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Monday, September 26, 2005
so people do still come to my site. too bad no one comments at all. is it just me, or is everyone seeing a drop in comments, on sites and art. if its just me, that would be nice to know and ill go elsewhere.
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still alive....
yes, im still here. ive just been busy. calculus is dominating my life, and i greatly resent this. good news is, only 2 more months, then no math. ever again. *cheers* in other good news, im coming home this weekend (one way or another) and i have (currently) 5 new pics. *cheers again* there will likely be more if i have the time. heh, one of my pics (an anthro kitsune-type thing) is posted on the door of my dorm. *grin* we'll see what kind of comments i get on that. but lets see, ive got that, a redone pic of sage, one of liana, a comic, and one of inu. and hopefully more to come. so expect art on friday afternoon. and now off to study. joy...
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
i just took a calculus test. and failed it. utterly. theres no doubt. i would be stunned and thrilled if i managed to pull a C. and if you dont know me, i DO NOT accept C's. so yes. im rather upset about this. i need to go draw something....
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
geez, it really sucks to not have a scanner here. i end up with this big pile-up of art that i want to post. but i have to wait until i go home every couple weeks. for example, i did a redo character drawing for a friend last night, and want to post it so i can show him. (yes a redo. he not only altered his characters appearance, but he changed his characters species from a normal human to a winged centaur) so yes, that and likely many more things will be posted......sometime. im not going home this weekend, and i dontknow about the next. so ya.
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
why do you people vote no on pics without saying why? i mean really, if youre trying to be mean and damage the artists self-esteem, you fail miserably. youre just annoying and idiotic. if you vote no, give me(and other artists) a reason. we want constructive criticism, and "no" votes with no explanation are just irritating. so, if you dontlike my art for some reason, tell me why so i can fix anything thats wrong later.
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new art
sorry i forgot to mention this earlier, but i put 4 new pics up.
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Friday, September 16, 2005
new art coming soon
ive been drawing a lot this week. im coming home this afternnon, so there will be new art today. ill do another update when i get it uploaded, bu tknow that there will be 4 new pics today.
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Monday, September 12, 2005
i seem to mention this ever couple months, but every time i do, nothing comes of it. in my profile(above the banners) is a link to mine and kairi37(aka liana)'s fanfics. we had to switch servers since our other one went down all the time, so were now on fanfiction.net. our stories are centered around our original characters (of which i have done a lot of pictures) and the anime we use is yyh. so, if you like yyh or just happen to like crazy violent stories, go read them. we have 10 posted right now (all of them at the very least 70 pgs) and have another one completed and were writing another as we speak. point is, theyre updated a lot. another reason we switched servers is because we almost never got any reviews. weve been on fanfiction for awhile now, and have a grand total of 2 reviews. come on, our stories arent bad. so yes, if any of you humor us and actually go read them this time, please review or something. its nice to know people actually read our stuff.
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
yay for chimeras. not so sure about the necromancy tho. i prefer pyromancy (or pyrokineses whatever you call it)
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 You have the power of Pyrokinesis!
Your power is to control heat and fire.
You are a great leader but a little bossy and stubborn at times, you put your soul into what you do and someday you will be big because of it :)It would be good if you learned to control this power so you don't go starting fire everywhere.
What is your superpower? (all the amazing pics are girls but i guess guys can take it too) brought to you by Quizilla
haha thats great!
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