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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Friday, April 7, 2006
friday at last
cause for celebration? inu says not so. but inu has a rather important test today, so shes of course not pleased about that. first class too. weve been warned that this is the test that usually kills everyone, so im worried about that fact that it doesnt seem too hard. im wondering what im missing. terrible feeling, that. ah well, ive been studying all week, so ive done what i can. anyway, enough pseudo-complaints from inu.
i think were having some famous lecturer in philosophy today. that class really hasnt turned out as i expected, and i frankly dont like it so much. apparently i was terribly mistaken when i thought we might discuss, you know, important current issues in environmental philosophy. but apparently our opinions dont matter so we read what other "professional" philosophers have written and have to argue their points even when we seriously disagree. drat, and here i said id stop complaining.
um...trumpet is coming along nicely. increasing my range surprisingly quickly. have a couple new music books to play around with now. im sure most musicians out there know that beginner books always assume you know nothing about music, so its been frustrationg to be held back to simple little tunes. but the harder things have been outside my range. working on getting that better now so i can play closer to my level. playing beginner stuff after having played music for 9 years is a bit annoying. gah! still complaining. i swear im not trying to.
my weekend is going to be blessedly uneventful. i could use a nice weekend. saturday will be my day to catch up on my drawing. ive only done one since i got back this week, and that is sad. had no time otherwise. so! i shall pin down one of the ideas bouncing around in my head and force it onto paper. if anyone has any suggestions/requests/whatever, feel free to comment. always open to such, with few regulations. aka i absolutely will not draw anything perverted in any way. what? cant a college student defy the stereotypes of her kind and retain some modesty and dignity?
quote of the day:
"He only earns his freedom and his life who takes them every day by storm." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
apathy gets you nowhere. watch time flow past you, and youll wake up one morning to find that you have lost the best years. if you dont wish to face the struggle day in and day out, ill gladly loan you a knife so you can rid the world of your pathetic existance with at least a semblance of honor.
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Thursday, April 6, 2006
learned a new kick in tkd last night. crescent kicks. quite amusing once you get the hang of it. spin crescents were a bit harder and resulted in a great deal of laughter and mockery directed at everyone. tho inu got a great deal of that mockery; doing a partner excersise with 3 students ends up with someone with the instructor, and that was lucky inu. it doesnt help when theres an 8-yr-old kid in the back of the room having fun showing you all up either. tho he shut up and stayed out of the way after the instructor threatened to rip off the kids arm and beat him with it.
get to sleep in, which is nice. have make-up trumpet lesson at 11:45, but i have nowhere to be before that. and yes, i have always had busy thursdays, but i dropped my zoology class, which means no morning lab. any college students will understand about dropping class, but for the rest of you, this is the strategy we call "cover your a** and run" i cant fight that battle in 2 of 4 classes, and i cant risk doing poorly, so i cut my losses and deal with what i have, trying again next semester. that was last week and my pride is still hurling insults at me. so ill get up, likely shower, go to trumpet, go to lunch (sundae thursday!) then go to chem lab. speaking of, i need to get my pre-lab. shall go do that straight away.
more shameless requests for comments, liana and i are putting another story up on our site. our 17th, called "death and glory". more than the others, this one is more focused around inu, giving you a good bit on insight into what her life has been like to this point. that, along with our usual violent scenes which are becoming our specialty and trademark. so yes, we would appreciate if some people would let us know what they think. thanks go out to AceGallagher and Not Listening for giving us the comments we ask for. tis appreciated.
quote of the day:
“Someday your prince charming will come. Mine just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions.”
*chuckle* guys never ask for directions and i find it amusing. no offense guys, i do the same at times. i blame it on my dad for giving me a stubborn streak a mile wide..
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
yesterday was uneventful, as most tuesdays are. work wasnt as frantic as it often is, which was very nice. band was alright. im playing first part on a couple songs this time, which is a nice change. even tho my tone is much better than the first chair girls, she is better at the excrutiatingly fast sections. but she plays piccolo as well so she has to be. im thinking about talking to the director about swtiching sections next year. percussion by preference, trumpet if im deemed decent enough (highly unlikely) liana and i were discussing random instruments wed like to learn. liana choose bugle (she plays trumpet) i choose wooden flute and/or steel drums. it was a fun conversation. ive also determined that non-musician college students dont need to listen to band member conversations. too many things are interpreted badly. if youre a band person, you likely know what im talking about.
just because i can, im going to put the pic i posted on DA in this. a couple people were nice enough to go see it there and say something, but i just feel like sticking it on here to take up space and shamelessly ask for comments on my attempt at "realism" (aka more realistic than anime)

this is herald-mage vanyel ashkevron and his companion(not horse)yfandes from mercedes lackeys "heralds of valdemar" series. read them. they are awesomeness. behold. yeah...
quote of the day:
"You can die at any time, but it takes true courage to live." -Kenshin Himura
*gasp* an actual anime quote.
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Tuesday, April 4, 2006
free day
no trumpet this mornin, so i get to sleep in. have to be at work by 11, but hey, thats still a good bit later than i usually get to sleep. however, i likely wont be able to actually sleep that long; roommate will come back in around 9:30, slam the door, throw down her backpack, and start banging away on her computer. or print something like she did at 8 am this morning. i swear im going to keep some hard object handy to throw at her. i mean, ive walked in on her and her bf both in her bed (no worse than making-out. i would have thrown him out otherwise) but even in those cases where shes obviously not sleeping, im silent. when im obviously trying to sleep, shes no quieter than usual. irritates me. i want to call her on it, yet at the same time i dont want to b**ch at her. but that really does defeat the purpose of "sleeping in".
drew an amusing comic yesterday. didnt get round to finishing it yet. ill do that later when i get off work. started off as making fun of liana for being short (with approval) but then evolved so liana got her revenge. by the way, lianas the only short person i make fun of aside from my roommate. so i dont want any short people attacking me for my closely targetted sniping.
doing laundry at the moment (yes it is after 11) but thats due to some idiot claiming not only both washers but both dryers as well. so i had to wait for over an hour before i could even get one of the machines. finally did and am now waiting for it all to dry. who has that much laundry that it takes 4 loads to do?? how did she have any clean clothes left? i mean really. i wait 2 weeks and start to run out of stuff. does she wait a month or something? or change clothes 3 times a day? they tell us to not take up both washers for a reason. i wont even if both are open. thing i strongly dislike about the whole "community" dorm thing.
quote of the day:
“Artificial intelligence is no match for human stupidity.”
look how the human race is in the process of killing itself if you need proof.
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Monday, April 3, 2006
so soon...
i have a month of school left. slightly more if you count exam weeks. but my last exam is may 8th, so ya. thats a nice thought, knowing that its so close. yes, i do still have the younger mentality of "yay schools almost out!! *counts days left*" but no little kid had to worry about a summer job, or what classes they're taking next year, or housing reapplication, or any of that. i think we all miss the simplicity of kindergarten at some point.
nothing major going on today to my knowledge. usual class schedule and all that. i know i have a chem test on friday; i need to start working on that.
dont you hate it when people try to tell you how to do your job? i got that from a new lady (not student) at work today. she kept trying to tell me to do things her way, despite the fact that my way was faster. and the two stoner boys were there as usual. i dont know if theyre unaware how badly they reek or just dont care, but it does get slightly tiring in a small room. and i dont even know or want to know what theyve been smoking; its nothing i recognize. and i recognize many things because im on a college campus. i have never and will never do drugs of any sort or smoke anything. i enjoy my body working correctly. and if youre a stoner, smoker or drinker and are reading this, ill laugh long and hard when you go to an early grave. and i will not aplogize for saying youre a bloody idiot, because im a bio major and i know exactly what those things do to your body. so i laugh as you murder yourself. have fun with extended suicide. (can you tell im passionate about this? i lost both grandpas and a cousin to lung cancer from smoking and several relations to alcohol-related things. by the way, dont offer sympathy. it wont change anything.) alright, ill stow my soap box for another day.
quote of the day:
“Not only am I disappointed, inside I am laughing at you.” –Puzzle Fighter
interpret my meaning as you will
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Sunday, April 2, 2006
as i said yesterday, i put up art. 3 are here, one is on DA. the link to that 4th one is in yesterdays post if youre too lazy to go to the link in my profile and find it yourself. so yes, theres that. comments on those please.
have to work today, which is too bad. gets annoying to have to work on sundays. tuesday doesnt bother me so much. because its not the weekend i suppose.
i think im developing an odd reaction to soft drinks. been getting ill after having them for a few days. trying to see if theres any other connection. i dont drink sodas much, but i do still like them.
this has been a fairly uneventful few days i guess; i dont have much to say on here.
quote of the day:
“People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought
which they seldom use.” -Soren Kierkegaard
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
new art stuff
posted a total of 4 pics while i was home earlier. only 3 are here; the 4th can be found here. have fun with all that and give me feedback, as usual.
spent the night at lianas last night, which was fun as usual. we actually didnt do that much. played some video games and pool. drew a bit. sadly, i forgot to post what liana drew as i had threatened to. the simple explanation for why inu draws and liana doesnt. we took her puppy for a walk today, which was fun. the puppy was happy.
theres a storm rolling in now. im watching the lightning from my room. its really cool. the street lights keep flickering out. just hoping we maintain power here. thats all for today. im now off to amuse myself.
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Friday, March 31, 2006
friday at last
i did absolutely nothing yesterday. it was nice in that i got to sleep in. but it was also very boring. oh well, things start back up now.
i guess its a lie to say i did absolutely nothing. i drew, working on my semi-realism. any of you here read mercedes lackeys "heralds of valdemar" series? and of those who do, have you read "the last herald mage" trilogy? if you have, then you know who herald-mage vanyel ashkevron is. i drew him and yfandes, because theyre awesome. if you have no idea what im talking about, go find those books and read them. they are awesome incarnate. or, you can just be lazy and wait until i can post the pic itself. tho then you lazy people still wont know, because im not likely to post it on here since its fa from anime. even if you go to DA, you will still sadly have no idea who they are, really. which is sad. for you are missing out.
well, thats all really. like i said, there was nothing yesterday. and i dont know of anything major going on today.
quote of the day:
“I'm a nice and happy person. I'm nice enough to offer mercy, and I'm happy to just get rid of you either way.”
see? im not a cruel and angry person. i show that i do know the meaning of 'mercy'. i just choose not to offer any.
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
free day....
nothing today. literally. not even work. which is nice.
had tkd last night and went to lianas place. twas fun. mine and laras forms and side kicks look better now. yay. weve also agreed that kicks are a lot easier to do when you have a target.
liana and i have started uploading our 17th story "Death and Glory". wed appreciate reviews (which you can leave even if you dont have a fanfiction account) i really dont have anything to say at the moment. yesterday was a bit trying.
quote of the day:
"Life is a gift that must be given back
and joy should arrive from its possession
It's too damn short, and that's a fact
Hard to accept, this earthly procession
to final darkness is a journey done
circle completed, work of art sublime
a sweet melodic rhyme, a battle won"
"Evil is no faceless stranger
living in a distant neighborhood
Evil has a wholesome, hometown face
with merry eyes and an open smile
Evil walks among us, wearing a mask
which looks like all our faces"
2 today because of the short post. i just like those.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
i just spent the past 3 hrs shading a pic. liana requested i draw my avi in all graphite. seeing as my avi is hiei, and he wears all black, that freaking hurt. cus when i do black, its black. not grey. so most of that time was spent on the black. the actual shading took maybe 5 minutes. it looks really cool tho. im pleased. my hand, however, is not happy with me. but my hand can deal with it. i shall suffer for my art *strikes ridiculously noble pose* sorry, im better.
normal day today. still no chem. huzzah! i could get used to that very easily. have tkd tonight. going to lianas place actually. ours is closed for the week. going to be entertaining, laras never been there, and im betting the different class format is going to throw her off. (it did me, so i can say that) but ya, were driving down, getting liana and all going to dinner, then tkd. much fun.
not a whole lot to say today. off to go do something productive. whatever that might be.
quote of the day:
“It is a sin to believe evil of others, but it is seldom a mistake.”
thats so true. a very good method to go by.
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