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• 2003-11-24
• assassin / mercenary
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• call me inu
• accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
• looooooong time
Favorite Anime
• yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
• pass college, get my black belt before graduation
• lighting things on fire, taekwondo
• music, drawing, writing, things on fire
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, November 10, 2005
�Tell me now! Or I�ll cut you into little immortal pieces!� �Oni mi no Kyo
samurai deeper kyo is great. how many other manga have a crazed demon-samurai threatening an immortal enemy? so amusing. you should read it if you like blood and violence. very entertaining.
ah thursdays are good. they serve ice cream sundaes in the cafeteria. ^_____^ inu loves ice cream. and a mass or=f chocolate makes getting theough calculus much easier. speaking of, i have that class in a few minutes, so sadly i must go.
(ps: in accordance with my post yesterday, this is a reminder for anyone to please go read mine and liana's fanfics. the link is in my profile. thank you)
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
new story
liana has put up the first few chapters of our net story. the link is in my profile and hers(kairi 37). go read and review if you have the time. we would greatly appreciate knowing people actually read them and like them. well, we hope people like them, but we mainly want to know if people read them or not. so yeah, if you have the time, please do that. (if you dont have an account on, leave comments here please)
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
new art
scanned 7 new pics. meaning i now have 104. wow i have no life.
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
went home and ended up so busy that i completely forgot to upload my art. oh well. there be a whole freaking lot next time im home then.
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Friday, October 28, 2005
 Power: You can control and manipulate fire.
Color: Firey red
Personality: Sometimes stubborn and short temperd. A good and loyal friend; a tough and cruel enemy.
Quote: "Fire can bring life, and it can take it just as easily."
What is your Hidden Power? brought to you by Quizilla
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coming home again
music: "into the west" (lotr)
as the title suggests, im coming home this afternoon. and am most glad for this. also, i have 6 pics im bringing with me. *silence* oh, thats right. none of you care do you. well, liana then, if you read this before i see you later, ill show you those tonight.
what are you guys doing for halloween? my roommmate and i are dressing up monday if anyone else does or not. (theres a party tonight, but nothing monday. seems odd to me)
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
You are a warrior and in battle you are able to use your magic to make you stronger, faster and stealthier than your enemy... You are confident and will fight for those you love... You are a very adventerous person...
Instrument: Hands, eyes and mind Special Powers: Can weild any weapon in battle even if not carrying one at the beginning Animal Form: Dragon
Ruling God:Ares
What kind of magic do you posess? For girls...{pretty anime pics} brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, October 24, 2005
had a trip to the heifer ranch this weekend for my explorations class to teach us "global awareness". we stayed in the global village saturday night. (for those who dont know, that means we lived in third-world conditions) overall, i enjoyed the trip and experience. what i did not like was being stuck with a too-small sleeping abg in 30 degree weather and sleeping on an uneven wooden floor. i think i got 20 minutes of sleep total.
my group was assigned the appalations(i dont think thats spelled right, leave me alone) ut we were forced to evacuate and move to the slums because of a nest of brown recluses.
the big event/controversy was over the rabbit. the group in guatamala decided they would kill a rabbit for meat, and a lot of people couldnt stand to see it killed. (if anyone in your group was going to eat it, you all had to go watch) for you animal rights activist or vegetarians, it was quick and painless for the rabbit. it surprised me that people were crying. guess they had never made the connection that to have meat, something has to die. not to be cold-hearted, i dont approve of killing animals, but since we were eating him, it didnt bother me at all. i think a lot of people came home from the trip vegetarians.
possibly more on this later.
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Monday, October 17, 2005
a decision
well, due to the marked lack of concern about whether i post art or not, i decided to stop doing so. however, liana more or less threatened to kill me if i did that, so i shall continue posting. for her sake, not yours. you people obviously dont care, so screw you. for those who do actually comment, thanks, and you are not deemed utterly worthless in my opinion. for those who come, see the post announcing new art, and do nothing, i hate you all. and no, commenting once in a blue moon on one pic counts for nothing to me. and yes, this is a source of great irritation to me, so you get my anger vented on you. lucky you.
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
how many times...
i swear i only say one thing in these posts, but i repeat myself so many times its not even funny anymore. everytime i post pics, i say "go look and comment" yet, of the four pictures i posted friday, i have one comment(at the time im writing this). the only people that comment consistently seem to be liana and sage. why is this? is it so hard to take one minute to let me know what you think? the only reason i put my art up here is so i can get constructive criticizm, and if i dont get that, theres really no point in me posting art, is there? i dont know, i may just stop the effort and just show my stuff to the people who care. give me a reason not to, or ill stop posting art.
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