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assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
a quiz
been a long time since i took any online quizzes. but this one was actually kinda interesting.
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Monday, May 28, 2007
yay for long weekends. went to the lake, liana came too. the weather was kinda iffy, we had some rain and clouds, which is too bad, but hey. it was still too cold to be in the water (for us, if wed wanted it bad enough we could have swam) intead, we took the jetski out at least once a day. since it was a holiday weekend, it was rough on the water. but im a really good pilot, so no trouble. we got a beating from the waves, but no risk of capsizing or anything.
since we did have some rain and such, i had some time for art.
 It Takes Two Hosted By
that one was one of those random and likely stupid ideas. but it was fun. the second was actually up last week, but just mentioning it now.
 Wildfire Hosted By
so theres that. much fun, eh?
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Monday, May 21, 2007
and ive been at it again. i have another art trade i should be doing, but that ones eluding me for the moment. soooo instead i drew the random hilarious scene that popped out of nowhere. behold! (if youre ace, liana or yami, you should definately take a look)
 Vertically Challenged Hosted By
heehee. im a terrible person, but man its fun. ^^ i love being out of school, i have so much more time to draw (work doesnt get in the way too much) im considering doing some bleach fanart since liana and i have recently gotten madly hooked on that show. anyone have a character theyd like to see?
quote of the day: (poem)
"Much madness is divinest sense
To a discerning eye;
Much sense the starkest madness.
'T is the majority
In this, as all, prevails.
Assent, and you are sane;
Demur, -- you're straightway dangerous,
And handled with a chain."
-Emily Dickinson
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
works been going well. lots of puppies^^ some entertaining moments of total unpredictability, but no problems yet. working mostly afternoons, so i still get to sleep in. always a good thing. and hey, its great to be paid to play with puppies. (and be chewed on by said puppies)
also, ive been somewhat busy on the art front. on here i have a new idea of just playing around with inu and liana.
 Live Steel Hosted By
and then on dA from a couple days ago i have half an art trade:
this is one of the reasons i love drawing other peoples characters. do note that im willing to do art trades if anyones interested.
quote of the day:
"Women who seek to be equal to men, lack ambition." -Timothy Leary
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
happy mothers day
happy mothers day everybody. hope everyone did something nice for their mom today. we had a lot of our family over for lunch, which was nice. like several other people, i drew a picture. (c'mon, its me. didnt you see that coming?)
 Mother's Day Hosted By
aaaaand i kinda forgot about doing this until late last night. heh, showed my mom and she thought it was adorable.
finally got all my college crap unpacked and put up. ive been tripping over it for a few days. finishing up the laundry today. so much fun. i start work on tuesday, whichll ne interesting. but hey, i can do any job that involves fluffy puppies.
quote of the day:
“When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.” -Bernard Bailey
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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
yeah, im pretty much just killing time.
so, recently i got liana hooked on bleach. ive seen it before off and on (since i dont have a tv unless im home). we were of course greatly amused by the crazy violence, but its got a pretty good cast and has a decent plot. theres a minimum of filler episodes, and they actually have a point (sorta). weve compared it to a bizarre mix of rurouni kenshin and yu yu hakusho and/or DBZ. you get the great sword fighting, plus all the crazy supernatural stuff. plus the occasionally-insane unlikely hero. whee! and of course everyone has their magic sword. most of which...turn into bigger swords. ooooooo. *chuckle* nah, its pretty awesome. some of the best one-liners and insults ive heard from an anime. such as "smelly-pit goat monkey!" and "im literally hemorrhaging generosity." most of the episodes (im up to 82) can be found by searching google videos. most of them are subs, so i hope you dont mind reading. yeah, weve become obsessed ^^
also, i put this picture up last post. please check it out and give me some constructive comments. this was another of those experiments.
Fearful Symmetry
once again, kudos if you recognized the title.
off for a final review of archaeology!
quote of the day: (lyrics)
"All of your sorrow, grief and pain
locked away in the forest of the night
Your secret heart belongs to the world
of the things that sigh in the dark
of the things that cry in the dark."
-Sasha Lazard, "Princess Mononoke Theme"
liana gave me the soundtrack for my bday ^____^ such wonderful happy music.
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Monday, May 7, 2007
2 down
ok, half the exams are done. (its so nice to only have 4 exams instead of 8 like in high school) botany went fine. chinese, i think i did alright on the reading and writing, but not so sure about the oral part. bleh. have archaeology tomorrow and history weds.
man, my college has a tradition. on your birthday, your "friends" come hunt you down, drag you across campus and fling you into the fountain. needless to say, im glad i dont have a december birthday. ive seen people break the ice with the birthday boy on cold days.
ok! my roommate, who you might remember is chinese, is heading home weds morning before ill be up. she gave me a little decorative dragon thing from china, so i wanted to give her something. being me, i elected to draw something. i narrowed it down to either a panda or a tiger. see for yourself which i chose:
Fearful Symmetry
kudos to those who guessed from the title.
quote of the day:
“I have made but one prayer, a short one. ‘God, please make my enemies ridiculous.’ And God granted it. –Voltaire
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
tis inus birthday!!! *dancy* inus 20!! yay for definately and absolutely no longer being a kid! its hard to believe im already 20, it doesnt seem like its been long enough yet. feels lik i should still be in lower school >.< liana gave me the soundtrack from "princess mononoke"! its amazing! such beautiful instrumentation! getting whatever else from family later today. had my birthday dinner last night tho, since i have to go back to college tonight for exams. we had steaks, twice-baked potatoes and chocolate pie! ooooh man it was a such good dinner. aaaaaah im such a happy carnivore. i laugh at vegeterians, they miss out on so much.
exams start tomorrow for me. bleh. ah well, three days and then im done for the summer. start working next week at the vets. aaaaand thats about all in inus world.
quote of the day:
“If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you.
This is the principal difference between a dog and a man.” -Mark Twain
heehee!! and ace gave me this!
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Monday, April 30, 2007
last day of classes!! whoohoo!!! and then i get a week of before my exams start next monday! yay! granted, that means 4 exams crammed into the 3 days right after my birthday, but thats ok! so i just get through tomorrow and im on the home stretch. ^___^
heh, short and sweet, eh?
quote of the day:
“Pain is your friend, your ally. It will keep you awake and angry, and remind you to finish the job. But you know the best thing about pain…it lets you know you’re not dead yet.”
what, you come here looking for happy and uplifting?
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Saturday, April 28, 2007
so very very close...
thank god its the weekend. summer freedom is so very very close now. monday is the last day of classes, then exams run until weds the 9th. however, im lucky enough that i dont have any exams until the 7th. so, im headed home for a week monday after class. man, the one problem with having a may birthday, i always get exams right around the. this year its the day before my first exams. bleh. ah well, ill have the weekend to celebrate.
now, as you could likely all predict, i have art! have a couple on dA that arent on here, but i did get one up here tonight. what fear of detailed and vivid backgrounds i had has vanished now, leaving in its wake freaking awesome scenery. this picture actually started from a gag ace and i are plotting. ill hold off on that, but it got me wondering what demons would consider dress clothes. and it was an excuse to actually see what inu and liana look like in different clothes. so behold the result of randomness:
 Ambassadors Hosted By
you havent witnessed the full power of green until you color a forest.
heres the dA pictures if anyones interested:
quote of the day:
“A heretic is a man who sees with his own eyes.” -Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
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