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assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
put a new pic up. it started as an experiment with a slightly different style of drawing inu and a new weapon. but it ended up being terribly bloody and violent. so yeah. keep that in mind if you go look at it. if you cant handle blood and dismembered bodies, dont go see it. i wont put up with people yelling at me for drawing violent things. if it bugs you, dont look and dont complain to me.
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Monday, December 12, 2005
*dances around* its over!! and im still alive!! i survived exams with my mind and wits intact. and now i get a month off. ^___^ inu is quite happy now. whooo!!!!
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loosing sanity
hi. this is inu. no, the real inu. my human counterpart who uses my name went insane awhile ago. ah the advantage of two personalities in one body, ne? while she raves incoherantly, you still get to hear about whats going on. we're finishing up exams tomorrow, and have been studying for the past 48 hours. you can get so much done when there are two of you to split the work load. calculus first in the morning, then chemistry in the afternoon. then we get to go home for a month. going to be a long day though, too much math at one time.
pardon me a moment..............*whack*
stupid human doesn't know when to shut up....*sweet smile* she needed some sleep anyway. i didn't hurt her too badly.
well, i'm going to take advantage of this bit of quiet and alone time to start packing up crap to take home. (oh, if you think i'm crazy, that's just too bad. it's hard to tell usually that there are two of us in one body, because we tend to be alike.) on that note of likely scaring a bunch of people, i'm out of here. much to get together so we can go home soon tomorrow.
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Saturday, December 10, 2005
just posted a new pic. actually did it awhile ago, but just now got around to posting it.
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 What element represents your fighting style? (boy AND girl anime pics for each result) brought to you by Quizilla
very true. however, i dont just attack blindly. i have a good understanding of strategy. i also understand that brute force wont guarantee you can win a fight. speed and skill are far more important.
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
yay home
yes inus home for the weekend. 2 more exams, but i get a bit of a break now.
and i just posted a new pic. its AceGallaghers character ace. hope its good ^^ anyway, go see and comment.
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snow?! o_O
yes! snow in central arkansas! in december instead of february! oh god the world is coming to an end! on the other hand, snow on a college campus tht almost never gets it is entertaining. but it makes getting from one building to another a bit of an adventure.
inu has an exam in a bit (2:00) and then she is coming home, for she does not have another until monday (chem and cal >_<) yay for coming home and regaining a smal measure of sanity before i must face the evil that is calculus. (eeeeeevil!!!) my roommate took it yesterday, and came back saying she had been raped by calculus and now carried its bastard derivative child. (it was actually rather funny) were both planning on having a nice "burn all that has to do with this class" celebration once its over *evil grin* oh the pyro is in on that one. enh, i should work on preparing for the huge essay on this coming test. curse it.
oh, there shall be art tonight. only 1 tho. i have 2 more, but one of those is just pencil, and im not risking my scanner messing it up, and the other cannot see the light of day on here, because someone whos christmas present it is cannot see it until i deem it time. ^^ (sorry liana)
now off to study like the *good* little student i am. ^^
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
one down...
just finished my cell bio final. geez it was long. 15 pgs. took me an hour. wasnt too hard tho. studying for journeys in a bit. its basically a lit course, and only one part of it is cumulative. and we have the essay questions in advance. so yeah, wont be hard.
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Monday, December 5, 2005
and it begins....
let the weeks of hell begin. yes, exams start wednsday. today was the last day of classes, and tuesday is a dead day. heres my schedule:
Bio- weds 2-5
Journeys- thurs 2-5
Calculus- mon 8:30-11:30
Chemistry- mon 2-5
oh what joy. luckly, bio and journeys wont be hard. but cal and chem in on day is known as student abuse.
geez, i hope no one walks in right now. they might start to wonder if they walked in and saw me sitting over here at my desk with a sketch and my comp, working on both, and with a candycane sticking out of my mouth. (such manners eh?)
ive been working on a portrait of my parents for them for christmas. ill frame it and make it all pretty when i get home. thanks to AceGallagher and ElvesAteMyRamen for the hints on portraits. twas very helpful. so i have a joint present for my parents, meaning i dont have to go hunt for anything. huzzah! so i have one more gift to get, but i know what its going to be and where to find it. (yes liana, im talking about yours. going crazy trying to guess yet?) hehe im so evil.
(note the lack of studying for exams here. hey, thats what the dead day is for.) ok, im off to do something productive.
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Sunday, December 4, 2005
utter randomness
yeah, this is going to be a rant against many things just to warn you now.
first off, inu woke up ill. again. damn exam stress... only good thing is that i dont have to work. but still.
next rant subject: exams. im going to lose it. granted, i only have 4 exams, but still! i have my 2 hardest on the same day (which is a monday to boot) i just want them to be over so i can go home and stay there for a month.
third and most random rant topic: showers. an honest question, is the average height of college girls under 5'3''? cus in the bathroom on our floor, 2 of the 3 shower heads are below eye level for me. its rather annoying to have to duck just to get your hair wet. (yes liana, i know you think im unnaturally tall)
oh, this isnt ranting, its a request for advice. any artists out there have any advice for drawing realistic portraits from a picture?
alrigt, thats all for now.
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