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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
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looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Wednesday, March 1, 2006
*insert witty title here*
ive decided that my roommate is either completely insane or just masochistic. she has a nasty cold, so she cant breathe very well. she decided to use, of all things, pure wasabi to clear her sinuses. worked really well, except that her eyes were tearing for about ten minutes. pure wasabi and a whole lot of it. im surprised she survived. no sinus congestion for about an hour tho, so i supose it was worth it. personally, i would just use normal cold medicine, but each to his own i suppose. still, i shudder at the thought of eating that much wasabi just by itself.
tkd tonight. always happy. a fourth person joined our class last week, and the rest of us could get away with small mistakes since our instructor had to spend most of the time correcting her. geez, i thought i was out of shape, but she was gasping for breath after about ten minutes of doing blocks. which is not hard work in any way shape or form. rather sad, we wonder how long shes going to last.
percussion ensemble last night was fun. tho the teacher kept having to tell me to be quiet. giving inu timpani mallets generally results in great volume ^___^ inu loves playing loud. you wonder then why her primary instrument is flute. i dont like soft and pretty and i hate high pitched noises. why flute then? long story. but that explains why i learn many different instruments. heh, as if trumpet and penny whistle arent as high pitched when i want it to be. yay for music.
inus spring break is coming up soon. not next week, but the next (11th-19th) and im so ready for it. tho i dread the midterms set for next week. curses on midterm exams. acually, im not sure how many ill have. i only know of 1 so far. i may get off easily, but i doubt it.
ok, enough rambling. off to read for a bit and then to bed.
quote of the day:
“Not my responsibility. You should have learned by now that this is a kill or be killed world. If you’re too weak to help yourself, then you deserve to fall.” –Hiei
dont we all love harsh and sarcastic hiei quotes?
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
and now for something completely different...
 You are a Horse! According to Shamans you have the
ability to expand your own potential and
abilities. You are aware of what can be
achieved with patience, but are not afraid to
fight in the face of danger. You are known
for your need to be free and have control.
You are also known for your genuine
friendship and faithfulness.
Which of the 13 spirit animals are u? brought to you by Quizilla
look! its not a normal post! something to break up the monotony.
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free day
free in that i have no academic classes. but i still have work, and trumpet, and band, and percussion. whoo.
inu greatly enjoyed the concert last night. maynard ferguson, for those who didnt see my post yesterday. very impressive trumpet player. granted, he didnt play a whole lot, it was mostly the band. but, if youre playing notes that high in the register, you can get away with not playing much. may tho, the whole group was amazing. i highly recommend the music to anyone who likes big band jazz.
oh, go to lianas site and read her post from yesterday. and comment. she well deserves it.
short post today, very little to talk about.
quote of the day:
“Happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill.” -Johnny Carson
oh that is indeed what we call karma.
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Monday, February 27, 2006
i dont want to have to go to class. geez, in college and i sound like a little kid. pardon my whining.
inus going to a concert tonight. anyone here ever heard of maynard ferguson? insanely awesome trumpet player. happens to be at the college right across town, so inus going to that. ^__^ inu the band geek is most excited.
liana and i realized were on our 17th story now. we started writing a little over a year ago. perhaps we have no lives? ah tis fun tho.
inu sketched today. ihad this bizarre urge to draw inu so you could see the scars on her back. however, thats a bit tricky, seeing as that involves her entire back being uncoverd, which implies some modesty things (for inu DOES NOT draw anything hentai) but i got around it with a clever shirt design. yay for spending time designing clothes for things with wings and adapting it. it looks creepy tho. (if you dont know what said scars look like, go here. tis the kanji on the left and right.)
off to go study for chemistry now and then bed. so what, im in college and i go to bed at midnight. im awake til 3 or 4 anyway. cursed insomnia is coming back again.
quote of the day:
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." -Steven Weinberg, quoted in The New York Times, April 20, 1999
no insult to religious people of any type intended. i got this from a catholic who thought it amusing.
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
boredom strikes again
yesterday was uneventful. i did laundry. whoo. does it seem a bit ridiculous to you that tuition already costs so much, yet they charge you to use the washing machines? that just seems a bit ridiculous to me. i mean, we already pay them so much, cant they give us free laundry?
have work today. enh. sure, i get paid well enough, but who wants to spend 3-4 hours of their day washing dishes? ill take a book and my sketchpad. by the way, i drew a little sketch today. those of you on DA might recognize this:
If Only to Fly
did a little fanart sketch from that. lots of people have; its a very touching little animation.
ive been commissioned by liana (aka threatened) to do ac ouple pics. one of vergil from devil may cry, since i already did dante anyway, and another little humor one involving an amusing translation of the term "butterfly kick" (freaking awesome kicks if youve ever seen them) but both of those require reference for obvious reasons, so ill have to do something else at work. we shall see what presents itself.
ok, enough rambling on my part. off to bed for inu.
quote of the day:
"I have common sense, just not for common things." – Liana
"Then it’s not common sense, now is it." - Inu
an amusing little conversation inu and liana had. does liana have common sense? you be the judge.
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Saturday, February 25, 2006
*head hits keyboard*
dear god its been a long week. inu wants to sleep for about three days straight. ah if only...i dont plan to get out of bed until at least noon tomorrow (its technically still friday here)
geez, you want to know just how bust ive been, i havent drawn anything all week. i cant recall the last time a full week went by without some sort of sketch. just havent had any free time. i may do that some this weekend. i have some ideas...i think...dont know if theyll work or not. but liana has asked for a companion piece to my dante one; shes asked me to draw vergil as well. eegads another realism piece that must equal the ass-kick of the first @_@ oh but the fun and the challenge...i spend too much time browsing DA to not draw. art overload, must let it out before my muse strangles me. now that could make a funny picture.
ok, its been long week, inus needs sleep. off to crash and pass out for as many hours as i can get. (if anyone tells you college is all fun and parties, theyre LYING to you. or theyre going to a crappy state university where it doesnt matter if you pass classes because the classes require no brain cells or effort.)
quote of the day:
“Emotion is a crutch for the weak. One is judged by his actions, not his intentions.”
had a long conversation about the annoyances of "frilly-girls" (to quote bill) at dinner and how they were all emotion no action. and i just like this.
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Friday, February 24, 2006
random update, inu now has 2000 site visits. ^^ thanks everyone
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friday, the saving grace
ah the joy of fridays. teachers tend to leave you alone and if you get any homework, you put it off for a few days without dire consequences. have my final paper for the week due today. finally they will all be done and gone and i can take it easy for awhile.
geez, i dont know if any of you here have anything to do with a serious chemistry lab, but beware the hydrochloric acid (HCl) if you ever do. no, i DID NOT spill HCl on myself. that would be horrific in the way of skin grafts. a little bit of trivia for you all here. i didnt make my character a dog demon just because i like dogs. my senses of smell and hearing are better than anyone ive ever met, so it fits. point of that bit o' trivia, the fumes from HCl are nasty. i literally could not go withint 5 feet of an open container of it. it burned so badly, i swear i could feel my lungs shrivelling. idiots across from us were laughing at me for having a "delicate nose". i was sorely tempted to throw the beaker of acid at them after about 10 minutes of that, but i refrained.
quote of the day:
“When you fall into a pit, you either die or get out.” –Chinese proverb
such a nice way of saying "suck it up and get on with life."
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Thursday, February 23, 2006
cockroaches and acid
((skip first paragraph if youre squeamish))
fun to have 2 labs on the same day eh? spent zoo lab this morning studying the digestive enzymes of cockroaches. with thus involved getting the digstive system out of the roach. which is a very messy job. particularly when your roach is shaking violently as you pull its guts out through its head. it was funny tho, my partner and i were just going about our business, pulling out the guts and chopping them up, and the guys behind us were nearly retching and dropped their roach as it twitched.
chem lab this afternoon, i havent actually read the prelab yet, but i know it has something to do with equilibrium reactions, which involves strong acids and bases. yay for dangerous chemicals.
tkd last night was fun. learned a new kick, thus my roommate and i are sore. heh, our instructor was making fun of me for messing up and kicking too low, so he came to stand in front of me to give me a target. he was quite surprised when my next kick was face level. that was most satisfying.
well, off to kill time until lunch. yay sundae thursady^^
quote of the day:
“Time is a monster that cannot be reasoned with. It responds like a snail to our patience and races like a gazelle when you are out of breath.” -Simon Birch
so inu has felt all week.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006
week is half over. yay. yesterday was mostly uneventful. except for slipping during work and only catching myself by slamming my forearm on the dishwasher. that one hurt. bone against metal isnt fun. and, a bit of happiness, if any of you out there are musicians you may appreciate this. inus been learning trumpet this year, partially at band director request and partially from own interest. so ive been playing for around 5-6 months. up until now ive been playing in the bottom of the register, with middle C being my highest note. today, i tried to hit a middle E, and hit a high G instead. according to my teacher, thats just not the done thing for a 5 month player, so i am pleased.
have tkd tonight, which is also happy. oh, while im on the subject, everybody go wish liana (kairi37) good luck. shes testing for her black belt next monday. (heh, dont kill me for mentioning that liana, you go on about it on your own site) i dont know when ill be testing, likely near the end of march.
well this was mostly a post of random ramblings. (ah alliteration. my english major roommate is rubbing off on me) oh, heh speaking of, the other night, for some reason we were looking at a web site of really bad pick-up lines, and one of them said "if i was..." lara looked at it and said, "wow, if any guy said that to me, i would just shout 'improper use of grammer! fail!' and just walk away." we got a good laugh out of that. heh, more insanity with lara and inu, we have decided what we think our schedules should be our senior year: (note, only one of these is a real class here. but we can wish)
-Evil (philosophy 499) [real one. seriously]
-World Domination (poli sci 499)
-Sarcasm (english 499)
-Pyrotechnics (chemistry 210)
-Ninjutsu F99 (PE)
doesnt that sound fun?? ah if only...ok, ill shut up and go finish my paper now.
quote of the day:
“There’s nothing that can’t be solved with a choke collar and a cattle prod.” –Cumming
this was my highschool AP world history teacher. liana gets him next year. he is the most awesome teacher ive ever had. and yes, he is talking about teaching bad students. *chuckle* yay for cumming.
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