Feral Black Wolf
Yikes o.o Someone's a bit...angry. Well ,anyways,
black wolves are partially secluded wolves who
perfer only the company of themselves or their
dinner. They maybe act tough, but only a
portion of them are powerful and will
viciousley rip anything that crosses it's path
to shreads. Not too nice, but protective of
those who have a black wolf's undying trust and
loyalty. Yet these creatures are intellegent,
choosing their friends and allys wisley.
~[What type of wolf are you?]~ brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, September 9, 2005
well, here it is the weekend and im still at college. didnt really feel like going home again this weekend. tho now im thinking i should have. im booooored. at least at home i could hang out with liana. lots of events going on tonight that im dodging, much to the annoyance of friends. right now theres a "foam party". basically what it sounds like. theyre filling the brick pit with foam and having a party in it. id rather not wade through waist-deep foam containing who-knows-what with a bunch of (likely drunk) people i dont know. that doesnt sound fun. and later theyre trying to drag me to a showing of "rocky horror picture show". frankly, i dont care about that movie and am perfectly content to stay in my quiet room and read all night. if the others try to insist again, they will discover the hard way that i will do as i please on my weekends. i did two pics, but i cant scan them until i go home. dont know when that will be, but know that there will be more art. likely more by the time i can get to a scanner.
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You belong in the Anime "Samurai Deeper
Kyo"!!!! You care for the people around
you but don't show it. Any you don't mind
killing, just not in real life. (or so I hope!
{PICS} Whitch Anime do you belong in, & what type of bonds do you have?
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You Are a German Shepherd
Intelligent, quick witted, and a bit aggressive.
You've got the jaw power to take a bite out of
anyone you choose.
What kind of dog are you?? WITH PICS!!!
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i hate having an 8:10 class everymorning. luckly, next semester i only have one of those. have to go to cal in a bit and am lamenting that fact. (cal is evil)
im really bored. and sadly my art inspiration seems to have deserted me. if anyone has suggestions or requests, i will gladly hear them.
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
college mishaps
geez...does anyone else out there dispise calculus? just finished up a huge amount of homework. and i have class in 10 minutes. ^^' the rest of my day is going to be crazy. i have cal from 10:10-11, percussion ensemble from 11-12, biology from 12:10-1, and journeys from 1:10-2. no lunch for inu.
oh man, it was horrible. we have ants in our room. well, "had". theyre dead now. i went on an ant-murdering rampage when i discovered they were in my bed. *twitch* found where they were coming in and drenched them in bug spray and laughed as they shriveled up and died. there were some in the microwave too. i turned it on and fried the little buggers. *evil smirk* so im sadistic, what of it? so yeah, i had to do laundry at 3 am. i threw my sheets and such in the dryer and cooked any bugs that were on there. i can stand bugs as long as theyre not in my bed.
well, thats all to report from the world of inu. later.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005

:The Black Rose:
Mysterious, quiet, and sarcasitc.
What rose color are you? (girls only!) With GREAT pictures! ^_^
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i have no idea why i took this, but its kinda cool.
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Monday, September 5, 2005
home again
yes, im home for the long weekend. but im going back today. over the past week i have done two more drawings, and they are now posted. nothing really to report, college going well. later.
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

You're a Fire demon! You're very tough and
hot-tempered! Nearly everyone fears you because
they know when you get mad, you might burn
them! And no one wants to get on your bad side!
You act just like fire; hot-tempered, and
rageful--and which you also have a warm and
loving side. You are a very emotional person,
and there's no warning of what you're gonna say
or feel. You have a few close friends who
totally respect you, which you do mind. You
also have some enemies, which totally fear you!
Wow! I better stay away from you!
What type of a Demon (Warrior) are U??? AWESOME PICS! (Girls only)
brought to you by Quizilla
want proof of that go look at the pics of my character(aka alternate personality)
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
inu is pleased. theres an anime club here (anime fans underground) and the first meeting is tonight. will definately be checking that out.
in other news, i joined the wind ensemble and the percussion ensemble. also, the director asked if i wanted to learn trumpet, cus we only have 4. so im going to. i have lessons starting today. in 30 min actually. so ya, thats akk there is to report for now. im working on another drawing, but obviously still cant scan them here. so sad. but anyway, know that there will be more art over the weekend.
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