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assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Monday, March 19, 2007
back we go
and thus ends spring break. we shall miss it dearly. i have confirmed that whoever thought of having language classes at 8am 4 days a week should be shot. trying to get back into chinese after 9 days was so hard. no ones brain was working. at least we didnt have the test today like we were supposed to originally. tis weds. not really the best idea to give the midterm after spring break, but what can ya do.
lianas gone on the college trip for the next couple weeks. *sadness* now ill just have to harass other people instead. but the college trip is fun. cant wait to hear how it goes.
brought some movies back with me for once. those weekend nights can get pretty long when you have nothing to do. brought the lotr trilogy and last samurai. heh, my roommate was watching fellowship of the ring last night. good stuff.
man, did/do any of you here read the redwall books by brian jaques? i snitched one from my pile at home since im out of new books, and some people were teasing me about it. those definately are not little kid books, despite having small fuzzy animals as characters. theres as much war, treachery and death in them as any high fantasy. but dang it, theyre good. was rereading 'mossflower'. geez, i started reading these 9 years ago.
quote of the day:
“Life is the fire that burns and the sun that gives light. Life is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Life is matter and is earth, what is and what is not, and what beyond is in Eternity.” -Lucius Annaeus Seneca
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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
the exciting life of inu
yeeeeah...not really. its spring break, im doing as little as possible. but i got a job! whoo!
anyway, i was wandering through my dA account, and found this amusing little character quiz from awhile ago. thought some of you might find it entertaining.
1. [[What's your character's name?]]
Jigoku Inu. answers to Inu
2. [[How old is he/she?]]
500+, late teens for her race
3. [[Is your OC a boy or girl?]]
4. [[What's his/her race?]]
demonic hybrid. half dog, half black dragon
1. [[If this character were to suddenly become part of the 3D world, and ended up in a heavily-populated area, how many stares would he/she get?]]
quite a few. she cant pass for human without an illusion
2. [[Is your character considered normal in his/her own world?]]
not really. shes never normal
3. [[What would be his/her most recognizable feature(s)?]]
tattered canine ears, long tail, dark red eyes
4. [[Would you consider your OC as attractive?]]
not really. shes not ugly, but not beautiful either.
1. [[Temper?]]
you have no idea. annoy inu and they wont even find your ashes.
2. [[Does your character ever get depressed?]]
not really
3. [[Leader or Follower?]]
leader. shes too proud to follow.
4. [[What is the main aspect of his/her personality?]]
anger, protectiveness.
1. [[Did your OC have a family of any sort? If so, are they still alive?]]
parents, no siblings. theyre dead
2. [[Is your character out on his/her own? If so, why?]]
shes alone most of the time. she doesnt trust people, but she needs company to stay sane. a quandry, isnt it.
3. [[Has he/she encountered any traumatizing events?]]
deaths of family and mentor (oooh arent i original)
4. [[What was probably the best time in his/her life so far?]]
when hshe was very young
1. [[Single?]]
2. [[Had your OC developed any romantic relationships?]]
never. no interest
3. [[Virgin?]]
4. [[Does your character like flirting?]]
hell no.
1. [[What animal would you associate your OC with? (Sorry, no creatures of myth and legend allowed!)]]
shes half canine half dragon. enough said.
2. [[Musical Instrument?]]
if inu played anything, shed be a drummer, hands down.
3. [[Element?]]
fire. lots and lots of fire.
4. [[Planet?]]
mars, bringer of war.
1. [[Do you draw your character?]]
but of course
2. [[Do you write about him/her?]]
3. [[Do you use him/her in any rpgs?]]
i dont rp
4. [[What other ways have you appreciated your OC?]]
just art and writing.
1. [[Is your character wanted for anything?]]
im sure someone wants her dead for whatever reason
2. [[What are three weaknesses in him/her?]]
uncontrolled anger
loud noises (shes a dog demon, her ears are extremely good)
old injuries that never healed
3. [[Strengths?]]
a lifetime of combat training
sheer physical power
fire like you wouldnt believe
4. [[Does your OC drink or smoke (etc.)?]]
she drinks very rarely, but its impossible for her to get drunk. nothing else.
5. [[What's one quirk about him/her?]]
she plays fetch. no, seriously.
6. [[Does your character have any phobias?]]
7. [[What could you do to get him/her into a blind rage?]]
just about anything: insults, threats to her or her friends, looking at her the wrong way, getting too close, etc. shes a loose cannon.
8. [[Does your OC like chickens?]]
raw or flame-roasted, depends which form shes in at the time
.Q. - What would you consider your relationship with your character to be like?
shes my alter ego. we argue a lot.
im easily amused. and now, im away. todaysmy grandmothers birthday, and were going to go have dinner at red lobster. at 5:00. why do old people eat so early?!?! good thing i didnt eat lunch. oy.
(no quote, im on the wrong computer)
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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
ive been planning to spend spring break putting in job applications. mom and dad decreed that i had to put in at least 15. so, this afternoon i put in one at our dogs vet, and they gave me a job!! whoo!!
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Friday, March 9, 2007
(possible complaints/rants)
one more day before spring break. sadly, i have certainly one, maybe 2 tests today. botany is for sure, weve known about it for awhile. the other one...on weds, our chinese teacher decided that we should look over the first 8 chapters of the book for review. then, since many people likely wouldnt do so (since theres so much else going on) she says we might have a test on it on friday. what kind of teacher gives you one days notice for a possible test over 8 freaking chapters?! ridiculous....
this afternoon wasnt exactly fun. spent all day studying for various things, and my computer committed repeated suicide. took a break and decided punching someone wasnt going to solve anything, so instead i came up with a really scary picture. art therapy is a wonderful thing. needless to say, i felt better.
and dinner was fun as usual. one of my friends had a prospective student staying with him, and so we all took it upon ourselves to terrorize him. sonya has a little video clip of bridget from guilty gear dancing, and bolted over to him to shove the phone in his face and shriek "look at bridget dance!!" the rest of us were resigned as usual, having gone through that at least twice. then matt said "its not so bad, i dont really mind seeing bridget dance." lucas said "yeah me neither." and everyone stared and started laughing. you see, lucas is blind. -__-' sonya didnt find it terribly funny.
alright, im going to go sleep. i really hope she was just bluffing on the chinese test.
quote of the day:
"Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats." -HL Mencken
i know ive used it before, but dang it thats how i feel.
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Wednesday, March 7, 2007
happy birthday liana!! *confetti* (as you asked, i keep your present secret until friday) everybody go say happy b-day!
so, in other news, spring break is almost here. im fortunate enough to have tomorrow off, so i really only have one day to go. and, on friday, my last class is 2-3. however, theres another class 1-2. so we were all invited to show up to the earlier class so we can get out of here sooner. think ill be doing that. whoo spring break!
"About the time we think we can make ends meet, somebody moves the ends." -Herbert Hoover
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
geez, i go into my art archive to see how messed up stuff had gotten from the category changes (some art was shifted around). i fix stuff, and then i start really looking at some of it. next thing i know, i start deleting old pictures. i was going to wait until spring break, but that didnt last. so, i dropped from 200 (!) picures, down to 90. thats so much more reasonable. there was some stuff in there i didnt even remember doing. or things that im just too ashamed of for it to continue to exist in the public eye. i did leave some older things that i still like, and i have most of the originals if i ever decide i want to rescan them for whatever reason. if i deleted something i did for you, let me know and i can rescan it. (i tried not to, but in the frenzy of "aaagh i drew that?!" it might have gotten lost) im thinking of picking out some of the older ones that i liked the concept if not the art and redoing them. have at least one candidate for that at the moment.
and liana, i know youre going to freak out at me since you refuse to let me think that my old art is bad, but just accept it. you have access to originals.
ok! so, i may do the same thing to dA (only mostly push stuff to scraps instead of delete) must be spring, thats the only explanation for compulsive gallery cleaning.
quote of the day:
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.” -E.E. Cummings
“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” -Herman Melville
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Monday, March 5, 2007
run the gauntlet
spring break is near, but of course it cant be easy for us. we have to earn that break. i have 2 tests (that i know of) and 1 maybe 2 quizzes. certainly not as bad as it could be. im well aware of that. the one im not happy about is the chinese test the tuesday we get back from break. it was going to be monday, but the whole class objected (the teacher seemed surprised)
im building up a mass of art projects, but im trying to write them down, since i tend to completely forget ideas ive had. looking forward to a nice long week of being able to draw with no worries about homework.
on a slightly unrelated note, id like to share some videos. 2 are serious, absolutely amazing singers, the third is just freaking hilarious.
Vitas, Opera #2
Gethsemane-Steve Balsamo (Jesus Christ Superstar)
Dude Looks Like a Lady (anime style)
so! enjoy. have a laugh or be amazed, as it were.
quote(s) of the day: (lots of entertainment for you!)
"God grant me patience and grant it to me right now."
"I will live forever or die in the attempt!"
"Half of being clever is making sure you’re not being stupid."
also, thanks for 3000 hits ^^
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Saturday, March 3, 2007
we bring art!
because of course theres nothing in inus life worth bothering you with besides art. but its the weekend, so all is acceptable. tho i was actually bored and hunted down the yu yu hakusho movie (full-length one) on youtube. man i love that movie.
so! i come bearing comedy. ace and i were watching the "six flags song" video that was on here awhile ago and i had the sudden epiphany that it would be really funny to see inu and ace dancing. so we drew it!
 Dancy! Hosted By
 Dancy! Hosted By
that was one of the most fun things ive drawn in some time. seriously. see? inu can be fun sometimes.
also, as something of a sidenote, i entered a coloring contest on dA (the person holding the contest provided lineart and we color). heres mine:
Wings of Eagles.
(title snitched from a song)
and thats all she wrote.
quote of the day:
“Don't you wish there were a knob on the TV to turn up the intelligence? There's one marked 'Brightness,' but it doesn't work.” –Gallagher
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Wednesday, February 28, 2007
chinese quiz wasnt that bad. only had some trouble on a coupel things. (could not for the life of me remember that gaosu means to tell. or that the character looks like) a little confusion on grammar too, but not bad. chinese grammar is very very literal. "zhe ge hanyu zenme shuo?" is literally "this in chinese is how said?" so ya, its pretty easy once you get the hang of it. the writing is still hard, no tricks for that.
had a meeting for study abroad last night. lots of new stuff to consider now. travel, packing, money, etc. most people are going to europe, and there wasnt a lot of information that really applied directly to china. but we have a trip-specific meeting tomorrow.
and of course, its just not a post by inu without art of some sort. so! i present to you the random product of my mind, and proof that the world is ending soon.
 Arkin Hosted By
dude! thats my 199th pic! o_O geez, thats insane. first pic went up dec. 25 '04. man...absolutely vast improvement. theres just no comparison. and i was really proud of some of that at the time. you can barely even see my signature style in the old ones, wasnt even there yet. what a difference 2 years can make, eh? im thinking about cleaning out my gallery, getting rid of some of that old stuff. i still have the originals of course. keep those around for the occasionally needed ego boost.
quote of the day:
“Bring it on
Let the trouble come, let it make me fall
On the One who’s strong
Bring it on.
Let the lightning flash, let the thunder roll
Let the storm winds blow
Bring it on.
Let me be weak so I’ll know the strength
Of the One who’s strong
Bring it on.”
no idea, but thats just freaking cool.
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Tuesday, February 27, 2007
here we are
another week, same routine. even on a college campus, theres a definate rhythm and pattern. nothing really changes that much. nice to have insane friends, keeps things lively.
we had our first band concert of the semester last night. went alright, had some challenging music. its so much fun playing percussion. we can just go crazy with the music if we want to, and no one can yell at us ^__^ im so glad i switched over from flute. i like my flute, and im really good (honest). but, ive been playing it for 10 years. im getting burned out. so! back to percussion. still keeping up trumpet and penny whistle on the side. (no one seems to know what a penny whistle is) tis fun, i love my music. also in the arts, i have a picture in the works.
so, i have a chinese quiz this morning, so i spent a couple hours copying characters. my hand is now mangled. a page, front and back, full. nearly 40 characters. never let it be said that learning language is easy. the class and work took on a whole new meaning this semester, now that i know im seriously going to need it.
im listening to music, so i have lyrics for you today.
quote of the day:
Lay down,
your sweet and weary head.
Night is falling.
You have come to journey’s end.
Sleep now,and dream
of the ones who came before.
They are calling,
from across a distant shore.
Why do you weep?
What are these tears upon your face?
Soon you will see.
All of your fears will pass away.
Safe in my arms,
you’re only sleeping.
What can you see,
on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea,
a pale moon rises.
The ships have come,
to carry you home.
And all will turn,
to silver glass.
A light on the water.
All souls pass.
Hope fails,
Into the world of night.
Through shadows falling,
Out of memory and time.
Don’t say,
We have come now to the end.
White shores are calling.
You and I will meet again.
And you’ll be here in my arms,
Just sleeping.
What can you see,
on the horizon?
Why do the white gulls call?
Across the sea,
a pale moon rises.
The ships have come,
to carry you home.
And all will turn,
to silver glass.
A light on the water.
Grey ships pass
Into the West.
"into the west" by annie lennox from the 'return of the king' soundtrack. love that song. i strongly suggest you find it if you havent heard it.
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