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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
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looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
 Schizoid. Have you ever heard of the term "loner"? That's basically what schizoid is. You have weak social skills and you may appear as an empty void. That's because you NEVER talk or show emotion around prople. You are satisfied with life and you never respond to hurtful comments or praise. Unlike avoidant, schizoid people prefer to be alone and this is mostly seen in males.
Lack of emotion in public
Difficulty expressing anger
Low love/sexual desire
Unresponsive to comments
"Whatever" attitude
Absolutely no friends due to lack of emotion and the yearning desire to actually HAVE friends.
What Personality Disorder Do You Have? brought to you by Quizilla
thats mostly true. except the part of friends. i do have friends, not many, but enough. having one friend id trust with my life is quite enough.
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edit again
did manage to get the art up. 2 pics, go see. warning: one is bloody.
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
:edit of previous post:
i know i said art today, but im not finished. we(parents and i) went to a movie, and we just got home. not so sure im inclined to hurry up on this....i have a good reason. ladies, you understand im sure. the ultimate reason to do nothing. so yeah. maybe art today, maybe art tomorrow. well see...
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i just realized, thursday will be my 2-year anniversary on here. whoa! ive been here for some time. i didnt even know this until i happened to glance at the date on my site and saw that it was nov 24 03. cool! there will be some sort of picture to commemorate this event. (aka, ill do some picture and say its for that)
als, there will be art uploaded this afternoon as soon as i finish it.
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Monday, November 21, 2005
oh man....
you guys ever run up against a class you just couldnt handle? ive hit the proverbial brick wall in calculus. seems no matter what i do, i just cant understand it. it doesnt help that ill never use calculus in the real world. who says field biologists need calculus? i have a test in there in a bit, and im going to die. chapter 4 i more or less get, i got help from someone who can actually explain it. but the sections we did from chapter 5....oh lord this is going to be academic slaughter. inu just hopes to actually pass this test. as is, i think my final hope will be on the exam. but god, i have to pass. i cant face this class again. >< but, after this test, i only have one more class, and then i can leave for thanksgiving. oh what joy. i need this break so badly. sadly, its going to be a boring break. liana was dragged against her will to pittsburg (16 hrs from here) for "family time". she wont be home until saturday night(hopefully). enh. oh well, the break is still appreciated.
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
2 more days.....
2 days until my thanksgiving break starts. im soooo ready. i need this break so badly. inus loosing it. by the way, expect a whole freaking lot of art over the next week. ill have nothing better to do.
speaking of art, i just did what i think is a hilarious picture. im sure everyone here knows the stereotypical "anime girl fighter" who wears next to nothing and uses some weapon twice as big as she is that must be cardboard for her to even lift, yes? ok, see, i dispise that stereotype and the absolute stupidity of it. i mean honestly, who the hell would wear basically an armored bra and miniskirt and expect to fight in it? anyway, seeing as mine and lianas chracters are realistic girl fighters (courtesy of lianas knowledge of real fighting and common sense) i decided to draw a comparison to point out the idiocy of these sterotypical "fighters" so, we have your basic pretty girl wearing almost nothing(*twitch* drawing that was painful) and inu and liana on the other side of the page saying: inu-"does she not realize that outfit screams 'kill me!'?"; liana-"thats repulsive". its quite funny. and yes, i know there are people here whos characters are this type of so called "warrior girl", and i hate to break it to you, but if you were ever in a real fight dressed like that, your opponent would laugh at you for some time, and then just kill you. (or rape you, depends who you were fighting) even if this character is a "magic girl", good lord, they tend to use spells like "sparkling light bubbles" or something equally stupid. lets see, compare youre little sparkle attack with, say, inus hellfire or lianas mental torture. whos gonna win that one i wonder?
ok, im done now. but honestly people, if youre going to have a fighter character, dont make them a pansy girl. thats just embarrassing to the real female fighters out there.
{inu, who does not care if you are offended by this post as it is entirely true and you know it.}
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
 Isolated You may be described as solitary. But that's because you prefer your own company. Your happiest of times is where you are away from humanity, with only your thoughts for company. Other people may perceve you as cold and distant and only to people you trust (if any) will you will show your actual personality. Because of this you don't usually go out of your way for a person unless they are close to you. You may think about how to get away to escape your problems.
What's the dark side to your personality? [pics] brought to you by Quizilla
heh, they say this like its a bad thing. why do you need anyone other than those closest to you? no one else matters.
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and again
there is new art. there were supposed to be 2, but i forgot to scan them this afternoon, so i only have one now. (the other was of liana, so i gave it to her. ill snitch it back and scan it sometime) anyway, go see this new one. its not done yet, but still.
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
new stuff
new art up last friday, forgot to mention it. i was in a bit of a hurry. dont put too much weight on these new pics, one is just a 5-min doodle that i thought amusing enought o post, but its crappy. the other isnt finished yet. so ya.
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
oh my day got even better. my cal class was cancelled because we had a big project due today, and dr cha felt sorry for us. so he gave us the day off. ^______^ so, having an extra hour, i went to the band hall and locked myself in a practice room for over an hour. oh thats always fun. but geez, playing three instruments with completely different embrasures in a row is a bit difficult. i pretty much played my trumpet until i couldnt get a semi-high note anymore. ^^' not the best idea perhaps, but it was fun. flute and penny whistle dont reuire effort, so i just played everything i had for those a couple times. such fun. inu loves her music. and now inu goes to draw a picture liana asked for. tis fun to get art requests. gives me something to draw without relying on inspiration. (my muse can be a bit tempermental) anyone here can request something if they wish.
so anyway, im off to entertain myself.
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