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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
well then...
the junior ring ceremony is tomorrow. thats where the seniors give the juniors their senior rings, big deal if youre a junior. not so much for us seniors. in my opinion, making everybody dress up and having a huge assembly for that is a waste of time. i hate dressing up and sitting through assemblies. the good news i suppose is that ill only have 2 classes tomorrow. we miss one for the assembly and then after it juniors and seniors dont have to come back to school. *shrug* i have nothing to do and my friends dont happen to be juniors or seniors so ill be bored until school gets out. hopefully i wont get drafted to go work or something. well im going to stop complaining now and go amuse myself elsewhere.
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Monday, April 11, 2005
oh phoenix......
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
dont you love teacher confrence days? no school! mwahahaha!!!! *ahem* so yah, we just got back from spring break, and we get tomorrow off. isnt it great?! yes, it is...very great. sadly, i fear i am to be recruited to work tomorrow, which is unfortunate. but then i plan to escape at lunch and go hide at a friends house until the work is done. terrible.
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
 You should wear : Black
Elegant and dramatic.
A bit depressed but you will never look boring.
Dark clothes are timeless. They can show how you really feel,
or they can hide your emotions.It is all about how you present
yourself to other people. So what:
In black you're cool and mysterious! Go you!
What color should you wear? brought to you by Quizilla
what do you know. i do wear black. a lot. hehehe...
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art (this is getting redundant)
yes, yet again i got bored and drew. so yah, just one this time. go see and leave comments please.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
lovely. its that week again and i feel like crap. in other news, i finished that paper. it was amusing, the assignment was 'a day in the life of...' i wrote mine on kairi37 (aka liana). it was one of the most amusing things i have ever written. see, shes insane, so trying to write a paper from her point of view is interesting. i let her read it, and apparently i did a good job. heh, ill have to read it aloud in class tomorrow. my class is going to be a little scared. ok, in pain.....yeah...see you people later.
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
spring break over, school tomorrow....not fair. im gonna die, ive gotten used to sleeping til 11. i have to start getting up at 6:30. >_< im gonna be unconscious all day tomorrow....and it hink i have a paper due tomorrow....i need to write that........
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
ok, i got bored (again) and posted three new pictures. 2 are really good and the third is so-so. please go see.
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request for all of you out there
kairi37 and i have been writing fanfics for sometime now; you likely noticed the links in our profiles. we would greatly appreciate if some of you went and read them. they feature our original characters and are mainly YYH fics. theyre all action and can get rather violent. if that sort of thing sounds neat to you would you please read them and let us know what you think? we would really really appreciate it. thank you for your time.
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well this is boring.
spring break and nothing to do.
-___- i spent all of yesterday reading, tho it was a very good book so of course im not complaining. anyone heard of 'eragon'? good book, read it if you like fantasy. finished that today. lets see...ive got another book i could start on. or i could draw...if i could think of something to draw. -__- writing is always fun, but my writing partner is out of town. so that's got to wait as well. um....i have to go get some forms signed for school (volunteer work is required and we have to have proof) also, i need to talk with my supervisor there anyway about getting a summer job. my parents are all over me to find a job, and that would be my first choice. but i cant get in touch with her. so theres a problem. well i suppose i will just wander off and amuse myself elsewhere.
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