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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
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looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
first day of classes
first day back, and not bad overall. zoology is going to be fun. dr dearolf wanted us to meet people, so she had us all pick random jars of preserved organisms and find the person who had the matching jar. we had to introduce each other to the class. it was amusing. my partner and i had giant centipedes.
chem II is going to be insane. my teacher is a freaking drill sergeant. but shes hilarious. she warned us that if we werent sitting next to someone, she would assume we were insecure and make us feel better by asking us lots of questions. glad i was sitting with a friend. and she gave us homework. gr.
environmental philosophy didnt happen. 4 of us showed up in the classroom, and no one else came, including the teacher. we dont know what happened, seeing as there were 4 of us that obviously missed something instead of just one, but we asked another teacher there and he had no idea. so well figure out what happened on friday.
african novel looks like its going to be very interesting. most of the books well be reading are from the colonial period, so thats some heavy stuff. i really dont know much more, and wont until we start reading.
so ya, thats about all for now. have my zoo lab tomorrow, which isnt even a full lab. and tomorrow is sundae thursday!! (ice cream sundaes at lunch) ^____^
quote of the day:
"There is no psychiatrist like a puppy licking your face." -Ben Williams
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*evil chuckle*
 Which Egyptian god/goddess are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Sekhmet, goddess of vengence and war. She was sent by Ra to destroy the human race, but Ra changed his mind and stopped her at the last moment.
thats quite amusing. sounds accurate tho.
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
got all my books today. all 13 of them. yes 13. 8 for african novel, 3 for environmental philosophy, and 1 for zoology. fun. start classes tomorrow, more on that when i actually have them.
ok, since inus at college, that means art will drop off drastically. sad, i know. anyway, thats just basic info.
ok, inus going to try to put a picture here, but as html hates me, well see if it works or not. if it does, ill do that more often.

by the way, id appreciate more comments on the art i posted recently.
quote of the day:(new feature!! i have too many of these to not share)
“When once you have tasted the sky, forever after you walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will ever long to return.” –Tayledras proverb, “Transmutation” (“Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar”)
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and so it begins...
inu is now firmly entrnched back at college. im lucky, and my schedule worked out so i have no classes on tuesdays, so i get one extra day of freedom. have to get my books tomorrow tho. incase anyone wishes to know, this is my schedule for this semester:
zoology 9-10 MWF
chemII 10-11 MWF
environmental philosophy 12-1 MWF
african novel 2-3 MWF
zoology lab 8-11 Th
chemII 1-4 Th
fun, eh? and note, NO MATH!! HAHA!! ^______^
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Monday, January 16, 2006
some FOOL just sent me a threatening and insulting pm WITHOUT CAUSE. the thing started "are you the person who did this, because if you are, *insert persons name here* told me to tell you..." it went on in that vane for quite awhile, insulting and daring to threaten me. my reply was oh so polite. i inherited the ability to verbaylly cut someone off at the knees without ever being rude or using coarse language from my mom. oh its a lovely skill. this idiot threatened to report me, so just to be sure he had absolutely nothing to use against me, i was painfully polite. you know how people can lecutre you so badly you want to melt into the floor, but they dont raise their voice? thats what i did. it was satisfying. and i insulted him in such an intelligent manner, he likely wont know he was insulted. *grin* having a huge vocabulary is amusing. the fool had better reply with an apology, but i bet they wont. if they have the gall to send a rude reply, all bets are off and theyre in for a full verbal flaying. that will be fun, i could go for venting some anger on a poor, deserving soul.
by the way, there are 2 posts below this and theyre important, so read those too.
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a request
buddy of mine by name of sage just got an account on here. actually, hes had it for awhile, but forgot about it. he finally found it again and fixed it up. his username is wiccewind, please go visit and all that. oh, for those who are curious, sage is the winged centaur in my art gallery.
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the art is finally here! rejoice! rejoice i say! for it will be a couple weeks before theres more. ^^ inu goes back to college and thus loses her scanner. anyway! the art is here. there are only 2, for that long wait, but theyre there. so yes, go look and COMMENT PEOPLE!! i dont post pictures for my own health. (liana sees them in person, so wouldnt attack me) i post my stuff because i want to get BETTER. and i can only get BETTER if people give me COMMENTS and tell me what can be IMPROVED. ok? so COMMENT, or liana and i shall raid her CLOSET OF DOOM for weapons and hunt you down. ok? take 10 seconds out of your busy schedule and tell me something. good or bad, i dont care. (tho pointless flames and/or insults will be swiftly and VIOLENTLY persecuted)
have a nice day!
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Sunday, January 15, 2006
a promise is a promise
im writing this with the threat of a demonstration of exactly what lianas taekwondo form does to you hanging over me. anyway, i promised art, and you shall have art. i have 2 pics im working on now. one is finished, and the other is close. these shall be up tonight, i promise.
ones a newer one, that was basically me wresting art from my reluctant muse. (dont you hate it when for the life of you you cant draw worth crap?) the other is an old one that i finally got threatened into finishing. (noting how lianas threats have a lot to do with my drawing? hey, shes scary.) the picture was actually a suggestion from liana in the first place. and it involves her main weapon, so shes quite eager to see how it will come out. i go now to finish up the second, and it should be posted reasonably soon. i shall put another post when both are up.
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
and i return
was at lianas house last night. much fun. her puppy attacked me. again. heh, hes such a happy puppy. granted, the fact that hes almost as big as i am makes being tackled a bit painful.
i got my grades. and the main point is....
yes! i passed calculus!! no more math for the bio major! ever!! HAHA!! WHOO!!! granted, i just passed, but i passed!!! oh that makes me so happy. now to focus on worthwhile classes. ^_______^
due to death-threats from liana, i will be posting art later(tonight or tomorrow). she is most displeased with me for no new art, so i shall fix that. before she comes after me with her sais.
*sigh* tis my last weekend home. classes start again tuesday, and i dont want to go back. ive enjoyed my month off. tho after the first semester from hell, i freaking deserved that break. talk about a baptism by fire. geez. i dont really have to be back until wednsday, seeing as i dont have classes on tuesdays (yay!) but i have wind ensemble and have to move back in and get my new books and all that.
alright, if you made it this far, i applaude you. as your more complaining and a promise of art in the next 24 hrs? sure, that works. later.
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
getting tired of having little to do. yes, i know i should be enjoying it since i have to go back to school in a few days. just wish my last few days of freedom didnt involve having teeth ripped out of my jaw. tho, actually, im perfectly fine. surprising, neh? can eat normally (with little pain. nothing i cant ignore) no pain at all unless im eating. the stitches are annoying tho. trying to leave them alone, but thats hard. they taste nasty too. enh, ignore my complaining. just a bit of cabin fever. even if not for the fact that im still on pain meds and thus cant drive anyway, theres no where for me to go. been reading a lot, watching some tv. mainly reading (theres nothing on tv) thought about drawing, but just dont really have any enthusiasm. ok, im going to shut up and stop rambling/complaining now.
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