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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
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looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Wednesday, June 14, 2006
goings on
this is mostly a random "im still alive" post. work is still going reasonable well. i had a difficult morning yesterday tho. only had a few places to go, but naturally they were all on opposite ends of town. but hey, i dont complain about driving around town all day. what i do complain about, is what i was delivering. do you have any idea just how heavy several thousand pieces of paper are? a single box (foot and a half long, foot wide and deep) weighed well over 30 lbs (~15 kgs) you tried opening doors and making your way through a warehouse while carrying over 3o lbs? its not fun. then, at the next place i went, i had 5 of those boxes. 50,000 notepads. 50 freaking thousand. fortunately, i have a 2-wheeler to use for that much crap. oh man it wasnt fun.
geez, monday i took a name badge to a car dealership, and the guy i handed it to looked at it and the conversation went thus:
car guy: "this guys dead."
inu: "excuse me?"
car guy: "he had a wreck last week."
inu: " sorry."
car guy: "well ill take this anyway; his mom might want it:"
inu: "uh...sure." *swift retreat*
man that was awkward.
my mom took my dog to the vet today. one of his eyes is really cloudy, and we had been told it was scar tissue. turns out, its cornea damage due to cell death cause by over-hydration of the tissue. if it isnt fixed with surgery, oreo will go blind in that eye. catch is, the surgery is really expensive. we all want to keep him from going blind, but the cost is an issue. im pretty sure it will go through, but were discussing options now. by the way, if you didnt understand my explanation of the disease, youll just have to wait until you grow up and go to high school to take a biology class so you can understand basic cellular concepts and diagnostic termanology. hey, im a biology major, i can make fun of your lack of comprehension. my dog, who is my beloved little brother, is either going to go blind or go through fairly risky surgery, im allowed to be spiteful.
now that ive mocked your possible lack of ability to understand basic biology, and possibly confused you with higher vocaulary than most of you younger kids know, im going to ask you to go look at the art i posted awhile ago if you havent already.
i commend you if you read all that. have a cookie. (i swear, its not poisoned. not my style, no honor in that.)
quote of the day:
“One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making
exciting discoveries.” -A. A. Milne
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Sunday, June 11, 2006
canine antics
my dog seems to have a nasty sense of humor and very much enjoys annoying me. i took him to the local dog park today, as we hadnt been in a long time and i wanted something to do. he trotted around as he always does, then put his head and shoulder on the ground and started scooting around. it looked ridiculous. so my black and white dog now has a big brown patch. i brushed him off and sent him on his way. later, i went to get some water and he followed me. as he looked hot, i splashed some water on his back. he shook himself, and immediately went and started rolling in the dirt. so now my black and white dog is completely brown. when we went home, i immediately threw him in a bath tub. it took me half an hour to clean my 30lb, short hair dog. he was that filthy. then, as the tub was black, had to spend another 10 minutes cleaning it, and then yet more time washing oreos collar. its normally blue. you couldnt tell that. -__- after oreo got himself as dirty as possible, he trotted over to me, grinning and quite pleased with himself. then he wouldnt speak to me for awhile after i bathed him.
and people say animals dont have personalities or intelligence.
quote of the day:
"Dogs feel very strongly that they should always go with you in the car, in case the need should arise for them to bark violently at nothing in your ear." -Dave Barry
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
does it feel like it should be friday to anyone else?
i really dont have a whole lot to say today. work is still going well. nothing horribly painful as of yet. im managing to find my way around town pretty well. ive only had to call the office for directions once, and that was because the directions i had gotten were wrong.
main reason i posted, as could likely be assumed for those of you who know me well enough by now, is that i have a new pic up. in a random conversation with sage, he mentioned that he liked ddr, and the image of a dancing centaur popped into my odd little mind. so of course, i had to draw it and share the hilarity. there are problems and mistakes, of course, mainly stemming from the fact that ive played ddr once ever. and coordinating 4 legs is a bit tricky. so yes, kindly go look at that and give me some feedback.
quote of the day:
“Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Monday, June 5, 2006
i live, again
i return from another weekend at the lake. wonderful weather all weekend, was very very nice. its amazing how much more you enjoy the lake when youve been working hard all week. not much to tell, spent the whole time reading. read 2 books in 2 days (yes, one a day) they were only 400+, so thats easy for one day. now i have 2 more to get to when i next have the time.
first week at work wasnt that bad. went all over town, and am starting to learn my way around. spend a lot of time downtown, where i never go. and thats always fun no matter what city you live in.
i posted 2 pics. one is a tshirt design that liana and i both want. its a redo of an older one. this one doesnt have text or a bg, as im going to hav those added digitally so it looks reasonable. but it will say "does not play well with others". youll see why this is funny when you go look at the image. the other was one that popped into my head and i just had to do. it involves a demon, a gambler and a knife. have fun and please comment.
quote of the day:
Murphy's Law: If something can go wrong it will go wrong, unless I really like you and make an exception. In which case, let the rest of the world run screaming, don't worry - you'll be fine.
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Friday, June 2, 2006
at last
yes, i live. havent had much to say the past couple days, so no updates.
tis the end of my first week at work. its not terribly hard. not that fun, but not horrible.
went to see x-men 3 wednsday night with liana. it was alright, but a bit lacking in the plot department. liana and i agreed that arch angel should have been in it more, as he was awesome. good fights, but rather sketchy plot. but hey, who goes to a comic book movie for plot?
liana leaves for 10 days this afternoon. *sadness* shes going overseas, so we wont talk at all this time. *more sadness* ah well. she'll have fun. i want to stow away in her suitcase.
going to the lake once i get off work. yes, again. we live there in the summer. ill spend some quality time with my dog and my books. and my jetski. it may be warm enough now.
some of you may recall the "doesnt play well with others" dragon i drew awhile ago? i redid it (made it cuter, colored it better) and im going to have it put on a tshirt. one of the advantages of working at a print shop. ill talk to the graphics guy about adding text and a border via photoshop, then print the transfers. going to make one for liana too, by request. think ill take my prtable art studio (aka folder o' doom) with me this weekend and draw some stuff. have an amusing idea teasing ace (in a non-evil and friendly way) and another dragon tshirt thought. such fun. ill stop rambling and go now. some of us have to get up early.
quote of the day:
“Why is it that demons never have anything good to say? It's all 'Soon you will die' and 'Hell is coming' and 'Beware your doom.' Never just, 'Seasons Greetings from the Underworld!'"
i dont know, but its hilarious in a really odd way.
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Wednesday, May 31, 2006
first day report
as i said yesterday, i got the job. certainly not the most fun by any means, but better than waiting tables, checking groceries or flipping burgers. i spent a grand total of 2 hours and 45 minutes actually in the office yesterday. the rest of the day was spent learning my way around the city. most of the places today, i knew where they were. they were near enough to other major landmarks that i know for me to find them without too much trouble. today is supposed to be a relatively easy day. relatively, as in my delivery runs may not take the full 2-3 hours. and maybe this time i wont have 50 lb (~25kg) boxes to haul. at least there were no stairs.
have tkd tonight. since liana leaves for ten days on friday, we wanted to do something after. at first we thought dinner, but then we thought "hey, x-men 3 is out. lets go see that!" when i asked my mom, she said she was alright with it, then the conversation went as follows:
mom: are you taking any clothes to change into?
inu: not sure. probably not.
mom: well thats going to look weird.
inu: yeah, but at least you can be sure we wont be mugged.
mom: there is that.
i was so terribly amused.
quote of the day:
“When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take a step into darkness of the unknown, we must believe one of two things will happen: there will be something solid for us to stand upon, or we will be taught to fly.”
inspirational one today.
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
good news/bad news
had much fun at the lake with liana, as always. swam, played with neighbors pets, went out on the party barge, watched movies, etc. the usual lake fun-ness. the water is still a bit cold, but that really doesnt matter. the sun was warm enough if the water got too cold. we took my dog, oreo, out on a raft. he wasnt pleased with us. (he hates water) one of the neighbors has two cats, tommy and tita, and we played with them for over an hour. some other neighbors have 3 chesapeake bay retrievers, gypsy (daughter), ally (mother) and jesse (grandmother). we played with them for a long time, and it was fun. we were both drenched afterwards, but it was fun. and there are all the other dock-dogs: oreo, zeus, gidgit, parker, rerun, etc, that are always around. it rained a lot yesterday (memorial day) tho. no fun.
no new art as of yet. i failed to force liana to hold still so i could use her as a model for a realistic pic. i shall try again at some point.
now for the good news/bad news.
good news: i now have a job. im the delivery driver for my dads company, and driving around all day isnt near as bad to me as sitting in a desk or bagging groceries. its $8/ hour, 8 hours a day, every day. you do the math. thats not bad for a college kid, eh?
bad news: 8-5 every day is not at all what i had wanted. nor did i really want a job that was intense physical work. mind you, i can do it, but i dont enjoy hauling 30 lb boxes up stairs. also, i cannot take off early, i cant miss days, i cant have vacations. ever. at all.
more good news: no nights or weekends. ever. i can do 8-5, so long as im given my nights and weekends.
so thats where things stand. i start today. sadly, its supposed to rain all week. >p more on that as things develope.
quote of the day:
"A warrior stays to fight...even when the hope has left." -Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
what? i like hiei quotes. they always have a good meaning or some morbid humor.
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Friday, May 26, 2006
goings-on in the world of inu
posted art. go look.
going in for a job interview today. its at my dads office (awkwardness there aside) and is a full-time job. not what i had planned, but no one else is calling me. the position is delivery driver and all-around gopher. what fun, ne? heavy manual, whooo. there are perks, however. no nights or weekends, and $8.00/hr for 40 hrs a week. thats not too bad for a summer job. going in this morning, doing some morning deliveries. out by 12. then going to the lake for the weekend. always fun. lianas coming with us, s that will be amusing as always. leaving this afternoon, coming back monday afternoon/evening.
quote of the day:
"Eat a live toad the first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to
you the rest of the day." –Unknown
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
once more
sad, isnt it. i ask for art ideas last post, and today i pop in to say "i didnt do any of the suggestions; i came up with my own." enh, my muse is insane, lets just leave it at that. but yes, there is new (sorta) art. i say sorta, because its a redo of an old concept. by old, i mean well over a year. i liked the idea, and wanted to do it again with my new and improved talent (yeah right) please go look and all that jazz.
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
im sure everyone who actually reads my site and/or looks at my art has seen my anthro pics. i do tend to draw canines more, as thats what im best at, but im trying to broaden my horizons, as it were. i always have fun drawing lesser known species (such as the aardwolf and bat-eared fox). i think it could also ebe interesting to draw some extinct species (such as the smilodon and taz tiger). im trying to put together a little list of other creatures (real or fantasy) that are lesser known and/or extinct that i could draw. so far, i have one. (im good at this, arent i) so if you have a favorite obscure animal, feel free to suggest it and you may eventually see my take on it. the one i have in mind is a quagga, in case anyone was thinking that. but really, please suggest something? im stuck in artist hell, really wanting to draw but unable to think of anything. but hey, if you dont have an animal or whatever, feel free to suggest/request just about anything. im always willing to do requests (just ask liana) and will draw just about anything (with some restrictions). like the massive overuse or parentheses?
ok, im done with my artistic pleading for now. but really, suggest something and if i like it, ill draw it. (i can practically guarantee drawing suggested animals) more parentheses! *ahem* ill shut up and leave now.
quote of the day: (admit it, this is the real reason you look at my site)
“Sometimes I think the surest sign of other intelligent life is that they don't contact us.”
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