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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
day 2
not in much pain, just aching jaws as is expected. been reading most of the day. appreciate the loan of the books, liana. just finished the short story one. been staying in bed, tho by choice not lack of ability to get up. im perfectly normal except for the slight pain. which is nice. dont have a hard time getting up, dont feel ill when i do get up. just staying in bed because i lurk up here anyway, and with liana in school i have no one to play with. anyone here ever had to take penicillin? it tastes disgusting. tho id much prefer that and salt water to infection. but that doesnt mean i cant complain, neh? may try drawing later, have a couple neat ideas. im off for now to amuse myself elsewhere.
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
as id mentioned earlier, i had my wisdom teeth out this morning. im sore, but otherwise alright. (pardon spelling errors, this is a bit harder than usual) just took some medicine, so im hoping the pain will fade a bit. im also hoping i get the feeling back in my lower lip and chin. really not much to say about it other than that.
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inu wont be on until much later (its 12:01 my time, 2:01 myo time) inus having her wisdom teeth out later this morning, and thus will be otherwise occupied until much later. aka i wont be back until im fully conscious and able to sit up and type coherantly. im guessing that will be around 7 pm. joy. anyone else hate the idea of being drugged out of your mind? i just dont like being incapacitated for any reason, especially for a greater length of time. and no, before anyone comments with "oh dont worry, youll be fine", i know ill be fine, and im not worried. just making that clear before im flooded with that type of comment. anyway, not allowed to eat or drink, and im thirsty. that really sucks. well, off to convince myself that i dont really need water right now. back with complaints later.
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Monday, January 9, 2006
busy day
geez ive been on the run all day. ive been from one end of this county to the other, and even into the next. end result, my grandma now has a dog. shes been wanting to get a small dog, because she lives alone and wants the company. so we got her a male lhasa apso named rowdy. hes 3 and is absolutely adorable. hes really sweet, so were not worried about him barking or jumping or anything. we hope everything works out for both of them. and inu got to play with him for 2 hrs. ^^ inu was happy.
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mwahahahaha!!! fear me!!!

What Demon Class Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
looking over my friends list. i have X number of people on there, but only actually talk to/visit a few. so, im deleting people who never come here and whos sites i dont get to. so, if you happen to come here and see your name no longer on your list, say something if that bothers you and ill put you back on. but i have far too many people on there whom i never talk to or hear from.
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yay nature!!
oh liana and i had so much fun. went out hiking, which was awesome. even tho its winter, it was still beautiful in the woods. it was mostly pine where we were, so it was still green. we hiked up to the top of a cliff where my dad and i have been going for years. you can see for miles from up there. trees stretching to the horizon. an amazing thing. and not another human in sight. even better. we had lunch up there and then came back. liana came and stayed the night here, which is always fun. we watched "rat race", and im not sure what to think of that. really didnt do that much otherwise. tried to come up with something for me to draw, and failed miserably. thats about it.
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Friday, January 6, 2006
inu and liana get to go hiking tomorrow. whoo! much joy to be had in getting away from humanity. anyone else hate "civilization" as much as we do? anyone else think that the human race is slowly destroying itself by destroying the rest of the world? suppose most arent as much of environmentalists as liana and i. but hey, we enjoy being able to inhabit this planet, and would appreciate if the rest of our species would stop destroying everything so we could all actually continue to survive. pardon the cynicism, i hate the human race. when everyone dies in nuclear war, liana and i will be able to retreat to the forests and survive quite nicely. so ha. anyway, the point of this post is that im most excited to be able to get back to the woods tomorrow. only a day trip, but dad and i really dont have the equipment to accomodate a third person, and with the burn ban in the area we couldnt have a fire anyway, which ruins the fun. so yes, details on that tomorrow evening.
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
art posted
got a request from fire apparition to draw her character esmerelda and gaara. just posted that a bit ago. catch is, ive only seen naruto a few times, and gaara wasnt in any of the episodes i saw, so i had a wee bit of difficulty. so i apologize in advance for any mistakes. so if you comment, please dont bash me for little mistakes for that reason.
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
ah the boredom
yes, inu has been drawing again. not much else to do. so yes, thats posted. go see and comment, as usual.
inu is sad, liana must go back to school tomorrow. i still have over 2 weeks free. inus not going to have much to do during the day now. well thats a lie. i have a book that i havent gotten around to yet. and of course more drawing. my conscience, aka liana, has been pushing for art. she raves about my drawings (as im sure youve noticed) but im glad to oblige by continuing to draw. im going to draw a lot this week, for i will be unable for a few days next week. (wisdom teeth out, oh joy) drawing on heavy pain meds likely isnt the best idea. tho that could result in great hilarity. we shall see. anyway, go see my newest picture and leave comments. (hint: i value comments more than votes)
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