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myOtaku.com: Jigoku Inu

Sunday, April 23, 2006

percussion ensemble concert today. the subject refers to the fact that the dress rehearsal is at 10am. >< so much for sleeping in. so i have that, have to be at work by 11:30, then have to leave work early to get ready for the concert. (what? seems like showering before a concert is a generally good idea. and i dont have to clean up after work. i have my ulterior motives.) liana gets to come to the concert, so well get to talk^^ and shes never seen one of our percussion concerts. oh shall be fun.

um...finished some reading for my lit class, last book of the year. good book, but one of the characters makes youjust want to slap him. a friend and i jointly described him as "excruciatingly catholic". no religious slurs intended, but good lord this guys insane. to the point of beating his children and wife when the daughter breaks the eucharist fast because she cant take pain medicine on an empty stomach. its insane. apparently the ending is very satisfying for those of us sick of his fanatacism. finishing that next week, may read ahead. nothing else of note to report, so im off.

quote(s) of the day: (insanity from the people inu associates with)

�Oh my god, where�s my Heart of Darkness??� �Lara (roommate, looking for a book)

"I'm so goth, I s*** bats" -Joseph (laras bf)

�Are you sure St. Patrick�s Day originated in Europe? He was an Irish saint. Wait�I did not just say that.� �Liana

"Watashi-no atama ni ono ga aramusu!! (Oh my god there�s an axe in my head!!)" -Hannah (in band)

"If life gives you lemons, make grapefruit juice and sit back and let them wonder how you did it." � Katherine (in art)

�I have plenty of energy...I'm just too tired to use it, that's all."�Inu (dont ask)

"I scorn you. From way over here." -Melissa

"You can leave now. Running for your life is so dorky." -Stacy

yup, were all insane. a couple of those people were from high school, but im still in contact with. how much fun...wasnt that an amusing deviation from normal quotes?


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