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Monday, December 24, 2007
merry christmas eve
happy christmas to all, whether you celebrate or not.
 Good Company
and thats all i have to say til christmas day ^^'
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
*happy sigh*
ah its so nice to just not have to do anything. im being so lazy, and its great. really havent been doing anything. watched a few movies, been reading, writing and drawing mostly. done a little christmas shopping. as i said, being lazy. liana and i have been writing a lot. our second book is in two parts, and weve gotten the second one really good. first one wasnt working tho, so were having to rewrite it. unfortunate, and you never want to just scrap 100pgs of writing. but hey, what can you do?
speaking of drawing, ive been intending to do an art trade from dA for a long time, but i got it during exams and just got around to it. its not actually anime, but i rarely put anything on here, and non-anime doesnt seem to stop the wolf-people, so i put it up anyway:
id really appreciate comments, as always.
working on another picture of the villain from part 2 of book 2, but im stuck on a background so no idea when or if thatll be done.
ok then, think thats it for now.
quote of the day (poem):
Much Madness is divinest Sense -
To a discerning Eye -
Much Sense - the starkest Madness -
'Tis the Majority -
In this, as all, prevail -
Assent - and you are sane -
Demur - you're straightway dangerous -
And handled with a Chain
- Emily Dickinson
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Tuesday, December 11, 2007
im done! im done! *cackle and happy dance* all my exams are done, and now i get a 2 month break!!
so, has anyone else here seen "the golden compass"? tis a very good movie. they were remarkably true to the book. they toned it down just a bit, but not much. id definately recommend it.
and now, im going to take it easy and not think for awhile.
huh, wow, ive been here for 4 years as of nov. 24. totally missed that. interesting.
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Friday, November 30, 2007
i won i won! nanowrimo ends today, and i won! (once again, nanowrim stands for "nationa novel-writing month) the goal is to get at least 50,000 words in the month of november, and i did! whee!!!! im nowhere near done with the story, but i got the limit! huzzah!
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007
of art blocks and turkey
aaaaah tis finally thanksgiving break. what a relief. schools been attacking me for the past few weeks now, hence the absence. but now im off for a few days ^^
so! first up, i return with art! huzzah!
...no, i dont know. but its pretty!
and happy early thanksgiving to all here who celebrate it. may your turkey be tasty, and may there be pie.
well that was quick. away!
(why yes, i have gone off the deep end. thank you for asking.)
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Monday, November 12, 2007
ok, this is a new thing for me. im going to study abroad next semester for about 5 months. im going to china, and the airfare alone is easily over $1000 per person. yes, my parents are covering huge things like travel, but i dont want to rely on them for anything but that. hey, my parents are already putting me through college; im going to take care of everything else myself. so! if anyone wants to contribute to the "get inu to china and back alive" fund, id be most happy. ive never done this before, so bear with me. ill try to include examples if i have them.
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Monday, November 5, 2007
hell yeah!!
heres to all those people who think drummers arent required to have any real music skill. yes, i have heard people say that. to my face. while i was holding a pair of sticks. *evil smirk*
kick-ass drum solo
good lord, ive been a drummer for years and this is bloody amazing. then again, i cant play tenors worth crap. but holy geez! see, lookit that. drummers do have to be able to read notes as well as rhythms.
*smirk* never mock a drummer. we have serious arm strength and its a mark of honor if you break your sticks, whether on a drum or on someones head.
yes. this is why i switched from flute. no one hears the flutes anyway, and drums are just more fun (no offense other flute players, you know its true)
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Saturday, November 3, 2007
idle thoughts of an idle mind
just so you know, this is basically an "inus bored and feels like rambling" type post.
so, had those two tests today. ...lets just say i dont want to talk about it. but then i saw a friend and her puppy, so i felt better. hey, cuddling a puppy always helps.
Spent a lot of time this afternoon and evening working on my nano novel. anyone else on here doing NaNoWriMo? for those who think im speaking in tongues, that stands for 'national novel-writing month'. the goal is to write 50,000 words in 30 days. thats roughly 1600 words a day every day. or, you can be like me and throw down 3800 words in one day. id really encourage people to try; its great fun.
after i decided to take a break from that, i went and browsed further through the gallery of one of my favorite artists. heh, for about 2 hours.
alright, heres the million dollar question for you people. how do you take a tough, hard-faced individual and make her look female? this is my daily problem with inu. as you can see: here, here, and here. how can i make it clear shes female? shes meant to be androgynous to a degree, but i get tired of her being called a guy. (to say nothing of what she has to say about this) so...how do you take someone with very sharp, hard features, a very minimal figure, and the lean body of a professional fighter and give her a touch of femininity without totally changing her? i would really like any hints. (comments of 'well just give her bigger boobs!' will be totally ignored since inu binds her chest anyway, and shes accurately proportioned)
well, i just stole two minutes of your life. least i can do is leave you with a quote, ah?
quote of the day:
“If you walk with the grace of a warrior and the confidence of a king, those you do not impress you will intimidate.”
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
happy late halloween to one and all.
i was indiana jones. ^___^
tis a bad week for inu. lots to do, plus two tests on friday. chinese im not worried about. genetics on the other hand....id like that class to go away now.
i should be able to study in peace now, because i finally finished the two books dad recommended to me. two ~500 pg books in a total reading time of about 24 hours across three days. clearly, these were really good books. theyre supernatural thrillers with a backing of hard science. as a bio-major, i was gleeful about this. since i could for the most part identify their genetics procedures and all that as being accurate. id highly recommend them to people who like thrillers and dont mind being forced to lie in bed listening for things that go bump in the night. the books are by douglas preston and lincoln child and are Relic and the sequal Reliquary. really good stuff.
in other news, the winter NYAF contest ends today. i got my entry in about 20 minutes before the deadline ^^' but! i got it in. (what, ive been busy) anyway, here tis. have a look see and tell me what'cha think.
 A Light In The Dark
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Monday, October 22, 2007
oh yeah, the feature thingy
yeah, kinda forgot about it for a couple weeks. i was hoping id get, ya know, more than 4 people. *shrug* ill keep adding people as long as its up. if you want me to put you in it, but you dont have anything up here, give me a link if you have another gallery somewhere. it still stands that i wont feature you until you put this up too (see previous post for details) anyway, here we go:
1.) AceGallager - 
2.) littlemissharriet - 
3.) ElvesAteMyRamen - not yet
4.) Kairi37 - 
whew, thats a heck of a lot of code. heres hoping i didnt mess up anything. feel free to jump in.
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