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myOtaku.com: Jigoku Inu

Sunday, August 5, 2007

a brief pause
well, my mom left for the caribbean. (girls weekend with college friends) so dad and i are left on our own for the week. we have no plans, since dad works. we hope to get away to the lake next weekend though. we watched '300' tonight, since dad hadnt seen it yet. he loved it, as expected. its a great movie (if serious violence doesnt bother you)

man though, our a/c was on the fritz earlier, which is bad in the dead of southern summer. it was over 100 degrees today. amazingly, someone actually came to fix it today. unfortunately, the unit is leaking freon, and will need to be replaced. its 18 years old, so thats not terribly surprising.

i mentioned in my last post my tendency to draw bizarre characters/positions. ive been having these random stories pop into my head, with the main characters stopping by to explain. darkstar the sunifee was the first, and it led two others, sunsoar and nightsinger, to me as well. now, ilani, an erda, has popped up. she in turn brought harzir, a second speaker, and jindo and nasir, a starship commander and second, to bother me. somehow its all tying in and these two races are meeting each other in space. this is most random, and theyre not letting me get details straight before moving onto something else. weird aliens....i may explain some more about them, or write some exerpts from their stories if anyones curious.

quote of the day:
“Trust is earned, not given. What is given only shatters. What is earned can be taken away, but trust will not break. Do you trust me? Some things can only be seen when you’ve lost everything.”


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