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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
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looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
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Wednesday, July 21, 2004
*sigh* i hate mowing the yard. shouldnt complain, i get paid well, but im gonna complain usual im bored out of my mind. quizilla works again, so i can amuse myself there, which is a plus.
i just had a terrible wake-up call. schoo starts in about three weeks. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!)
oooook.....incase anyone cares im going to go make a late lunch and then try to stay on the computer without spilling anything. *sigh* be back in a sec...
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 I Hear A Whistle....Hiei's Theme song...lucky's such a good song...and any YYH otaku or Hiei addict woulod be proud to have this as their personal anime theme song. ^_*
What is your anime theme song? brought to you by Quizilla
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 Yu Yu Hakusho
Are you a Sailormoon, Yu Yu Hakusho, or InuYasha brought to you by Quizilla
hakusho is awesome!! woot!
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 Tomboy!You loved to play 'Boy-Games' in your childhood and you thought that Barbie is an arrogant bitch. Today you get a lot of respect from boys. You understand the most men better then his freinds. Fact: You're a challenge for every boy!
What's your female appeal? ( with pics! ) brought to you by Quizilla
its more fun to rip barbies heads off...hehehehe....
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
survey says.....
The Basics | Age?: | 17 | Birthday?: | 5-6-87 | Laterality? [Left-handed/Right-handed]: | right | Nationality?: | us | Place of Birth?: | here | Appearance | Height?: | 5'9'' | Hair?: | short, blonde | Eyes?: | blue | Glasses?: | since i was 4 and contacts since i was 12 | Braces?: | never | Skin?: | tan | Build?: | tall and lanky | Piercings?: | no holes in my hide thank you | Innie/Outtie?: | innie | Shoe size?: | 9-11 depending on the shoe(big feet, hehe) | Jewellery?: | none | Makeup?: | NEVER!! | Fingernails?: | claws! ^___^ | Personality | Biggest Personality Trait[s]?: | loner, hot temper | Outgoing / Shy?: | not really shy, i just avoid the majority of humanity | Loud / Quiet?: | both depending on the situation | Social / Antisocial?: | antisocial and fine with that | Favourites | Food?: | *shrug* | Band[s]?: | rockapella and the beatles | Book?: | last herald-mage trilogy | Genre of Music?: | rock, oldies, classical, celtic | Mystical Creature?: | dragon ^____^ | Colour?: | black and red | Clothing Brand?: | i avoid name brands. most normal girl cloths dont fit me anyay | Type of Shoes?: | sneakers | Subject?: | biology or literature | Thing to do when bored?: | read, draw, stare int the middle distance | Quote?: | id love to engage you in a battle of wits, but you appear unarmed | TV show?: | yu yu hakusho or inuyasha | Cartoon Character?: | .......hiei or inuyasha | Movie?: | last samurai, lotr, potc, etc. | Place?: | the woods | Day?: | saturday | Animal?: | dog/wolf | Shape?: | hexagonal trapezoid(hehehehehe....) | Thing to wear?: | t-shirt | Either or | Coke / Pepsi?: | either | Sprite / 7up?: | sprite | Strawberry / Orange?: | orange | Vanilla / Chocolate?: | CHOCOLATE!! | Christina / Britney?: | NEITHER! theyre both sluts who cant sing!! | Fagstreet boys or N*stink?: | hehehehehehehehe...they both suck | Winter / Summer?: | summer | Sex Pistols / Ramones?: | who or who? | Christmas / Birthday?: | either ^__^ | Briefs / Boxers?: | eh? im a girl! | Stripes / Polka Dots?: | stripes | America / Canada?: | neither | Australia / New Zealand?: | australia | Do you... | Cuss?: | from time to time if im pissed off | Smoke?: | never | Drink?: | never | Do Drugs?: | never | Eat meat?: | all the time | Have a pet?: | yup(oreo my psyco dog) | work out?: | no | Label People?: | yes | Have siblings?: | no | Random | Quick, gimmie a girls name: | claire(heehee thats me!) | and a boys, too.: | chris(my cousin) | What are you wearing right now?: | pj's | What do you wish you were doing instead of this quiz?: | camping/hiking/rock climbing | Are you listening to music, and if so, what song and by who?: | no | Do you like kittens?: | not really | How about puppies?: | YES!! | Do you think i should end this quiz now?: | yeah.... | Okay, it's over. It was great, wasn't it?: | sure....ok... |
Everything i could think of asking about you brought to you by BZOINK!
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What Type of Villain are You?
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im bored out of my friggin mind. this will be short by the way since im on the phone with inochi. talking and typing at the same time is hard....boy im hoping it rains tomorrow morning, im supposed to mow in the morning. (the lawnmower is the bane of my exitance) gotta go.....ja ne.
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did quizilla die again? geez, all the time i cant get to it. rrrrrr....
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Monday, July 19, 2004
this is great! it's perfect for describing yourself!
The Basic Survey Stuff | Name: | Claire | Nicknames: | Jigoku Inu, dog girl,demon lady | Age: | 17 | Birthday: | 5-6-87 | Location: | here | All About You | What do you look like? (hair, eyes, height, etc): | blonde hair, blue eyes, 5'9'', slim | Do you think you are attractive?: | never thought about it actually | What is the one thing you like most about your appearance?: | eyes (like a wolf people tell me) | What is the one thing you would change about your appearance?: | height(always wanted to be 6'0'' for some reason) | Describe your personality: | loner, creative, loyal to my friends | What is the one thing you like most about your personality?: | no one thing, i like the way i am | What is the one thing you would change about your personality?: | nothing | Do you label yourself, or do you think you are a mix of everything?: | im a loner and a tomboy | Do you consider yourself popular?: | no, and i dont care either | Are you introverted, extroverted, or a little bit of both?: | introverted except around my really close friends | What is your astrological sign?: | taurus | Do you think you have a good life?: | yeah | What song describes the "essence" of you?: | dont have one | Your Friends | How do you think your friends would describe you?: | different, lonely(im not, but they think i am) | What one thing do you think your friends would change about you?: | make me more sociable(except my really good buddies) | Who is your best friend?: | jennifer | When/where/how did you meet your best friend?: | at school, i was reading an inuyasha manga and caught her eye | Why do you think you are such good friends with this person?: | were a lot alike(we swear we should be sisters) | Do you think any of your friends don't really like you?: | possibly. many of them are more of aquaintances tho' | Would you rather have 10 aquaintances, or 1 close friend?: | 1 close friend | Are you happy with your social life?: | yeah. i prefer to be alone | Randomness | Who would you choose to be stranded on a deserted island with? (1 person): | jennifer | Are you religous?: | nope | Who is the sexiest person alive?: | i dont know and i dont care | Have you ever been in love?: | nope | What is the best band ever, in your opinion?: | rockapella or the beatles | Do you like to drink alcohol?: | no! i cant stand the smell of it at 50 paces! you think i want to drink it?! | How about drugs?: | NO! im not stupid! | Smoking?: | how many times must i say it. NO! | What is your opinion on sex before marriage?: | bad idea | Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?: | no opinion | What is one thing most people don't know about you?: | i can see unbelievably well in the dark | Louis Vuitton: so haute or so not?: | what are you talking about? oh! thats that brand of purse everybody has. i have never carried a purse in my life nor do i plan to. | What is the best scent ever?: | scent as in perfume? i do not wear perfume. | Are you single?: | yeah | Straight, gay/lesbian, or bi?: | straight, but who cares? | Britney Spears: Slut or really cool?: | SLUT! who cant sing! | Will you marry me?: | NO!! |
a different survey.. brought to you by BZOINK!
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 Quick, agile and fast witted, you'd make a great thief. You are also good at blending in with the crowd and slipping by unnoticed. Your main concern when in a group is when you will get paid, and when will you get the treasure. You can also be quite a charmer and are good with the ladies/men, that is until, they find once you've left, all their valuables are gone.
If you were sucked into a fantasy anime, what part would you play? brought to you by Quizilla
hehe...sneaky sneaky....
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