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myOtaku.com: Jigoku Inu

Monday, May 1, 2006

countdown: 3 days

philosophy paper....the pain...*head hits desk* 5 hours and 6 pgs of rubish later, im not finished yet. yes rubish. shut up. i could use more colorful words to describe it, but liana would murder me. im almost done, ill fix it up a bit tomorrow before class. i may be able to get away with a bit extra time and taking it to the professors office after class. he did say we arent required to be in class, and he originally said take them by his office. its logical right? i may need that extra hour. well see. illget it turned in tomorrow. urgh, i have one more chem problem to do...i should do that now so i dont have to worry about it tomorrow. shouldnt take me long. this is the last day of classes. joy. feel my excitement. enh, the paper has sapped my ability to be enthusiastic. illget back to you later on that.

just need to get through the next 3 days, then i get a break for a few days before my last exam. oi, inu wants to sleep for a week. party at inus once her exams are over. im off to do that one problem, then go lay in bed and twitch for awhile.

quote of the day:
�Always be wary of any helpful item that weighs less than its operating manual.� -Terry Pratchett

i think this applies to my calculator....yay pratchett. yay silly books. i need to read more of those.


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