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myOtaku.com: Jigoku Inu

Friday, March 31, 2006

friday at last
i did absolutely nothing yesterday. it was nice in that i got to sleep in. but it was also very boring. oh well, things start back up now.

i guess its a lie to say i did absolutely nothing. i drew, working on my semi-realism. any of you here read mercedes lackeys "heralds of valdemar" series? and of those who do, have you read "the last herald mage" trilogy? if you have, then you know who herald-mage vanyel ashkevron is. i drew him and yfandes, because theyre awesome. if you have no idea what im talking about, go find those books and read them. they are awesome incarnate. or, you can just be lazy and wait until i can post the pic itself. tho then you lazy people still wont know, because im not likely to post it on here since its fa from anime. even if you go to DA, you will still sadly have no idea who they are, really. which is sad. for you are missing out.

well, thats all really. like i said, there was nothing yesterday. and i dont know of anything major going on today.

quote of the day:
�I'm a nice and happy person. I'm nice enough to offer mercy, and I'm happy to just get rid of you either way.�

see? im not a cruel and angry person. i show that i do know the meaning of 'mercy'. i just choose not to offer any.


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