorta
my little brother oreo is doing better now. he left his eye alone most of yesterdat, so he wasnt bleeding again. liana came over in the afternoon, and we made treats (aka cookies) for him. he loves them, but it seems sad that we spent over 2 hrs making dog treats. a whole heck of a lot of dog treats. over 60, i think. i didnt make a final count.
we get to go to the lake this weekend for a long time. leaving tomorrow early in the morning and coming back monday afternoon. were planning to take the houseboat out for the night hopefully tomorrow. theres at least one meteor shower this weekend, and we want to be out away from the lights to see it. its one we saw last year, and it was amazing despite us catching the tail end of it. so that should be awesome.
man, tkd (taekwondo for those who still havent figured out my notation) has been hardcore this cycle. some of you may chuckle at what i describe, but i assure you its harder than it sounds. we started at 5 push-ups, sit-ups, squats and leg lifts and have been adding 5 every week. were up to 25 now, and good lord its painful. doesnt sound like much, does it. oh i assure you it is. geh, inu is sore. were testing next week, and then lara and i are going back to college.
i dont know when ill next have art to upload. lianas starting to make death threats again due to my slight delay, so i hope to get something out soon. ive been charged with a comic and a reply to said comic, as well as at least one more in my series of lianas favorite characters. (man, i so want to repeat parts of a conversation we had about said characters, but liana would slowly disembowel me with a rusty spork)
the 'sorta' refers to the fact that i have a dentist appointment today. just routine, but gods who doesnt hate the dentist? i swear, were all traumatized when were little no matter how 'nice' they try to be. ugh, evil. 'hold still while we stab these sharp implements between your teeth. dont mind the blood; thats your fault for not flossing more' *hiss*
quote of the day:
“You choose to go voluntarily into the fire. The blaze might well destroy you. But if you survive, every blow of the hammer will serve to shape your being. Every drop of water wrung from you will temper and strengthen your soul.” -Margaret Weis, "Soulforge"
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
poor puppy...
my dog oreo had to have eye surgery today. hes a boston terrier and they tend to have eye problems, as you could guess. big bug-eyed dog. anyway, hes doing fine, just sleeping. hes currently curled up next to me and shaking the bed with his snores.
ok, im about to explain what was wrong with him, so if you cant handle medical terms or descriptions of pre- and post-op conditions, skip this section. good? ok. he had endothelial cell dystrophy in his right eye. in english, that means that the cells of his cornea were recieving too much fluid, and bursting. so, he had this growing mass of dead cells just below the surface of his eye. it looked like he had a cataract (cloudy white film on his eye), but those are located deeper in the eye. if this mass of dead cells had not been surgically removed, then he would have eventually lost sight in that eye. clearly, we werent going to allow my little brother to go blind. (yes, my little brother) so they removed the dead cells. they had to stitch the cornea, so he has a rather nasty line across his eye where they drew the flaps of skin closed, but the stitches will dissolve and the eye will clear over the next couple weeks. poor guy, he was pawing at his eye when we picked him up and made it start bleeding, so we had to put one of those god-awful elizabethan collars on him. thats roughly his expression too. talk about adding insult to injury, right? he was not happy with that. no, its not a problem that he was bleeding. if youve ever had stitches, you know that its going to bleed no matter what you do. but its cleared up now that he cant reach it.
ok, if you skipped the last bit, its safe now. so my puppy is sleeping now. poor little guy. ill keep you posted on hw hes doing.
by the way, i posted a new pic yesterday if you havent already seen.
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Monday, August 7, 2006
ah, no more work, so inu gets to enjoy 2 weeks of sleeping in before she has to go back to college. how wonderful it is.
speaking of work, on thursday, my second-to-last day, the delivery van decided to finally die. i wasnt driving, my replacement was, but it was most unpleasant. it managed to die in the middle of downtown. fortunately, we got to a parking lot before it completely went out. we had to call for a rescue, and we still had a very large delivery left. we managed to get it all worked out, but it wasnt a fun afternoon. friday, we used my car (jeep wrangler). i got paid for each mile, so im not complaining. it was nice to drive a car i trust to hold together.
had to go to a wedding on saturday. the ceremony itself only lasted 30 minutes, but the reception/dinner went on for 3 1/2 hours. it wasnt even over when we left, but i managed to drag my parents away. i dislike weddings.
spent most of yesterday hanging out with liana. wehavent gotten to do much, with me working all day and whatnot. we didnt do that much, just ran errands and hung out at her house.
ive been working on a pic for a couple days now. the story liana and i are writing is going along nicely, and were trying to develope this one character. so i drew him. plus hes just awesome and i wanted to draw him again. hes actually a character i made up randomly in a previous drawing. hes now been adopted as a main character in our story. so please go see my new picture of him, because im quite proud of this one, and you dont hear that from me very often. 'twould be greatly appreciated.
quote of the day:
"Art is made to disturb. Science reassures. There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain." - Georges Braque
edit: that pic has been up for all of half an hour and some worthless insect already voted it down and left no explanation. i hate fools like that. an actual artist would leave a reason why they dislike it, but spiteful, talentless scum vote no but never have the nerve to back up the vote. my rating and votes dont matter to me, but i want reasns why people dislike my work, especially a piece that im actually proud of. alright, im finished now. but i would love to find that idiot and see what kind of trash they call art. thats always how it works out, it seems.
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
last day of work. whoo.
as usual, only point of posting is to say i have new art. go see. however, please DO NOT bash. i dont want critique on this. comments, sure, but dont tell me what i did wrong. this is a more personal art therapy piece, so i dont want you people to tell mw whats wrong with it. this isnt the time, so dont make me hurt you.
quote(s) of the day:
"Any problem in life can be solved with the proper use of explosives." –Digger
"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake." -Jeannette Rankin
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Wednesday, August 2, 2006
art up
got up one pic yesterday. i have another, but its after 12 here so i cant scan it. its a b-day gift for a coworker, so that one wont be seen by the public as ill be giving it to her today. sorry. anyway, the other is up. i have this obsession with finding random and bizarre things to draw just for the sake of making my art different. i dislike looking as if im copying other ideas (despite using images for reference), so i try to come up with these odd-ball concepts. i think this one came out better, all things considered. please go see and comment. twould be greatly appreciated. while the comments of "omg awesome!" are great for the ego, they dont do much for the art. id really appreciate it if you could give critical comments. i want to get better, like all of us. thanks.
quote of the day:
“It was on my fifth birthday that Papa put his hand on my shoulder and said, 'Remember, my son, if you ever need a helping hand, you'll find one at the end of your arm.'” -Sam Levenson
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
im a liar
i said i would post a comic sometime yesterday. clearly, i lied. the comic turned out very badly and needs to be redrawn. if i redraw it. i dunno, it was one of those that was hilarious when i started it, but its just not as funny and i dont care that much now. however, to show that im not completely worthless, im working on something that ive always wanted to do for some odd reason. not going to say as of yet what exactly that is or when it should be up. suffice it to say that this is an idea ive never seen before, and ive done a lot of browsing through online galleries. not sure if ill post it here, since its not anime, but ill have a link at least. thats about all i have to say today.
quote of the day:
"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." -E.E. Cummings
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Monday, July 31, 2006
more updates
spent the weekend at lianas. twas fun as always. we actually didnt do a whole lot. we watched a special about ancient egypt on discovery, which was really interesting. uh, swam some, which was great since it was back over 100. didnt do much yesterday. we pretty much just hang out and do more or less nothing. exciting, isnt it?
im working on more art, surprise surprise. one is a second try at a demon concept for a friends video game. he said they were looking for something more humanoid, so i tried. i personally liked the first one, which would be this nasty thing. i dunno, it looks more demonic since its completely inhuman. however, im not calling the shots here, so i redid it. so now i end up with this even more nasty little beastie. i much prefer the first.
secondly, im drawing a little comic that liana suggested. its completely and thoroughly mocking inu, but its really funny and would so happen. so i draw it and laugh. that will be up tomorrow or something.
quote of the day:
"Nemo me impune lacessit"('No one harms me with impunity) –Montressor (Poe, “The Cask of Amontillado”)
if you have never read that story, go do so. now. and read "the black cat" while youre at it. and whatever other poe you can get your hands on.
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Friday, July 28, 2006
one down
days left of work: 6 (whoooooooooooooooo)
one of my many projects done now. behold, for aces requests are done. one was a specific request (sorta) and the other was completely unspecified. you can bet i had fun with the latter. well, ace asked for a surprise, so i made one^^ i would greatly appreciate if you would go see them and comment as soon as theyre up. (why the delays all of a sudden posting stuff? it was immediate for a long time *confused*) anyway, now i have some other stuff to get to.
quote(s) of the day:
"He only earns his freedom and his life who takes them every day by storm." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
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