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Saturday, September 18, 2004
well im bored. is that any different than what i say every day? didnt think so. im just waiting fo 12:45 to roll around, cus thats when im going to inochis house for her birthday party. its 11:21 now, so ive got awhile. i told inochi id do another pic for her...i should do that. itd keep me amused at least. ive lost count of how many pics ive done for her...6, 7, 8? i dunno. might do another one for her b-day. might put effort into it for once.
if you all remember, a few posts back i said i was learning a monologue for an audition. yeah...im an extra. again. i swear the director hates me. why are freshmen and sophmores getting bigger parts than me? the director claims to cast by seniority. rrrrrrgh....
enough about that. i guess ill go do a pic and wrap inochis present. incase inochis reading this...youre gonna love it.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
 Red- There is a passion in you that seems to attract others quite nicley. But you have a very bad temper. I hope no one touches sore spot.
What Color Energy do you Have? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
 You are the Goddess of Violence. Wherever you look, you're in a fight. If someone says the wrong thing, they'll be either face flat on the ground, or looking up at the sky on the ground. Ain't nobody mess with you.
What type of Goddess are you? (anime pics, for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
hehehehe...ooooooh yeah. thats me alright.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
What Color Represents You? Cool Pics brought to you by Quizilla
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*laughs until falls out of chair*
ok....cant breathe....*still laughing* sooooo funny....normally i dont do these date things, but i spotted this on someones site and thought it amusing. *more laughing* can you tell im easily amused? sad isnt it...weeeell...off to do an art assignment i suppose...
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Do your dreams say something about you? (complete with images) brought to you by Quizilla
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 ! You are most Like A Sapphire !
Dark, mysterious - but unforgettable. You have a deep
beauty. Delicate, and shy you try to stay away from the
limelight but often your intelligence puts you in at the
deep end. You're like a Sapphire, because, your beauty is priceless.
You're intelligent, full of opinions, and not big-headed about it all.
Sometimes you need to put yourself out there, as you can be a bit shy.
Congratulations ... You're the mysterious gem everybody wants to have and learn more about.
?? Which Precious Gem Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, September 6, 2004
What anime swordsman are you? brought to you by Quizilla
heheheh....me with a sword...now thats a scary thought...right inochi? hehehehehe...
i found something really funny, i would post it except certain annoying little freshmen *cough inochi cough kairi cough* would become even more irritating than they already are. (its sooooo hard to keep from beating them sensless)
well....nothing going on. ive got to learn a shakespearean monologue by thursday for an audition. the plays going to be romeo and juliet. the director says he has an idea how to cast me...but i think he lies. (im never cast as anything good)
im outta here i guess...i told inochi (if shes gotten my emai yet) that i have a drawing idea. so im gonna do that cus im bored.
ja ne.
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 You are protected by yourself! You keep fighting fit so you dont need to worry about being helpless ever. You are very sensible and well prepared.
who/What protects you? ( cute anime results) brought to you by Quizilla
tis true tis true....
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 Your Anime Personality is Tough!!!!
What type of Anime Personality do you have? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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