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Thursday, February 22, 2007
hey look, a post that doesnt include art. how out-of-character for me. however! i did put up a new pic yesterday *hinthint*
*ahem* have tomorrow off as usual. and, as usual, will spend it studying for the chinese quiz the next day -__-' we only have two quizzes per lesson (5 days), but it still seems like a lot, especially with the homework amount. but, there was good news! the Powers That Be have decided there will be a chinese 2 class next year. meaning, i wont have a smemester with no language before i go abroad. this is very very good.
another happy thing, spring has come! its been in the 60s and 70s the past couple days, and is supposed to stay that way for awhile. thats soooo nice. heh, my roommate (from northern china) is amazed. she said this is like june at home. heh, she gets to miss the chinese winter and will be gone before the southern summer hits.
i discovered two other people who are rabid fans of mercedes lackeys books. spent all of dinner discussing the various books with one of them. (the other was a random guy that saw me reading a book and commented) i still say you should all go read at least one. ive already converted liana to the awesomeness. ok, im wasting time again.
quote(s) of the day:
“If at first you don't succeed... So much for skydiving.” -Henry Youngman
“Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm for the rest of his life.”
“Stoop and you'll be stepped on; stand tall and you'll be shot at.” -Carlos A. Urbizo
(it hink i might have used these before, not sure)
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Tuesday, February 20, 2007
happy mardi gras. have some beads and king cake.
bleh, inus trying not to get the flu. its going around, and i dont feel so good. dang it, im not getting sick. ok, this is kinda just a quick post. and, you guessed it, i have art. was going to be done last night, but drawing when youre sick isnt a good idea.
 Study Buddies Hosted By theOtaku.com.
im planning to do one of these of liana and her real-life counterpart.
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
also, happy lunar new year. tis the year of the boar. i havent learned how to say happy new year in chinese yet. i should fix that.
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on a roll
well, i decided that i definately deserved a break before i got back into studying for monday. so of course i decided to draw. suddenlty, its 11 hours later and there are three pictures sitting on my desk. "what the? where did those come from? gah my hand wont move anymore!" earlier today id been rereading through aces comic, so two of the three are fanart for her. one was new, one was just finishing a sketch ive had for sometime.
 Cursed Hosted By theOtaku.com.
 Worth It Hosted By theOtaku.com.
if you havent read her "ace of spades" story, go do so, its well worth it.
the third pic was something my brain produced out of nowhere.
Three Kings
im not sure. but it amused me. ill put that on here when i finish it. any thoughts for a background? im stuck (again)
so! inu had a busy day. now, i have cake.
quote of the day:
"Art is the queen of sciences, communicating knowledge to all the generations of the world." - Leonardo da Vinci
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Saturday, February 17, 2007
man im so glad its the weekend. ive had a busy week. had a quiz weds in chinese, then had a mass of chinese homework and the history test yesterday. fortunately, the test was easy. i was kinda nervous when i finished in 15 minutes, but other people did too, so i felt better. what? i work quickly. it was multiple choice, thats painfully easy (much thankfulness)
this is random, but all you animal lovers (especially horse lovers) should check this out.
Rescue Two Hundred.
proof that some humans do still have some shred of decency and care for the rest of the world. (and it has pretty music) so yeah, theres your feel-good moment for the day.
however! because we all suffer from stress, i have cute baby animal pictures! (who doesnt love cute baby things? if its you, get off my site)

bucket o' puppies!

sharpei diem. sieze the wrinkle dog! (internet foul, abuse of a foreign language)

little fox


cant forget the fluffy seal
ok, thats all for now. if thats not enough for you, go to I-am-Bored.com and search 'cute animals'. (its a great website anyway)
quote of the day:
"Inexperience can be overcome, ignorance can be enlightened, but prejudice will destroy you." –Amberdrake, Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon’s "The Black Gryphon"
if youve never read mercedes lackeys 'heralds of valdemar' series, your life is incomplete.
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Thursday, February 15, 2007
taking a break at the moment. ive been drilling history into my head for my test friday. (beware! academic content!) its contemporary europe, which is basically from WWII on. weve been spending a lot of time on pre-world wars though to get an idea of why europe was such a mess afterward. most of our stuff has centered around the USSR. then we covered WWI and II in one day, then spent a week on the cold war. its actually very interesting. that could be the fact that weve been talking about war, or that this is stuff that my parents (or at least grandparents) remember happening. its actually relevant, unlike most of my high school history classes. no one cares about king so-and-so in the 1500's, but khrushchev and churchill still have some bearing today. so yeah, taking a break from typing about communism.
ok, done with the academic talk; its safe now. supposedly theres a chance we might get a little more snow. my my, its been an unusually cold winter in the south this year. (haha, im such a wuss about cold) we got cookies and some candy in chinese yesterday (at 8am. yay!)
heh, also, at dinner the other night, we made a brilliant discovery. i wonder how many of you played "street fighter". if so, youll get it. if not, laugh anyway, its worth it. we decided, that if you add "-doken" (ala "hadoken!") to the end of any noun, it becomes acceptable to throw it. thus, we created "piedoken", and threw pie at tommy. then we threw some at the guy nicknamed "pi", and he threw it back shouting "medoken!". man i love my crazy circle of friends. spread the fun! throw things at your friends! (but you must throw it in the usual hands together, palms out way of flinging energy blasts)
what else, what else. we somehow (long story) ended up with the schools bearded dragons in the botany lab. there were two, and the teacher just handed me one (i was in the front). ive handled bearded dragons a lot, so i know how and all that. so i ended up taking my notes with a large lizard perched happily on my shoulder. i was most pleased. (i so want one. or a snake. or iguana. yay reptiles!) though our teacher made sure to specify that animals are not the "greater kingdom", as the zoology professors are so quick to claim.
ok, enough of a break for inu. must get back to studying.
quote of the day:
“May you always have walls for the winds, a roof for the rain, tea beside the fire, laughter to cheer you, those you love near you and all your heart might desire.” -Irish Blessing
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Wednesday, February 14, 2007
once again!
ah, more pointless and innane comics from inu:
 Feel The Love Hosted By theOtaku.com.
i have far too much fun with those. no patience to do a continuous comic (that requires planning), but little silly things amuse me no end.
hey look, its valentines day. an excuse to eat candy all day!! *ahem* hope all you people with a boyfriend/girlfriend enjoy the romantic day. those of us who are single will just hoard all the candy we can get. ^__^ man i love being single.
quote(s) of the day:
"If you love someone, set them free. If they come home, set them on fire."
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." -Anatole France
"Fall not in love, therefore; it will stick to your face." -National Lampoon, "Deteriorata"
happy chocolate-goes-on-sale-tomorrow day!
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
of art and archery
first off, ace is awesome and drew this:
 Axis Hosted By theOtaku.com.
that would be a character liana and i made up. hes a thief, and a bit more. but youll have to wait to find out all that. thanks ace!!
secondly, i drew this:
 Sharp Shooter Hosted By theOtaku.com.
theres another one in the works for liana. yay for being single!
in other news, its raining, and is supposed to persist for the general future. we had such a nice day last week (60+, sunny) we were all hoping spring might be coming early. but no, now its cold and wet again. ah well, spring comes early here anyway. another month or so before it warms up again.
quote of the day: (lyrics)
Once in every lifetime
If you do believe
Men can move a mountain,
Change the course of history
How far we've come, so far...
From home
-Jem, "Eragon" soundtrack (wonderful book and music, horrible movie)
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Tuesday, February 6, 2007
and now for something completely different
ok, i lie. not much going on in the world of inu. classes are rocking along nicely so far. but the first round of tests looms near *scary music* heh, we got some snow last friday (*shock*) and a couple of my classes were cancelled because the teachers couldnt make it. it was niiiice.
ive been attacked by an art bug. many many ideas vying for attention (which actually gets very distracting after awhile) sadly, with a botany test weds, i dont exactly have time for it now. hopefully i wont lose any of them between now and when i have some time again. this is such a nice change from desperately wanting to draw but having no ideas at all.
this is one of those short "its late and i have nothing better to do" posts, so i try to put happy quotes.
Tommy: “I had the coolest dream last night. I dreamed I was hired by the Pope as a hit-man.”
Sonya: “Well who were you hired to kill?”
Tommy: “I don’t really remember, but there was this one scene where I tried to double-cross the Pope and he shot me.”
this was a dinner conversation the other night. i have odd friends.
quote(s) of the day:
“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the
government and I'm here to help.'” -Ronald Reagan
"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion." –Unknown
“When one knows women, one pities men, but when one studies men, one excuses women.” -Horne Tooke
ok, thats good for today. back to translating chinese. heh, my roommate said i had really nice handwriting. then i showed her my class notes and she couldnt read them ^__^'
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
still snowing! (a little)
and look! we have art!
 Rampant Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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