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the back of beyond
Member Since
assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Monday, April 23, 2007
so! last week of classes. all my classes are going "here have tests/projects!" got a chinese skit tomorrow (were going to die), a botany lab practical tuesday (ack!), a botany presentation weds, and a history quiz.test friday. thats the stuff i know about, im sure something else will pop up. and then theres exams. they start next weds and run for a week. i have none the first week, so im going home. ill be heading back the sunday before my first exams. man, every year, i have exams on or around my birthday. bleh. however, this means that the years nearly over! whee! short post, just beginning the countdown.
oh, go to the previous post and check out the character quiz liana and i made, k? its amusing.
quote of the day:
"Never insult a writer. You could wind up being immortalized in ways you may not appreciate." -Garrison Keillor
as a writer and artist, i live by this idea.
ps: happy late earth day and happy national park week! liana made a pretty picture in celebration! (im going to try to do something too)
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Back for a Second Interview
Since these character quizzes are so entertaining, and interview format ones are even better, Liana and I made one. (yes, we actually wrote this one, and if you use it itd be nice if you mention that.)
So, here’s what we’re going to do. Pick some of your characters/alter egos/victims and interview them. Please no more than 5, otherwise it gets too messy.
Hi everybody. Let’s just start with the basics:
What’s your name?
Inu: "Jigoku Inu. Call me Inu."
Erialc: "Just Erialc."
Kita: "Call me Kita. You couldn't hope to pronounce my real name."
Raevyn: "Raevyn Skydancer. Yeah, like the bird raven."
How about your age?
Inu: "500 and a few decades."
Erialc: "No one's sure. I recall 16 years, but it's any ones guess."
Kita: "I told the last busy-body that's none of your business."
Raeyvn: "Fledged. Old enough for scout missions now."
Your gender?
Inu: "Female. No, I don't care that it's not blatently obvious."
Erialc: "Female."
Kita: "Mare."
Raeyvn: "Female. Don't let the colors fool ya."
And race?
Inu: "Demon hybrid. Dog and dragon."
Erialc: "Chimera."
Kita: "Unicorn. Isn't that obvious?"
Raeyvn: "Eagle-type gryphon."
Ok, tell the nice people about yourself.
Have any magical things?
Inu: "Magic is in pretty poor taste in my profession. I don't bother."
Erialc: "I was created by magic, but I don't use it."
Kita: "I am magic."
Raeyvn: "My family has some little charms, but that's it."
Powers, maybe?
Inu: "I could burn everything in a 500 foot radius. Wanna see?"
Erialc: "No powers."
Kita: "What part of 'unicorn' are you missing?"
Raeyvn: "None, just a humble gryphon."
Have a sob story to share?
Inu: "Maybe, but I'm not sharing."
Erialc: "The time of my creation was likely bad, but my memories are very hazy."
Kita: "Unicorns don't sob."
Raeyvn: ", life's pretty good."
Got some kind of disease/curse?
Inu: "You counting massive scars filled with burning sacred energy?"
Erialc: "No, my health is fine, thank you."
Kita: "Of course not."
Raeyvn: "Cursed with curiosity, I'm afraid."
Bet you have an annoying sidekick?
Inu: "I wouldn't tolerate such a creature."
Erialc: "My apprentice can be annoying, but not really."
Kita: "No. I travel alone."
Raeyvn: "Do brothers count?"
Maybe a pet instead?
Inu: "Oh, so because I'm half dog demon you assume I'm friendly?"
Erialc: "There's a little chimeric creature that comes and goes."
Kita: "I just said I travel alone."
Raeyvn: "My parents don't want pets in the aerie."
Use any weapons?
Inu: "I use more weapons than you can name. Go on, try me."
Erialc: "I train with a greatsword."
Kita: "My horns and hooves, when needed."
Raeyvn: "Are you joking? I have a meat hook in the middle of my face and knives on each toe."
Who’re your buddies?
Inu: "Liana. Maybe a couple others."
Erialc: "The little chimera, Iliesco. My other associates don't really fit the social description of 'buddies'."
Kita: "Goddess, how many times will you ask if I have a travel companion?"
Raeyvn: "My brother and a bunch of others our age."
Who’s your archenemy?
Inu: "He's dead. Haven't made a new one."
Erialc: "I try to avoid making enemies."
Kita: "Those who had the nerve to name me pariah."
Raeyvn: "Oh please, I'm not that bad."
Have some ridiculous phobia?
Inu: "Nothing that I've noticed."
Erialc: "I fear returning to what I was. That's not really ridiculous."
Kita: "I fear nothing."
Raeyvn: "Losing my wings. Horrible..."
Gotta ask: use alcohol or other nasty pastimes?
Inu: "I'll drink, but it's next to impossibleto get me drunk."
Erialc: "No, I prefer not to."
Kita: "Disgraceful."
Raeyvn: "Of course not!"
What language(s) do you speak?
Inu: " least a dozen demonic languages and their dialects, plus a few human languages."
Erialc: "Sukan, the local language."
Kita: "My tongue doesn't have a name."
Raeyvn: "Jerven and the trade language."
Have some special skills?
Inu: "Assassin, weapons master."
Erialc: "I'm good at making things."
Kita: "Not skills per se."
Raeyvn: "Fancy flying!"
Any pet peeves?
Inu: "The word 'pet' for one, jerk. Arrogance, incompetance, so on."
Erialc: "I dislike being teased for what I am. It wasn't my choice."
Kita: "Two horns does not make one an abomination!"
Raeyvn: "I don't like people crowding me."
Any song lyrics that describe you?
Inu: "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints; the sinners are much more fun. Only the good die young."
Erialc: "And someday in the mist of time, when they asked me if I knew you, I'd smile and say you were a friend of mine."
Kita: "I say my piece, and when it’s over, you’ll be on your knees."
Raeyvn: "In the dawn of the morning sky, the eagle will rise again."
Ok, please finish the sentences.
You’re the supreme overlord of…
Inu: "Fire. Fear my explosive wrath.
Erialc: "Weaponsmithing, but I don't want to sound arrogant..."
Kita: "Vengance."
Raeyvn: "Fancy flying of course!"
You’re always seen with…
Inu: "Four blades. That you know of."
Erialc: "Something in my hands."
Kita: "I carry nothing with me."
Raeyvn: "A sense of humor."
You have an endless supply of…
Inu: "Anger."
Erialc: "I'd say my creativity is fairly extensive."
Kita: "Inu stole my idea."
Raeyvn: "Again with the humor. Lighten up people."
A little this or that.
Good or evil?
Inu: "Evil is more fun."
Erialc: "I do my best."
Kita: "Oh so just because I have black fur I must be evil, is that it?"
Raeyvn: "Not so much evil as just mischievous."
Blades or guns?
Inu: "Any fool can shoot a gun. Only a master can wield a blade."
Erialc: "I don't know what a gun is, but I like my blades."
Kita: "I can't use a blade, and I don't care what a gun is."
Raeyvn: "A gun is a projectile weapon? Nah, I don't need any weapons beside what nature gave me."
Brains or brawn?
Inu: "Both, depends on the situation."
Erialc: "I prefer to avoid bloodshed."
Kita: "I'll use force."
Raeyvn: "Well, both are good, but brains aren't going to stop half a ton of diving gryphon."
Now to test your speed:
Say a word! Quick!
Inu: "Arson."
Erialc: "Creation."
Kita: "Freedom."
Raeyvn: "Word." *snicker*
Inu: "Do I look drunk to you? Go to hell."
Erialc: "I'd rather not...I'm not very good..."
Kita: *prance* "My every move is as graceful as a dance."
Raeyvn: "Ok!" *caper*
And lastly and most importantly:
To be or not to be?
Inu: "Wha? To be?"
Erialc: "To be is vastly more satisfying than not to be."
Kita: "What kind of question is that? I am.
Raeyvn: "To be or not to be what?"
and there you have it! the mind of a crazy girl summed up in 4 characters across 10 years.
since you read all that, here are some picture of the characters:
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
new avis!
hehe, liana made a little animation from one of my pictures awhile back, and has now fixed it up some more to use as her avi on here. since that was great fun, we both agreed i needed one too. so i drew the frames and sent them to liana, and she put everything together and made it pretty. so now i have a happy grinning avi^___^ this makes me happy all out of proportion to the size of the animation. i now have new respect for animators tho. my little tiny one took 13 frames, and its still kinda jerky. heh, i have such great plans for a bigger animation, but thats going to have to be a summer project when i have the time for it. whoo!
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
goings on
predictibly, i have art.
 Dire Hosted By
who doesnt love pliestocene megafauna?
secondly, i bring amusement from dA. i really recommend this, its terribly entertaining, and great way to waste time. ^___^
- Choose a few of your own characters, Five at the most.
- Make them answer the following questions
- post and tell who took this from who
Hm, time to break out the old characters
1. Inu (demonic hybrid, dog/dragon)
2. Erialc (magic-made hybrid, more or less canine)
3. Kita (bicorn)
4. Raeyvn (black gryphon) {no picture}
How old are you?
Inu: "Over 500, give or take."
Erialc: "I'm not entirely sure. I can remember 16 years, but it's anyones guess."
Kita: *tosses head* "What business is it of yours?"
Raevyn: "Recently fledged."
Inu: "Likely taller than you."
Erialc: "As you measure it, around 6 ft without my antlers."
Kita: "Most of your kind compare mine to horses, so around the size of a large horse. Nothing dainty about my breed."
Raevyn: "Well, we don't really bother with measurements. I can bite a human in half, if that gives you an idea."
Any bad habits?
Inu: "...define bad."
Erialc: "Sometimes I pull my fur if I'm worried."
Kita: "Bad? There's nothing bad about me."
Raevyn: "I get too much fun out of dive-bombing humans. Is that bad?"
Are you a virgin?
Inu: "And I thought I didn't have any tact."
Erialc: "I'm sterile."
Kita: "How rude! What kind of question is that to ask a young lady!"
Raevyn: "As of yet, yes. I just fledged; I'm too young to look for a mate."
Who's your mate?
Inu: "No one worth my time as of yet."
Erialc: "No one."
Kita: "Hmph, only a king stallion would be worthy of me."
Raevyn: "I'm still young, but maybe in the future."
Have any kids?
Inu: "Man you don't know when to leave a topic alone."
Erialc: "I have to agree. Going by previous answers, these two questions have been superfluous."
Kita: "You're pushing it, human."
Raevyn: "I could shock you and say yes, but I won't."
Favorite food?
Inu: "Meat. Any kind will do."
Erialc: "Well, I like red meat and fish, but I also enjoy bread and pastries."
Kita: "Pure grass and sweet herbs, of course. Stop looking at me like that. I do not have a weakness for sweets.
Raevyn: "Same as Erialc, mostly. Not a fan of fish."
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Inu: "Chocolate, definately."
Erialc: "I like the kind with cookies in it."
Kita: "Ice cream?! Where?? I mean...Plain vanilla, please."
Raevyn: "Ice...cream? That doesn't sound terribly good. Is it like snow?"
Killed anyone?
Inu: "Sure. I'm an assassin; it's what I do."
Erialc: "I have, but I don't go out of my way to."
Kita: "I haven't, but I would if need be."
Raevyn: "Yes, it doesn't bother me."
Hate anyone?
Inu: "Not anyone alive. At the moment."
Erialc: "I don't hate, but I do resent and dislike many."
Kita: "I do, and they know it."
Raeyvn: "Hate is too strong. I agree with Erialc."
Any secrets?
Inu: "If they're secrets, why would I tell you?"
Erialc: "I'm not good at keeping secrets."
Kita: "My secrets are my own, thank you very much."
Raevyn: "I used to get my brother in trouble when we were nestlings."
Love anyone?
Inu: "No one alive anymore."
Erialc: "My foster-family."
Kita: "They threw me out; I don't need anyone."
Raevyn: "My parents and my brother, Crowe."
Inu: "I like tacos."
Erialc: "I don't really like spicy food."
Kita: "What under the stars is a taco?"
Raevyn: "Hm, meat and vegetables rolled in bread? I'd try that. Without the vegetables."
Ever slept in all day?
Inu: "No, I'm usually up with the dawn."
Erialc: "I'll sleep into mid-morning if I can, but not much later."
Kita: "I don't need sleep."
Raevyn: "Not all day, but I love sleeping in as long as I can get away with."
Favorite band?
Inu: "I don't have one. Demons don't really have music groups, and I haven't heard any good human ones."
Erialc: "I like softer music."
Kita: "What's a 'band'?"
Raevyn: "Fast music! Something fun!"
Eye color?
Inu: "Dark red."
Erialc: "Blue-grey."
Kita: "The pure red of a glorious sunset."
Raevyn: "Dark blue."
Skin color?
Inu: "Look for yourself, smarta**."
Erialc: "Pale pink under my fur, black on my nose and paw pads."
Kita: "I have fur."
Raevyn: "Deep red under the fur and feathers."
Shoe size?
Inu: "Uh...There are specific shoe sizes? I just go with whatever fits."
Erialc: "Shoes aren't comfortable for me, so I only wear them when it's absolutely necessary."
Kita: "You don't shoe a unicorn you savage!"
Raevyn: "I've always thought shoes were a silly idea. There's nothing wrong with my feet."
Inu: "Pretty slim. Don't mistake that for weakenss, I could break you in half."
Erialc: "Average, I suppose. I'm similar in build to others of my size."
Kita: "Sleek and slim, of course."
Raeyvn: "I couldn't fly very well if I was overweight, now could I."
Rain or sunshine?
Inu: "Give me the sun anyday. Rain is depressing."
Erialc: "I enjoy the sun, but there's something relaxing about a good rain shower."
Kita: "Ugh, I do not like rain. I don't appreciate being splattered with mud."
Raevyn: "Rain is fine as long as I don't have to fly through it."
Pool or Beach?
Inu: "Well, since I can bet you mean a human swimming pool, I'll say the beach. You humans put so much crap in your water, I don't see how you can swim in it."
Erialc: "A beach or a bluff over the ocean."
Kita: "I've never seen the ocean, so a nice cool forest pool."
Raevyn: "I agree with Kita."
Camping or staying home?
Inu: "Since I don't exactly have a home, the answer's pretty obvious.
Erialc: "I've built myself a nice home, but I love going out into the forests."
Kita: "My home is the wild forest and plain."
Raeyvn: "Both. I love my home, but it's fun to go out away from the aerie."
Dog or cat?
Inu: "Dogs, definately. Not only can I speak to them to a degree, but cats are just evil incarnate."
Erialc: "I prefer canines. It's nice to have a friendly welcome."
Kita: "Cats. Their independance is refreshing."
Raevyn: "No real preference. I don't have much contact with either."
Believe in aliens?
Inu: "Why not? Always possible."
Erialc: "Aliens meaning those from another place? Well of course such people exist."
Kita: "As long as they don't bother me, I couldn't care less."
Raeyvn: "Not sure what you mean."
Natural born or clone?
Inu: "Uh, me personally or in general? Well, I'm natural born."
Erialc: "I was created, but I'm not a clone of anything."
Kita: "What is a clone?"
Raevyn: "Is a clone like a twin? Because I have one."
Inu: "The hell kinda question is that?"
Erialc: "Um..I have them."
Kita: "You are very strange even among humans."
Raevyn: "I have a beak."
Car or ship?
Inu: "A ship, preferably a sailing ship."
Erialc: "I don't know what a car is."
Kita: "I have no need for such things. my own four legs are perfectly fine.
Raeyvn: "I've seen boats going down the river, but I don't think I'd want to ride on one."
Ever destroyed anything out of blind rage?
Inu: "Living and otherwise."
Erialc: "No. I try to hold back my temper."
Kita: "Please. I would never stoop so low as to lose control of my actions."
Raeyvn: "Maybe once or twice."
Any unusual things about you?
Inu: "What isn't unusual about me."
Erialc: "I'm a mage-made accident. I'm essentially a collection of spare parts."
Kita: "Hmph. Others seem to think so. As if having two horns instead of one makes me an abomination."
Raeyvn: "I have an odd color pattern."
How much food/drink do you need a day?
Inu: "Depends. I can go a couple weeks without food, but I need water more frequently."
Erialc: "Generally three meals a day, sometimes snacks too."
Kita: "I need enough to keep up my strength. Mind you, that doesn't mean I eat like a pig."
Raeyvn: "I need a lot of food. Takes a lot of work to get into the air."
Favorite place?
Inu: "Somewhere in the wild."
Erialc: "In my forge, or in my favorite chair with a book."
Kita: "The deep forest in the full bloom of spring."
Raeyvn: "In the sky."
The Kiwi's Question:
What's your favorite swear word?
Inu: "I'm pretty sure you don't want to know. Be happy it doesn't translate to your language."
Erialc: "I try not to swear. I keep my language mild."
Kita: "We don't have swear words. Curses are more effective."
Raeyvn: "My mother chases me around the den if she catches me swearing."
well! now that ive wasted your time, dont you want to waste more and do this yourself? you know you want to. im stronly considering doing this agian with my new set of characters.
quote of the day:
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." -Bertrand Russell
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
yeah, some time ago that i went to see it, yet somehow i didnt say anything. amazing movie, i highly recommend it. however, since no one mentioned this to me, im making a point to say it. there are a couple rather gratuitous sex scenes, so take that into consideration. otherwise, awesome. pure awesome. it didnt have a lot of the cheesy crap that these kind of movies tend to (ie gladiator), and it just looked great. very violent and bloody, theres next to no sensoring of gore. someones head comes off, you see the blood splatter. so keep that in mind too. but, weve decided this is a movie for everyone. for the guys, you have the crazy violence and high body count, and for the girls you have several hundred shirtless guys. everyone wins!
and now i leave you with entertainment.
It's Rainin' 300 Men
(yeah, i just wanted to share that video)
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Thursday, April 5, 2007
updates (and criticism)
yeah yeah, im predictable. i post when i have art or have discovered the secret of the universe. so ill be brief. heres the finished picture mentioned in the last post:
 Unholy Hosted By
a request (read 'demand') from liana.
this is random, and i dont want to sound like a jerk, but its an observation. is anyone else tired of seeing...well...less than great art on the main page? not even going into the amazing wolf fetish and overflow of totally illogical naruto knock-offs. but ill see maybe one piece that actually looks like it took some time and skill every few days. no, this doesnt come from nothing of mine being on the featured list; i draw for me, not you. i dunno, i get tired of...childrens drawings. (says i from the lofty vantage of college) seems like all you have to do to get a feature is to draw a wolf or a naruto character, no matter if theres a concept of anatomy or color theory. my quiet criticism of the freak-wolf fetish got me attacked by several people, so im not going there in public again. im a biology major, so i like anatomically feasible fantasy things. not many of those on here. most of those are from the other college-age and up artists. i personally think the featured thing was a bad idea. youll have one person have at least half the pictures on there, while god knows how many people never get recognition for anything. *shrug*
ok, that was all totally pointless. none of the people im thinking of ever come here, and that probably sounded like immature whining anyway. just one of those things i choose to make known about myself. i loved wolves well before they were popular, and i happen to actually know something about them. take that, children. now, you see no wolves from me. somehow, one of my all-time favorite animals is tainted. sad. perhaps i can draw a direwolf. those are fun. and there i go again. if you agree with me, welcome to the club. if i offend you...oh lord get a life. i clearly have no right to tell people what they can and cant draw, but i have every right to speak my piece.
quote of the day:
"The key is to commit a crime so confusing that police feel too stupid to even write a crime report about it."
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Tuesday, April 3, 2007
i just looked at my calandar and realized i have 4 weeks of classes left O.O where did the semester go?! man, grade school always seemed to drag on forever, but college is just blowing by. no clue why. (ha, i rhymed) end of the semester isnt cause for panic this go-round. none of my classes went belly up. chinese is harassing me, and botany bores the life out of me, but thats about it. history has proved very interesting and archaeology is survivable. started looking ahead to next year tho. looks like chinese 3, animal behavior, genetics, and some blow-off class so we dont end up with another year of academic suicide. my classes in china are pretty much already set. chinese, culture, and two western literature classes (wont that be interesting). man its been so nice to have a chinese roommate this semester though. its great to be blundering through my homework and be able to just turn around and ask how to say something.
hm, what else. im working on another picture. see, the girl across the hall has a sign on her door that has a small, toony blood splat. apparently someone got all in a snit about it. so, weve decided that we both need to draw something gorey and put them on the doors. (were horrible people) so anyway, i could have just drawn inu being her bloodthirsty self, but i do that all the time. lianas been bugging me for not drawing a bishie for her for a long time, so im redrawing dante (devil may cry). ahhh, dont ya love visible improvement? its kinda an anime/realism hybrid, but im pleased with the lineart for once, so i dont care. i still dont like guns though (drawing or using). this is also the second thing ive done on heavier paper. the first turned out well, so i hope this one does too.
quote of the day:
“After his life was ruined, his family killed, and his farm destroyed, Job knelt on the ground and shouted up to heaven, “Why God? Why me?” And the thunderous voice of God answered, ‘There’s just something about you that pisses me off.’” –Stephan King
i know ive used it before, but it amuses me too much.
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Monday, March 26, 2007
amusement? i think so
it was yet another lazy weekend on campus. i finally ran out of movies (brought 4 with me) heh, theres nothing wrong with watching the entire lotr trilogy three nights running. and then picking up the next day with "last samurai". good times. however, since i am out of movies, i spent most of today drawing. pointless, really, since none of it was something im supposed to be doing. im so lazy about doing what im supposed to be. anyway, here are the products of my boredom (ya know, assuming anyone wants to see and is too lazy to go to dA to to so):
Draevin retry - further trying to figure out what those things look like.
Arkin - random idea, but i like it.
Chako-bird - random gift for a dA friend of her gryphon.
yeah, inus been busy today. i honestly didnt have homework. hm, after dinner a group of us (me, matt, nikki, sonya and lucas) went to wal-mart. we discovered that people tend to be more polite and less likely to get in your way when youre with a blind guy. lucas is so sarcastic, he doesnt mind wise-cracks like that.
heh, apparently this is a well-known thing, but i completely missed it. if anyone else out there hasnt heard of the "yugioh abridged" series, you must watch it. its better if youve actually seen yugioh. go here if not, and be amused. an example: yugi: "but thats against the rules!" kaiba: "screw the rules, i have money." thats what the whole thing is like. god its funny.
and so, i leave you with pointless amusement.
quote of the day:
“Dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly, It's the honest ones you've got to watch out for. You never know when they're going to do something incredibly stupid.” –Captain Jack Sparrow
because hes that awesome.
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
ah, another weekend. spring has definately come here. pushing 80 every day, and its great. im looking forward to the nice hot southern summer.
since i have no life (and no homework) ive been watching the lotr trilogy the past few nights. such awesome movies. planning to watch "last samurai" tonight. also an awesome movie.
after about 2 years, i finally changed me avi. seems to make sense to have a picture of "me" on here. also, i have art (once again!) that kinda follows with the "i have no homework" bit.
 Unleashed Hosted By
thats a redo of a painfully old picture, and the improvement is astounding.
quote of the day:
“Sometimes imagination pounces; mostly it sleeps soundly in the corner, purring.” -Leslie Grimutter
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
i make a brief stop on my way elsewhere. first and foremost, i have art!
 Love Thy Brother Hosted By
behold the humor.
quote of the day:
“There is in every true woman's heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.” -Washington Irving, The Sketch Book, 1820
there are so few good quotes that dont have "he" as the primary pronoun.
edit: majorly updated the quote site.
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