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myOtaku.com: Jigoku Inu

Friday, March 10, 2006

at long last...
count-down to spring break: 13.5 hours

finally, the last day before spring break. well, the last few hours. my last class is cancelled, and my second to last class we just show up to pick up something, then i think we can go. so, at the very latest, im heading hom around 1. (its 11:30 now, so theres how i got 13.5 hrs) zoology is going to be just a normal lecture, but chem theres a test. how terrible is that? "here, let me give you a test when your mind is already on vacation." thank you dr gron. good news is, ths section is fairly easy. (watch me screw up horribly just because i said that) but, it really is. its basically variations on a theme, just changing what youre trying to find. (pH, concentration, etc) so after that, my day is basically over and i kill time until philosophy. ill be using that time to take crap out to my car. ive determined i have too much crap here, so im taking a good bit home. yay for making more closet space. and i dont have any tshirts at home anymore. must fix that.

geez, we had a mini-apocalypse here yesterday. woke up at about 4am to lashing thunderstorms. it slacked off come daybreak, but it was incredibly dark this morning. we were commenting about how it looked like the end of the world during zoo lab. it was sprinkling a bit as my lab partner and i were leaving lab, but just as we were between two buildings, the heavens opened and we were soaked through in about 5 seconds flat. so we scurried to the closest building, and watched the campus turn into a lake. finally just made a mad dash to our dorms. not pleasant. i enjoy walking in the rain, but not in storms that bring down trees and make walking against the wind impossible. it was quite an impressive display tho; really cool to watch.

alright, off for some last minute chem studying, then bed. yay last day for a week that i have to get up early.

quote of the day:
�The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing... not healing, not curing... that is a friend who cares.� -Henri Nouwen

how many people have a friend like that? im lucky enough to. i hope you have at least one friend you wouldnt hesitate to give your life for. life isnt worth anything if you dont.


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