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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
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looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
im home
and i brought art. i am now up to 97 pics. geez i have no life. anyway, go see those. they are happy.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
 You are an Angry soul. You're mad at the world, get frustrated easily, and ain't afraid to get up in someone's face. Don't hurt me! *runs away screaming*
What type of soul do you have? (with anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
ah yes, very true. i would love to go find someone i dont like and take all my stress out on that poor fool.
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agh im covered in pencil. i havent done an entirely pencil drawing in a very long time. i forgot how it gets everywhere. enh, not as bad as charcoal tho. finished up a collage, which turned out pretty well for my first time doing something like that. despite that...i dont really like it too much. i dont like the composition, but i ran out of ideas halfway through. the shading is passable, and the art itself isnt bad, but for some reason im just not satisfied. know what i mean? just missing something to make it good. oh well, not much to be done now.
i get to come home tomorow, i am happy. guess thats all. later.
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Monday, October 10, 2005
for i am on fall break in a few days. i love short weeks. ^__^ three days of class, only two of which contain the class from hell, then i come home for an actual extended period of time. what a concept!
and, to make up for last week, i have art! nothing like the insane 9 pics of the last update, but three as of now and a concept for a 4th one. anyone out there have suggestions on drawing a collage? ive never done it, and im somewhat leary. but i think itll look so cool.
oh! ever heard of the improve comedy group second city? theyre on campus tonight, and the show is FREE! they know us broke college students well. oh i do love second city. (for those that dont know of them, they came before SNL and who's line, and had a lot to do with bringing about those two shows) whoo! i actually have something to do tonight!
i dont understand why im so peppy, forgive me. ive been ill all day, yet am suddenly bouncy. isnt that odd? gonna go now and work on that collage...later all.
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Friday, October 7, 2005
arachniphobics leave now
i was going out to the garage to get something from my car, and i noticed a large spider web by the door. i saw a spider in the center of it and went closer to see what it was. and what did i see on this large black spider? a very distinct blood red hourglass on it. for those who dont know, it means i discovered the largest female black widow spider i have ever heard of in my life. theyre usually small, this one is as long as the first 2 joints on my finger. (aka twice as big as it should be) in addition to her, i found what was left of her mate. (female black widows eat the male after they mate) i couldnt exactly just leave her there, and i didnt want to kill her. so i found a jar and caught her. once she was very securely in the jar, i swept out her nest and made sure there were no other spiders or any eggs. so now shes sitting (in an upside-down jar) on the counter until i go back to college. im going to give her to my bio teacher. heh, twas a bit nerve-wracking to capture one of the most venemous spiders in the country. and geez she was vicious. tried to catch her and she charged at me. one very angry spider. anyway, that was my excitement for the weekend.
(no art this weekend, im sorry)
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
yes, for once i have happy news of college. well, involving college. lianas comng up to visit this afternoon and tomorrow. shes technically "looking at the college". nah. tho is she is going to be dragged to my classes with me. haha liana will be so lost. anyway, shell get here sometime this afternoon. whoo! drat, must do homework. -__-' theres always something. im off. later.
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Friday, September 30, 2005
there are 9, yes 9 new pics up. go see! and for the love of god people, comment!!! *ahem* later.
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finally i get to come home. going to stay with liana tonight and go back to my high schools football game for the sole purpose of showing up the little kids in the band. *smirk* be ready for an explosion of art. i have 9 pics. (i wont be doing another today, i have no time) lets see...theres: 2 of liana, one of inu, a comic, one of sage, and 4 anthros. i was trying out a new shading technique, so well see how well that worked. and ive been trying to get more intricate backgrounds and characters. heh, ive had some of these posted on the door of my dorm for awhile. only got one comment tho. my RA. to quote, "you drew this? its aaaaawesome!" *grin* so i guess these are pretty good. anyway, ill have those posted this afternoon. im going by my house until i meet up with liana, so ill have time then. so expect some pics before/around 4.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
 Petra Arkanian's:
Harsh, open minded and strong. You're a strong, resourceful person who likes challenge. You are used to winning, and don't accept a loss. You tend to be fierce and smart, and have a quick temper.
In which army should you be? (Ender's game quiz) brought to you by Quizilla
anyone who hasnt read enders game should do so.
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not a good day...
woke up feeling extremely ill this morning. but got up and went to class anyway. by my standards, im not too sick to go to class unless im throwing up. which i havent yet, tho ive felt like it all morning. (sorry, im sure you needed the details) and now im contemplating if i want to go to calculus (god i despise that class with the hatred of a thousand souls) but ive missed cal before...i cant afford to again. but for the life of me i cant understand that class. but i so dont want to go to a tutoring thing. thats just degrading; i never have to do that. 2 more months...then no math classes ever again...
oh, as of now, there will be 6 new pics this weekend. maybe more, depends if i can think of anything to draw.
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