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assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
working on a school project...again. essay this time. loads of fun. easy tho'. anyone evr read the theban plays?(Oedipus rex, oedipus at colonus and antigone)pretty good.
~~message to inochi~~: tried to finish pic, was so disgusted by how bad it was i threw it away. will try again at some later date (possibly). Sorry, you know how picky i am about my drawings. any other requests?
ive noticed no one comments on my site, so i dont know why i ask questions...but i asked in a previous post, does anyone think i should try to post fanart? if no one says anything, i wont bother. let me know if anyone(other than inochi, kairi or sempo as they can see my stuff at school) would like to see my attempts at art.
ja ne
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oh again
Your element is fire. You love sitting around a campfire and watching the flames. Smoke doesn't bother you very much, and neither does heat. You have a bit of a temper problem, and your emotions often get the best of you. Whatever you're feeling, you can't hide it. Although you try to lie sometimes, you rarely get away with it. Your friends are close to you, and you love being around them. You smile a lot, but you are often seen as angry, even though you just need someone to talk to. You feel secure around those you love, so keep them close and be careful what you say.
What's your element? brought to you by Quizilla
thats slightly different. mostl true. but i dont really show my emotions. (except anger, then people know) and im a better liar than this gives me credit for. true abou the heat and smoke thing. (inochi will attest to my love of heat)
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Friday, August 27, 2004
bored again, what else is new. been working on a biology project for a couple hours. attempting to construct a model of a glycine molecule. small molecule, very easy. using styrofoam, nearly passed out spray painting the stuff. (spray paint is evil and smells aweful >.<) i found out that some spray paint and rubber cement are able to melt styrofoam. i had a couple extra pieces so i had fun melting it. its due monday and i have to do a presentation for the class. ill prepare an outline and whatnot on sunday. (yes i procrastinate)
were going to the lake tomorrow, unfortunately its supposed to be cloudy. too bad, there should be a spectacular full moon. the rest of the senior class will be at lake hamilton for the senior retreat. ill be about thirty minutes from there on lake ouachita. no intrest in spending the day with the other seniors. few friends in my grade. (yeah, im the wierd one that sits in the corner and glares when anybody comes near. such a friendly person i am.)
im considering attempting to post some art. anyone out there think i should? at the moment im not sure how, but my dad is fairly computer competent so i think i could do it. if i did would anyone look at it? just curious...
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
oh i like that. lots of fun mind-powers for inu. hehehe.....i could have much fun....
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yeah thats me alright.
Take the quiz: "What type of attitude problem do you have? (pics)"
 Your Sarcastic....Like me This is supposed to be the lowest form of humor...But i think its the best because its mean and funny. Besides like me you probably cant help it anymore. Here's a phrase for you...
hehehe...cold, harsh and sarcastic. indeed, tis me. words to live by: "tact is for people not witty enough to use sarcasm"
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
curses be upon the prison termed 'school'
*sigh* only a week and im ready for summer. ive had two tests in the same class, ive got a presentation tomorrow, and i will be doing a couple in-class essays in my writing class. so much to do...
on an interessting note, a news crew came to my school today and fimed the band. it was kinda cool. then they pulled me and two other students out for interviews. it was cool. im now waiting for the 10:00 news to see if ill be on there. im not sure why they wanted to film our band, but they did. *shrug* it helps break up the monotony. in any case, thats about all for today. im gonna go amuse myself elsewhere now...*wanders away*
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 Hiei! Whoo you are hiei!! I base you off of the air sign! whoo go air!!
Which Yu Yu Hakusho Character do you most relate to? Not obvious!! With descriptive results![with pics!] brought to you by Quizilla
hmm...thats kinda different. neat tho'. but answer me this, why does it compare hiei to air instead of fire? that makes little sense...if you like hakusho you should take this. like the quiz title says its not obvious at all.
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
 DOG! Wouf! Right, you search a good and loyal friend with who you can work too and that's a dog. They will protect you and are so playful. Dogs like to be promoted and they learn fast.
What's your ideal pet? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
woo! i looooove dogs!
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yet another pointless survey
What's a weird fear you have that no one else probably does?: | i fear what might happen to those around me when i lose my temper | Is not Jon Stewart great?: | .... | What song are you listening to?: | dont take me alive-steely dan | Best face wash/acne fighting product?: | dont care | How loud do you sneeze?: | very | Do you like your handwriting?: | sure. you cant read it, but i can | Ugliest color you've ever seen?: | pink of any shade | Does having matching socks matter to you?: | not really | If you were in band, what would you call it?: | dunno | Last time you were on a plane?: | february | Have a digital camera?: | yeah | How big is your TV?: | not sure | Have you ever heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000?: | no | How many pillows do you sleep with?: | 2 | sXe.. good or bad?: | ...... | Most annoying commercail ever?: | car commercials of any sort | Lamest pick-up line ever?: | 'i lost my number, can i have yours?' | Dumbest song ever?: | any brittany speares, christina agulara, or any boy-band songs | Worst way to die?: | drawn and quartered, drowned, or starved | Who's the funniest comedian?: | not sure... | Ever been in a car accident?: | not yet | Ever had braces?: | no (lucky me) | Do you know HTML?: | nope | What's the most useless class in school?: | word proccessing | Best Jones Soda flavor?: | hm? | Something you collect?: | books | Something you're allergic to?: | cuteness | Something you wish would die?: | the people who annoy me |
[randomosity] brought to you by BZOINK! fakepop! - The Online Popularity Game
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