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the back of beyond
Member Since
assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
so bored.................
inu has no life, and thus has nothing to do. and now her parents are out of town for the weekend, so shes home alone except for the lazy a** dog. and sadly, inu has to mow the yard in the morning. she hates mowing the yard, and yes she is aware that she complains of this every time. but this time, inus wrist is sore, and she doesnt want to make it worse. however, the yard must be mowed or soon one would need a machete to get through it. so inus going to hope she doesnt hurt her wrist again. and then shes going to continue with her utter lack of a life. such a exciting life inu has isnt it? and yes, inu is fully aware of the fact that she is referring to herself in the third person. pardon any typing errors, inus wrist is wrapped and she cant move it so her typing is impeded.
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Thursday, July 7, 2005
 You are a Thestral. You are a very sick person and I hope not many of you are a thestral.
What mythical horse are you? brought to you by Quizilla
oh evil is fun
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
 You're cool because you're strong. Not just physically strong, but emotionally and mentally as well. It's not like
you never show emotion but you know how to kick ass in physical and verbal fights. You may come off as
a bit cynical but you're a pretty nice person when someone gets close to you. People adore you for your
strength because it's not so easy to become physically or emotionally/mentally strong. So you're probably
wondering why anyone would want to be in a relationship with someone so strong, dane? Wrong!
Boys and girls want to be your girlfriend/boyfriend because you can protect and comfort them. So you'd run
the relationship instead of visa versa. However, your partner has to be strong too. You may have many friends
but you do enjoy your alone time. Good for you, you'll do well in life. That is if you don't always lose your cool ~_^
Your quote: "Sweet? Where do you get off? Where do you get sweet?
I am dark and mysterious, and I am PISSED OFF! I could be very dangerous to all of you!
And you should know that about me... I AM THE ENEMY!" -I dunno -_-'
Your words: Stength, emotion, trust, protect.
Your clothes: Sort of tight black shirt, indigo straight leg pants, black tennis shoes, and a wrist sweat band.
Your hair: Long, wavy, dark brown.
Your partner has to be: Strong, nice, sarcastic, fun-loving, understanding, smart.
btw if you want a bigger picture of the one above then copy and paste this link to your address bar:
Why are you cool? [for girls+anime pictures+6 outcomes] brought to you by Quizilla
hehe, this amuses me.
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 You are the darkness of death. People fear you because you are oftentimes the cause of others' sadness or anger. This isn't because you desire to hurt people, but because you are bluntly honest and will not lie to someone just to make them feel better. Despite the pain you bring to many people's lives, there is also a spark of light in you: you bring with you a hope for rebirth or redemption.
What Type of Darkness Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
gotta love the blunt honesty.
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
new pic up. a request for liana of her character doing a jump front kick. she showed me the right way to do it and its accurate. i know, i have no life.
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spent the weekend at the lake with liana. it was lots of fun. except that on holiday weekends the amateurs and the idiots are out in full force. you cant stay out on the water for very long, its just too rought. granted, we took my jetski out twice. it was fun, but poor liana has never been on a jetski before. there were a few moments of near panic and death grips on my lifejacket during that. but yeah, it was lots of fun. we were in the water for at least three hrs a day, likely more. heh, it was amusing. we were just floating behind the boat and these guys that looked about my age were a few slips down and started showing off and flirting outrageously. we laughed at them as they did a couple accidental belly-flops and in general made fools of themselves. that about sums up the weekend. general laziness for 4 days. fun stuff.
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Monday, July 4, 2005
 Your word is: Hate. Your heart has been turned to black since you haven't experienced love, or maybe you felt love but got none in return. So if no one else is willing to like you, then why like them? You are now a very bitter soul, trying to find a place and perhaps someone who can co-exist with you. That can be a problem since you tend to keep away from most people and be rude, but maybe someday you will be okay again.
What dark word represents you? (anime pics and 7 outcomes) brought to you by Quizilla
be okay again? thats implying that theres something wrong with me and that i want it changed. wrong. hate is an acceptable reaction when you're trapped with fools. if your hatred is obvious, then they fear you. if they fear you, they leave you alone. it works nicely.
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| You Are? by Osaku | |
| This is about you and me..err I mean you... | | | Name | you dont need to know that | | | Nickname(s) | jigoku inu | | | Age | 18 | | | Hair Color | blonde | | | Natural Hair Color (if different) | i feel no need to change my hair color | | | Eye Color | blue | | | Height | 5'9'' | | | Righty/Lefty | right | | | Innie/Outtie | why? | | | Birthplace | hell | | | Sign | taurus | | | Glasses/Contacts/"I Can See" | terrible vision | | | Birthmarks | one | | | Song that Describes Your life | "my life" - billy joel or "i wont back down" - tom petty | | | Relationships (aww)... | | | Are You In Love | love is for the weak-minded | | | Who Are Your Best Friends | liana | | | Do you Intend/Want to Get Married | im 18, i dont think about that | | | If So, Where | again, i dont think about that | | | Do You Want a Family (kids!!!) | or that either | | | If So, How Many | this is annoying | | | If So, Boy/Girl/Doesn't Matter | it has these pointless questions | | | Aspirations (You go-getter you)... | | | What You Wanted to Be When You Were a Kid | zoologist | | | What Do You Want to Be Now | zoologist | | | Where Do You Want to Live | anywhere other than america | | | Where Do You Want to Visit | i dont know | | | Where Have You Been That You'd Rather Be Right Now | back at the lake | | | What Would You Change About Yourself, Given the Opportunity | no one needs to know my secrets | | | Favorites... | | | Place (Near or Far, it doesn't matter) | my lair | | | Vacation Spot | atlantis resort | | | Shopping Location | barnes and noble | | | Music Genre | acapella | | | Band | rockapella | | | Color | black and crimson | | | Flower | black rose, only because its black. i dont like flowers | | | Smell | a rare steak or other barely cooked meat | | | Shampoo | who cares if it gets my hair reasonably vclea | | | Ice Cream | death by chocolate | | | Website | | | | Car | my dragon jeep | | | Movie | lord of the rings (all three), many others tha are violent and bloody | | | Actor | none | | | Actress | none | | | Holiday | christmas | | | Soda | dr. pepper. and who says 'soda' anyway? | | | Book | far too many to name. i might say dante's 'inferno' | | | Game (Board/Computer/Word/Drinking..It's all good) | dont have one | | | Either/Or... | | | Responsibility/Simplicity/Both(?) | either | | | Pop/Rock/Rap | rock. pop sucks and rap isnt music | | | Work/Play | play of course. | | | Car/Train/Plane | car | | | Cat/Dog | dog | | | Coke/Pepsi | either | | | Color/B&W (photos) | color | | | Tomato/Chicken Noodle | neither | | | Noon/Midnight | midnight | | | Hot/Cold | hot | | | Dawn/Dusk | dusk | | | Books/Movies | books | | | Did You or Do You... | | | Have and Siblings | nope | | | Cry Easily | never. i dont show weakness nor do i have occasion to cry | | | Think You are Smart | i am. need i prove it? | | | Act Your Age | i act older. the rest of the people my age are immature fools | | | Have Any Tattoos | pointless | | | Have Any Piercings | i like my skin intact thank you | | | Have Any Pets | dog | | | Get Jealous | why? | | | Ever Like Boy Bands | theyre terrible | | | Believe in God/Allah/Jesus/etc. | im agnostic | | | Take Criticism Well | depends who it comes from. if i dont like them, they die | | | Have You Ever... | | | Gotten Drunk Before | im not stupid | | | Smoked (cigarettes) | i enjoy my lungs not being rotten | | | Done Drugs (Any) | i also like my brain functioning | | | Kissed a Member of the Opposite Sex | no | | | Kissed a Member of the Same Sex | thats a bit weird | | | Been on an Airplane | several times | | | Been on First Class on an Airplane | no | | | Skinny Dipped | um no | | | Had Sex | im 18! and im not a slut. no! | | | Take this Survgen survey! | | |
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Friday, July 1, 2005
ok, this is just a bit of info. those of you who look at my art, my character Jigoku Inu (white hair, dog ears) is a girl. im rather tired of peole saying shes a guy. i am female, and would not have my character be male. and recently, someone thought kairi37s character was a guy.(silver hair, trench coat) same situation, shes a girl and thus so is her character.
another pet peeve of mine, yes, inu has dog ears and white hair, and the word 'inu' is in her name. but there is no relation to inuyasha. i came up with inu before i had ever seen inuyasha. there are many differences. inuyasha does not have a tail, inuyasha does not have crimson eyes, inuyasha does not wear black and control black fire(which i came u with before i saw yyh). inuyasha is a hanyou, inu is a full-blooded demon(half dog, half black dragon) so you see, there is very little similarity in anything other than hair color and dog ears.
and i swear the next person who says inus a guy is going to be slowly evicerated.
[inu. jigoku inu, not inuyasha]
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
yet another pic. three in one day, i have no life. this one was a request for liana. it turned out really well actually.
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