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assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Thursday, August 23, 2007

What Is Your Anime Fighting Style?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
Cheer up silly Liana.
quote(s) of the day: the high school edition
If life gives you lemons, make grapefruit juice and sit back and let them wonder how you did it. – Katherine
Holy Jesus on a pogo stick! Boing boing bless me! – Cat
Well, first my car blew up, so I had to run from the drug-lords. Then I had to shoot a bunch of people. And then I giggled for 15 minutes. – Laura
You should leave now. Running for your life is so dorky. – Stacy
I made a full 380 degree turn. Wait…. – Hollis
i had odd friends in high school. have odd friends in college, i just havent been stalking them with a quote book.
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
we have a new school year. classes start today. first class is at 9:45, so i get to sleep in a wee bit. have 8am classes 3 times a week though. not sure if ill have to add a fourth class or not this semester. depends wht my scholarships say. hoping theres a loophole so i can get out of it.
those of you whove seen my art before will have noticed a few common themes. many of my drawings involve violence, flight, fire, or general calm dignity. with the occasional humor thrown in. last night however, i decided that was enough of that, and that it was high time for some pointless gratuitous cuteness. this urge spawned a picture of such sugary sweetness that you should be forewarned lest your teeth rot from the very mouth in which they sit. i present to you a cute and fluffy puppy:
 Playroom Hosted By
puppies with stuffed animals is a winning combination.
quote of the day:
"Happiness is a warm puppy." -Charles Schulz
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
so im back at college. moved in this morning, and have everything mostly put up now. im in a different dorm this year, and have the same roommate as from my first year. theres a lot more storage space, and the room really doesnt seem too small. ive got a mess of cords shoved into the back of my desk, but its fairly neat otherwise. classes dont start til tuesday, so we still have a day to get settled back in. heh, my poor roommate had her student id stolen in mexico. so she cant get into the dorms until she gets a new one. so far i havent found anything i forgot. and, to make it all better, my mom brought a bag full of chocolate and cookies ^^ i love my mommy. well, just a brief update.
quote of the day:
“All the world's a stage and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.” -Sean O'Casey
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Thursday, August 16, 2007
it nears the end
well, summer vacation draws to a close. poor liana started back today, and i move back to college this sunday. classes start tuesday. im of mixed opinions about it. i am looking forward to seeing my friends, but at the same time, its school. ah well. im going to enjoy my last few days as much as i can.
naturally, part of that involves drawing. surprisingly, i havent been drawing that much. well, i have, i just havent been finishing/uploading any of it. however, liana and i recently came up with a really odd but terribly amusing idea. youve all heard me raving about the 'heralds of valdemar' book series by mercedes lackey. ive gotten liana totally hooked on it too. shes 2 novels and 2 anthologies away from finishing the whole series, and we were talking about some of the books. she asked out of nowhere, 'i wonder what inu and liana would look like in the valdemar world?' naturally, i had to draw this. if you havent read the books, and dont know what i mean by 'companion', 'herald' or 'tayledras', then the picture wont be as amusing. if you get it, then i applaude you. otherwise, well its a pretty picture of inu and liana basically cosplaying.
 Magic Hosted By
well thats about all i had to say. have a nice day.
quote of the day:
“When it hurts to look back, and you’re scared to look ahead, you can look beside you, and your best friend will be there.”
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
lake time
the heat and humidity has been climbing, and its now a typical southern summer. meaning, its as hot as hell outside. since this weather is good for nothing but being in the water, dad and i are escaping to the lake for the weekend. nice long weekend, and the last one that ill get to enjoy before i have to go to school. so ill be off until sometime sunday. hopefully i shall return with art, because i have no life.
has anyone here read the silmarillion by tolkein? ive started it, and im wondering if it picks up at some point. the first 50 pages or so are pretty dull. just wondering.
also, liana has made another wallpaper, and you should go see it. her projects get better and better as she learns more about photoshop, and she seems to be one of the only ones on here who doesnt just take a single picture and maybe slap the characters name on it. she actually takes the time to make something. heres her most recent one, but you should go see the rest shes done.

ive already snatched that up as my background.
quote of the day:
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking. -H. L. Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy (1949)
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Sunday, August 5, 2007
a brief pause
well, my mom left for the caribbean. (girls weekend with college friends) so dad and i are left on our own for the week. we have no plans, since dad works. we hope to get away to the lake next weekend though. we watched '300' tonight, since dad hadnt seen it yet. he loved it, as expected. its a great movie (if serious violence doesnt bother you)
man though, our a/c was on the fritz earlier, which is bad in the dead of southern summer. it was over 100 degrees today. amazingly, someone actually came to fix it today. unfortunately, the unit is leaking freon, and will need to be replaced. its 18 years old, so thats not terribly surprising.
i mentioned in my last post my tendency to draw bizarre characters/positions. ive been having these random stories pop into my head, with the main characters stopping by to explain. darkstar the sunifee was the first, and it led two others, sunsoar and nightsinger, to me as well. now, ilani, an erda, has popped up. she in turn brought harzir, a second speaker, and jindo and nasir, a starship commander and second, to bother me. somehow its all tying in and these two races are meeting each other in space. this is most random, and theyre not letting me get details straight before moving onto something else. weird aliens....i may explain some more about them, or write some exerpts from their stories if anyones curious.
quote of the day:
“Trust is earned, not given. What is given only shatters. What is earned can be taken away, but trust will not break. Do you trust me? Some things can only be seen when you’ve lost everything.”
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Saturday, August 4, 2007
taken from ace and yami.
Two Names You Go By:
1. real name
2. inu
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. tshirt i made (doesnt play well with others)
2. cargo shorts
Two Things You Would Want/Have in a Relationship:
1. loyalty
2. humor
Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. draw
2. read
Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. cookies
2. a new book
Two things you did last night:
1. doodled
2. watched tv
Two things you ate today:
1. ramen
2. shrimp
Two people you last Talked To:
1. mom
2. dad
Two longest car rides:
1. arkansas to orlando (20+hrs)
2. arkansas to gulf shores (8+ hrs)
Two Favourite Holidays:
1. christmas
2. thanksgiving
Two favourite beverages /drinks:
1. coke (ie: most sodas)
2. chocolate milk (yeah, im in college...)
well that was briefly amusing.
im officially unemployed now, had my last day of work yesterday^^
ive also determined that i have a bizarre habit of drawing anatomically bizarre poses/characters. whats really weird is that im actually able to get such things out of my head and onto paper. im also suprisingly good at making up new cultures. yeah, im one of those crazy artists that no one can figure out. and now im rambling. there was no real point to this post, as you likely noticed. ill leave now.
quote of the day:
"Judge me all you want, but keep the verdict to yourself.”
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Tuesday, July 31, 2007
fun stuff
i ran out of creative subject lines years ago.
anyway, i come with a few things for your amusement. first off, the one fewer of you will care about, i have a new picture on dA.
second, liana and i found some hilarious anime videos on youtube.
Dude looks like a lady-anime style
Its Raining Men (various animes)
both are hilarious. (and copyright to their respective creators)
what else do i have... ah yes. for those budding artists out there who struggle horribly with anatomy (human and otherwise) i suggest taking a look at the work of mca hogarth. (looking, not copying.) her website is here. my anatomy drawing has gotten a lot better just from looking around her gallery, and her art is just cool. (yes liana, i know you dont like her stuff. you dont have to mention it again.)
still on the topic of art, im wondering if anyone here is interested in art trades (other then the two people ive done one with). ive gotten a couple on dA, so i was wondering if anyone here was interested. (art trades involve both people drawing something for the other. dont ask me to draw something for you without offering something in return. i dont do requests except for close friends) i prefer original characters to existing ones, just because i dont know too many animes, and drawing fanart of characters i know nothing about is kinda pointless.
ok, im done now.
quote of the day:
“When someone goes insane, they don’t lose their mind, it just becomes something more entertaining.” -George Carlin
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Monday, July 30, 2007
oi, there was bedlam at the vet this weekend. absolute, barking, furry bedlam. i had both shifts on saturday (7:30-12, 8pm walk) and the 8am and 8pm walks sunday. not usually a problem beyond getting up early. however, this weekend we had, i kid you not, 28 dogs, 6 cats and a bird. the place can hold at max 40 animals. we had 5 empty cages, and a dog in an exam room. and of course they all start howling when they hear the door open. i do not recommend going into a room with nearly 30 barking dogs as a way to wake up in the morning. several of them are spastic and should not be boarded at a place that uses cages instead of runs. (its doggie jail. literally)
on top of that, one of the many cats was diabetic and had to have insulin shots twice a day. didnt help that the cat was blind and really pissy. and the bird that we have in is evil. something about that thing really bothered both liana and i.
to make it all better, i only have two more days of work! ^___^ weds and fri, and then the summer job is over! yaaaaay! but then school starts (no! that-which-must-not-be-mentioned!)
with that, i present another tangent. anyone else here read harry potter 7? no, i will not give spoilers, and i wont leave spoiler comments on here. if you have, what did you think? i liked it, and thought she did a great job of wrapping up all the loose ends.
quote of the day:
Holy men tell us life is a mystery
They embrace that concept happily
But some mysteries bite and bark
And come for you in the dark.
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
just for kicks...

What Kind Of Villain Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
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