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the back of beyond
Member Since
assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Wednesday, July 25, 2007
*pops up*
'lo again people. all goes well in the world of inu.
im nearing the end of the summer job. next friday (aug 3) is to be my last day. i want to have a couple weeks off before i go back to college.
some interesting happenings at the vet this past week. for the first time on the job, a dog managed to bite me. i dont especially blame the dog. i do wish hed just gone back into his kennel without a fight, since then i wouldnt have had to try to shove him, and he wouldnt have had the opportunity to grab me. not bad or anything, but it did draw blood and leave a mildly impressive puncture. im not the only one he gives trouble, so he doesnt just hate me.
on a happier note, we had puppies today! a pair of 8-week-old lab puppies (chocolate and black) they were so cute!! yeah, im like any other girl when fluffy puppies are concerned. so i was playing with them and letting them chew on me. ^_____^ puppies!
finally, i come bearing art. the first has been on here for a couple days:
 Gems Of Autumn Hosted By
and the other is on dA:
fun stuff.
quote of the day:
"Your imagination is the one thing nobody can take away from you, no matter what else one may try to take away. Within your mind, you are temporarily free from the rest of the world."
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007
this irks me
so then, my last picture was of my character, jigoku inu, right? (here)
now, im well aware of the assumption here that inu looks like inuyasha. in the same way inuyasha looks like youko kurama, theyre at least partially canine-type demons. we all know that. however, if people can tell inuyasha and youko apart, why is it so hard to tell inu apart from both of them? for one, inus a freaking girl. she has a figure. she just happens to be correctly proportioned for her height and build, so she doesnt look like shes about to snap in half at the waist.
secondly, inu actualy looks like a dog. inuyasha has cat ears and cat eyes. inu has larger ears (based off of my dog) and a dog tail. her pupils are slitted because shes half dragon.
i can understand people mistaking inu for a guy. shes pretty androgynous and wears baggy clothes. heck, shes physically based off of me and ive been mistaken for a guy. (just because a girl doesnt have a huge chest doesnt mean shes not female alright? scrawny girls do not have huge chests.) its the "oh look this character has doggy ears and white hair, it must be inuyasha and im not going to look closer or read the description to find out otherwise" that really annoys me. naturally i appreciate getting comments and feedback on my art, but "nice take on inuyasha!!" comments make me twitch. please do us artists a favor and read the descriptions, thats why theyre there. if nothing else, when the image catagory is 'original anime' you can rather assume its not a character youve seen before. ok. thats my rant of the day. heres the picture that this rant spawned:
 Dog Eat Dog Hosted By
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Monday, July 16, 2007
once again
i was at lianas again for a week. we had fun, even tho it rained nearly every day. got tiring to be cooped up inside day after day. ah well. we surprised my parents by inviting them over for dinner. we smoked a couple racks of ribs, and it was goooooood. we also showed them the wii, and now my dad wants one. (hey, i wouldnt object)
also did some drawing today before my parents got home. i just started sketching and it turned into inu. and then it just got more fun. please take a look and give me some feedback.
 Gladiator Hosted By
warning: rant
in nearly every action anime you have some 'warrior girl', right? and said warrior girls armor is little more than a bra, mini-skirt, gloves and high-heeled boots. now,as a martial artist, its natural to aim for the body. if the torso is completely uncovered, where do you think someone is going to stick a sword? you cannot call that armor or a battle costume of any sort. this is the ultimate pet peeve i have with anime fandom. many of the great artists on here use the useless and painfully ornate armor approach. i know its up to the discretion of the artist what they draw, i just want people (especially young artists) to know that function is as important as looks. ok, rant over.
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
liana and i sent our book off to tor-forge publishers today! whoo!! tor recently changed editors, so were hoping for some good luck. they say they reply in 4-6 months, so should know some more between october and december. yaaay!
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
i live
yeah, havent been around for awhile have i. well, lianas parents were out of town all last week, and i was staying at her house. twas most fun. unless her dog was barking at 3am. biggest event of the week was liana getting her second degree black belt. go congratulate her! we were pleased to discover that we can cook several meals without burning the house down. whoo! her parents are leaving again this weekend, so ill be over there again. oh, we also rented the dbz game for the wii. that is amazingly fun. took awhile to figure out, since some of the moves are really weird. but its fun when you flail around and manage to blast your opponent into a house or something.
what else...seems like everyone at work has come back from vacation, so i work fewer days. good, in that im not trying to pay rent and so dont actually need the hours. geez, on saturday, some people brought a little german shepherd puppy in for a bath (my job). the vet gave her a pill thats instant death for fleas, but thats normal so i didnt htink much of it. then, when i was bathing her, i noticed a whole bunch of fleas on her. after a pause to check myself fo fleas, i scrubbed her down and chased her around the tub with a high powered hose. then i put her in a cage with a grate on the bottom so she could dry. i kept having to switch her around to clean the cages, because a lot of the fleas dropping off of her were still alive. im not kidding, 200 fleas came off a 10 lb dog. im shocked she wasnt anemic. but geez, how do you not notice that?!
oh also, at work the other day i had some free time, and hadnt brought anything to do. so i rummaged around in the back and found a notepad and a leaky pen. somehow, i managed to doodle a fairly decent dragon. i decided ink is fun, and wanted to try my next picture in ink. so i did. first time ive tried seriously since early high school.
quote of the day:
“If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.” – George Carlin
edit: in other news, liana and i have taken our fanfics off the internet. is there any way to delete a account?
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Friday, June 22, 2007
ahaha im off work til next wednsday ^_____^
liana and i went for sushi tonight. well, i got sushi, she prefers sashimi. neither of my parents are big fans of asian food, so i alomst never get it. happy inu ^^
as could well be expected, i come with art stuff. only one is on here, but here it is:
 Gamblers Hosted By
the others are on dA. have a look see, if you please. (comments are nice)
His Nibbs: first off, a photo of my dog oreo
Travel Buddies: weirdest request ever. for the person who made me decide to stop taking requests.
Agadar: a random idea that turned out fun
quote of the day:
"Those who want to live…let them fight. Those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle…do not deserve to live."
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Monday, June 18, 2007
bit o'an update
behold indeed i still live. not a whole lot going on here. the job is still going well. its nice, most days i dont work until 3, so i get to sleep in. they rotate out the weekend shifts, and those are the only times i have to get up early. only problem with that is when i work on mondays and wednsdays, and thus go directly from work to taekwondo. thats tough, since im pretty much beat by the time i get to tkd. i mentioned that to my supervisor, so maybe next month ill get a bit of a break from that.
oooh i found out recently my friend got a new puppy! hes an anatolian shepherd. im hoping to get to see him at some point.
after a bit of thoughton the art front, ive decided i dont want to take anymore art requests, except for close friends. for a couple reasons really. first off, while i love drawing for other people, i do enjoy getting something from it. drawing something to someone elses specifications doesnt quite have the reward that personal art does.
secondly, ive been treated rather rudely by someone asking for a request. i did that one anyway, tho i made a point of making it something they likely werent expecting, nor did it get the full attention i usually use. seems, if the person youre dealing with owes you something in return, that theyll be more polite if nothing else.
but yeah, just to be clear, no more requests. art trades, of course. please feel free to contact me. commissions, heh, if anyone actually wants to pay me for art, also feel free to contact me. (just be polite, or ill tell you exactly where you can put the question)
happy late fathers day everyone. heres some cuteness for you.
quote of the day:
“I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image.” - Stephen Hawking
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
here we go
well ive had the past few days off of work, but today it hits big time. everyone else who works in the back with me is going on vacation, so i get to cover. i work the afternoon shift, 3-close (6-ish). im working everyday from now til next tuesday, including saturday and sunday. saturday, were only open half a day, but i have to come back at 8pm to walk dogs and such. sunday, there are three walking shifts, and i have all of them. in case youd missed it, im working at a vet. man i hope the spazzy german shephard siblings arent there, theyre a mess. ah well, i get paid to play with puppies ^___^
lianas decided she would like to learn how to color digitally. im trying to help by offering advice on stuff like shading and form, and by providing simple lineart for practice. last time, she chose an okapi, and then later decided that stripes are too much of a mess for a first picture try. she took so long to choose an animal to color, id started threatening a my little pony-esque sickeningly cute unicorn if she didnt hurry. this time, she asked for a pretty unicorn. HERE it is. since it is meant to be a coloring aid, feel free to color it yourself. however, give me freaking credit for the linework. im likely setting myself up to have this stolen by some little snotty brat of a kid, but there it is. so have some practice, and give me some props, k?
quote of the day: life lessons
"Never interrupt your enemy while he’s making a mistake."
"He who laughs last didn’t get it."
"We’re not retreating. We’re advancing in another direction."
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Monday, June 4, 2007
man, monday doesnt hold as much dread and suffering when out of school. well, then again i dont work mondays either. some other day gets the hatred. had an uneventful weekend with the parents out of town. the dog and i had a nice relaxing time. heh, and we watched 'return of the king'. good stuff. working on a puzzle, this one actually. (tiny picture, tis all i could find) its 1000 pieces, 24"x36". and man shaped puzzles are tricky. no nice and easy edges. anyway, been putting it together on the backing of a frame, so i can save it when im done. however, the frame turns out to be too small. (the box lies!! the puzzle isnt 24" across!) mentioned it to my dad, and he suggested we take the puzzle to the print shop and mount it on foam core. mounted thus and laminated, the puzzle is indestructible and lightweight. yay! im going to get some cheap little kiddie puzzle tomorrow if i can so we can have a guinea pig for this first. but man thatd be cool. i could take it to college with me and hang it in my dorm^^ i can save the board i have, i have one smaller puzzle thatll work (the other 2 are even bigger than this current one O_O)
in addition to bragging about my happy puzzle, i come with art. looky!
 Gemini Hosted By
my head is getting crowded with these random characters. never mind that inu is technically in charge of most of them, that doesnt mean they listen to me. especially these two little brats.
quote of the day:
"I think, therefore I'm dangerous."
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Friday, June 1, 2007
yes, liana and i finally got to go see pirates 3. man it was awesome. if you havent already, go see it. definately worth the three hours. (shame on you if you havent seen the first two)
along those lines, liana and i were thinking, "hey, wonder what inu and liana would look like as pirates." (obviously. that was predictible) so me being the art geek that i am, i took that and ran with it. so somehow, inu and liana not only dressed up like pirates, but they managed to comandeer a ship. i for one, wont ask questions. looky!
 Hoist The Colors Hosted By
also, ace had a little yugioh card generator thingy on her site, and i thought that was hilarious so i snitched it myself. behold the terror of inu as a playing card!!

yeah, im easily amused. you can make your own here.
quote of the day: (lyrics)
"Yo, ho, haul together,
hoist the Colors high…
Heave ho, thieves and beggars,
never say we die."
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