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• 2003-11-24
• assassin / mercenary
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• call me inu
• accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
• looooooong time
Favorite Anime
• yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
• pass college, get my black belt before graduation
• lighting things on fire, taekwondo
• music, drawing, writing, things on fire
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
yesterday was uneventful, as most tuesdays are. work wasnt as frantic as it often is, which was very nice. band was alright. im playing first part on a couple songs this time, which is a nice change. even tho my tone is much better than the first chair girls, she is better at the excrutiatingly fast sections. but she plays piccolo as well so she has to be. im thinking about talking to the director about swtiching sections next year. percussion by preference, trumpet if im deemed decent enough (highly unlikely) liana and i were discussing random instruments wed like to learn. liana choose bugle (she plays trumpet) i choose wooden flute and/or steel drums. it was a fun conversation. ive also determined that non-musician college students dont need to listen to band member conversations. too many things are interpreted badly. if youre a band person, you likely know what im talking about.
just because i can, im going to put the pic i posted on DA in this. a couple people were nice enough to go see it there and say something, but i just feel like sticking it on here to take up space and shamelessly ask for comments on my attempt at "realism" (aka more realistic than anime)

this is herald-mage vanyel ashkevron and his companion(not horse)yfandes from mercedes lackeys "heralds of valdemar" series. read them. they are awesomeness. behold. yeah...
quote of the day:
"You can die at any time, but it takes true courage to live." -Kenshin Himura
*gasp* an actual anime quote.
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