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the back of beyond
Member Since
assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, January 2, 2006
gah again
i post stuff at odd times. once again, my last post was just too early to appear today, so im reiterating, i posted a new pic. any astronomy people will appreciate it. tis three dragons, ill leave it at that and let you figure it out for yourself.
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Sunday, January 1, 2006
happy new year
whoo stayed up all night. what fun. actually, didnt plan to be up all night, but lianas dog kept attacking us (i was staying at her house last night) and inu has something and has been coughing a lot, so inu couldnt sleep. not fun.
as always when i make a post, i have art. did it last night at lianas and finished it up a bit ago. go see and comment, as usual.
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
 Raw evil score: 62.22%
look! its not a post about art!
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Friday, December 30, 2005
well then
my last post was just a few minutes too early to appear today. simply put, i posted another picture and want feedback.
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
once again
i have posted art. messing around with positions and perspective. but a fun one overall. so, as usual, go look and give me feedback.
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so bored
yes, the problem that arises over long breaks. inu is bored. im not of the age where i get toys for christmas anymore, so i dont have anything to play with.
i want to draw something, badly. but of course, my muse is on vacation. any suggestions? anything? something? you people know what i can do and enjoy drawing. *twitch* i need something to do before i go insane (as if that hadn't happened years ago)
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
yet more art
think i draw enough? well i have a bunch of free time, and little better to do. so yes, i posted another picture. and its another of my odd creatures. remember the wolf done centaur-style? well this is like that, only this one is a leotaur (lion centaur, for those who dont know their terms) an experement to force inu to learn how to draw big cats. his face is still a bit off, but i got the body pretty good. (oh the joys of referance pictures) cat faces are so hard to draw. i want to draw the muzzle longer and more narrow (aka like a dog) basically, inu draws dogs too much(gee wonder why that is?)and cant do much else animal face-wise. but ya, go look and give me advice of how to fix it. oh, for those who hadnt guessed by now, my scanner is crappy and makes everything much lighter than it really is. so a lot of subtle shading doesnt show up, along with anything lightly colored in the original. so, that in mind, go look.
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Monday, December 26, 2005
oh the amusement
liana and i have the most random ideas. weve decided t do a year-long fanfic, writing on chaper a month focusing on the major holiday that occurs during that month. holidays with the demons, what fun. ^^ we just finished and posted the first chapter, christmas (a bit late, but deal with it) its going to be a collection of little short stories, compliled into one big story. so yes, for a random yet hilarious short story of mayhem and holiday cheer, go read it.
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Sunday, December 25, 2005
and im back
hope everyone had a merry christmas. my day was alright, but had a bit much of family time. we always go to my grandmas for lunch, and spending 3 hrs there is a bit much. been a slow afternoon, other than that. got a new book that ive been waiting for, "High Rhulain", by brian jaques (freaking awesome author. i love the redwall series) its short, only about 340 pgs. so i read that, took a few hrs, but it was just one of those you cant put down, ya know? id highly recomend it, whether youve been introduced to the redwall world or not. hm...what else? in addition to that, i got a couple dvds, another book, a dragon calandar, a couple sweatshirts (mine is a bit ragged), a whole heck-load of chocolate, some money/giftcards as my family doesnt know what else to get me, and a new cell phone. the barnes and noble gift cards make me most happy. as does the chocolate ^^ heh, the phone was my parents idea, theyre sick of my old one cutting out when theyre trying to talk to me. i dont need or use a phone, but if they want to give me one, i wont complain. guess that about sums up my christmas. im off to draw now, once i can think of something to draw ^^' (isnt that the hardest part of drawing??)
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merry christmas!
merry christmas to all, whether you celebrate it or not. and it is officially christmas here, it just hit midnight. just posting to say that. may be back again later with tales of family oddness and such.
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