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assassin / mercenary
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call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
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yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
Thursday, April 12, 2007
goings on
predictibly, i have art.
 Dire Hosted By
who doesnt love pliestocene megafauna?
secondly, i bring amusement from dA. i really recommend this, its terribly entertaining, and great way to waste time. ^___^
- Choose a few of your own characters, Five at the most.
- Make them answer the following questions
- post and tell who took this from who
Hm, time to break out the old characters
1. Inu (demonic hybrid, dog/dragon)
2. Erialc (magic-made hybrid, more or less canine)
3. Kita (bicorn)
4. Raeyvn (black gryphon) {no picture}
How old are you?
Inu: "Over 500, give or take."
Erialc: "I'm not entirely sure. I can remember 16 years, but it's anyones guess."
Kita: *tosses head* "What business is it of yours?"
Raevyn: "Recently fledged."
Inu: "Likely taller than you."
Erialc: "As you measure it, around 6 ft without my antlers."
Kita: "Most of your kind compare mine to horses, so around the size of a large horse. Nothing dainty about my breed."
Raevyn: "Well, we don't really bother with measurements. I can bite a human in half, if that gives you an idea."
Any bad habits?
Inu: "...define bad."
Erialc: "Sometimes I pull my fur if I'm worried."
Kita: "Bad? There's nothing bad about me."
Raevyn: "I get too much fun out of dive-bombing humans. Is that bad?"
Are you a virgin?
Inu: "And I thought I didn't have any tact."
Erialc: "I'm sterile."
Kita: "How rude! What kind of question is that to ask a young lady!"
Raevyn: "As of yet, yes. I just fledged; I'm too young to look for a mate."
Who's your mate?
Inu: "No one worth my time as of yet."
Erialc: "No one."
Kita: "Hmph, only a king stallion would be worthy of me."
Raevyn: "I'm still young, but maybe in the future."
Have any kids?
Inu: "Man you don't know when to leave a topic alone."
Erialc: "I have to agree. Going by previous answers, these two questions have been superfluous."
Kita: "You're pushing it, human."
Raevyn: "I could shock you and say yes, but I won't."
Favorite food?
Inu: "Meat. Any kind will do."
Erialc: "Well, I like red meat and fish, but I also enjoy bread and pastries."
Kita: "Pure grass and sweet herbs, of course. Stop looking at me like that. I do not have a weakness for sweets.
Raevyn: "Same as Erialc, mostly. Not a fan of fish."
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Inu: "Chocolate, definately."
Erialc: "I like the kind with cookies in it."
Kita: "Ice cream?! Where?? I mean...Plain vanilla, please."
Raevyn: "Ice...cream? That doesn't sound terribly good. Is it like snow?"
Killed anyone?
Inu: "Sure. I'm an assassin; it's what I do."
Erialc: "I have, but I don't go out of my way to."
Kita: "I haven't, but I would if need be."
Raevyn: "Yes, it doesn't bother me."
Hate anyone?
Inu: "Not anyone alive. At the moment."
Erialc: "I don't hate, but I do resent and dislike many."
Kita: "I do, and they know it."
Raeyvn: "Hate is too strong. I agree with Erialc."
Any secrets?
Inu: "If they're secrets, why would I tell you?"
Erialc: "I'm not good at keeping secrets."
Kita: "My secrets are my own, thank you very much."
Raevyn: "I used to get my brother in trouble when we were nestlings."
Love anyone?
Inu: "No one alive anymore."
Erialc: "My foster-family."
Kita: "They threw me out; I don't need anyone."
Raevyn: "My parents and my brother, Crowe."
Inu: "I like tacos."
Erialc: "I don't really like spicy food."
Kita: "What under the stars is a taco?"
Raevyn: "Hm, meat and vegetables rolled in bread? I'd try that. Without the vegetables."
Ever slept in all day?
Inu: "No, I'm usually up with the dawn."
Erialc: "I'll sleep into mid-morning if I can, but not much later."
Kita: "I don't need sleep."
Raevyn: "Not all day, but I love sleeping in as long as I can get away with."
Favorite band?
Inu: "I don't have one. Demons don't really have music groups, and I haven't heard any good human ones."
Erialc: "I like softer music."
Kita: "What's a 'band'?"
Raevyn: "Fast music! Something fun!"
Eye color?
Inu: "Dark red."
Erialc: "Blue-grey."
Kita: "The pure red of a glorious sunset."
Raevyn: "Dark blue."
Skin color?
Inu: "Look for yourself, smarta**."
Erialc: "Pale pink under my fur, black on my nose and paw pads."
Kita: "I have fur."
Raevyn: "Deep red under the fur and feathers."
Shoe size?
Inu: "Uh...There are specific shoe sizes? I just go with whatever fits."
Erialc: "Shoes aren't comfortable for me, so I only wear them when it's absolutely necessary."
Kita: "You don't shoe a unicorn you savage!"
Raevyn: "I've always thought shoes were a silly idea. There's nothing wrong with my feet."
Inu: "Pretty slim. Don't mistake that for weakenss, I could break you in half."
Erialc: "Average, I suppose. I'm similar in build to others of my size."
Kita: "Sleek and slim, of course."
Raeyvn: "I couldn't fly very well if I was overweight, now could I."
Rain or sunshine?
Inu: "Give me the sun anyday. Rain is depressing."
Erialc: "I enjoy the sun, but there's something relaxing about a good rain shower."
Kita: "Ugh, I do not like rain. I don't appreciate being splattered with mud."
Raevyn: "Rain is fine as long as I don't have to fly through it."
Pool or Beach?
Inu: "Well, since I can bet you mean a human swimming pool, I'll say the beach. You humans put so much crap in your water, I don't see how you can swim in it."
Erialc: "A beach or a bluff over the ocean."
Kita: "I've never seen the ocean, so a nice cool forest pool."
Raevyn: "I agree with Kita."
Camping or staying home?
Inu: "Since I don't exactly have a home, the answer's pretty obvious.
Erialc: "I've built myself a nice home, but I love going out into the forests."
Kita: "My home is the wild forest and plain."
Raeyvn: "Both. I love my home, but it's fun to go out away from the aerie."
Dog or cat?
Inu: "Dogs, definately. Not only can I speak to them to a degree, but cats are just evil incarnate."
Erialc: "I prefer canines. It's nice to have a friendly welcome."
Kita: "Cats. Their independance is refreshing."
Raevyn: "No real preference. I don't have much contact with either."
Believe in aliens?
Inu: "Why not? Always possible."
Erialc: "Aliens meaning those from another place? Well of course such people exist."
Kita: "As long as they don't bother me, I couldn't care less."
Raeyvn: "Not sure what you mean."
Natural born or clone?
Inu: "Uh, me personally or in general? Well, I'm natural born."
Erialc: "I was created, but I'm not a clone of anything."
Kita: "What is a clone?"
Raevyn: "Is a clone like a twin? Because I have one."
Inu: "The hell kinda question is that?"
Erialc: "Um..I have them."
Kita: "You are very strange even among humans."
Raevyn: "I have a beak."
Car or ship?
Inu: "A ship, preferably a sailing ship."
Erialc: "I don't know what a car is."
Kita: "I have no need for such things. my own four legs are perfectly fine.
Raeyvn: "I've seen boats going down the river, but I don't think I'd want to ride on one."
Ever destroyed anything out of blind rage?
Inu: "Living and otherwise."
Erialc: "No. I try to hold back my temper."
Kita: "Please. I would never stoop so low as to lose control of my actions."
Raeyvn: "Maybe once or twice."
Any unusual things about you?
Inu: "What isn't unusual about me."
Erialc: "I'm a mage-made accident. I'm essentially a collection of spare parts."
Kita: "Hmph. Others seem to think so. As if having two horns instead of one makes me an abomination."
Raeyvn: "I have an odd color pattern."
How much food/drink do you need a day?
Inu: "Depends. I can go a couple weeks without food, but I need water more frequently."
Erialc: "Generally three meals a day, sometimes snacks too."
Kita: "I need enough to keep up my strength. Mind you, that doesn't mean I eat like a pig."
Raeyvn: "I need a lot of food. Takes a lot of work to get into the air."
Favorite place?
Inu: "Somewhere in the wild."
Erialc: "In my forge, or in my favorite chair with a book."
Kita: "The deep forest in the full bloom of spring."
Raeyvn: "In the sky."
The Kiwi's Question:
What's your favorite swear word?
Inu: "I'm pretty sure you don't want to know. Be happy it doesn't translate to your language."
Erialc: "I try not to swear. I keep my language mild."
Kita: "We don't have swear words. Curses are more effective."
Raeyvn: "My mother chases me around the den if she catches me swearing."
well! now that ive wasted your time, dont you want to waste more and do this yourself? you know you want to. im stronly considering doing this agian with my new set of characters.
quote of the day:
"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." -Bertrand Russell
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