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Member Since
• 2003-11-24
• assassin / mercenary
Real Name
• call me inu
• accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
• looooooong time
Favorite Anime
• yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
• pass college, get my black belt before graduation
• lighting things on fire, taekwondo
• music, drawing, writing, things on fire
Saturday, May 13, 2006
first off, allow me to make it very clear that i am fully aware that most of the world gets up before 7 in the morning everyday. however, i do not, thus i am not pleased when i am required to. (do NOT comment to tell me what unholy hour you regularly get up or tell me to stop whining. im not whining, im stating an annoyance.) have to be at school (30 minutes away) by 8am today. so i need to leave here around 7:20, so i get up around 6:50. its not the getting up early that really annoys me, its the fact that its saturday and i have to go play at graduation. outside. in arkansas summer. while required to wear long pants. if you dont live in arkansas or at least the south, you cant possibly understand the implications.(i know those of you in other countries could very well have it hotter; just humor me) yes, early may is summer here. we have 2 seasons: summer and not-summer (aka dry and wet). not-summer(wet) lasts from november to march(april for the thunderstorms), then its summer again. spring and fall last for 48hrs each. and summer here is brutal even if youre used to it. 100+ temps june-september, and 85+ the rest of the time. soooo, id rather not be outside in that unless im at the lake.
this is my complaining post or something. next subject: art. ever have an idea that looks so amazingly wonderful in your head, but you feel as if youre beating your head against a brick wall trying to draw it? fighting one of those right now. have one version sketched out, leaving it until later when ill see if it still looks terrible.
ok, im done complaining now. kudos if you made it this far without wanting to throw something sharp at me. you get a cookie. *hands out fresh-baked cookies* yes,i bake cookies. what? i havent quite set the oven on fire. *shifty eyes* yet. going to go find the clothes i need to wear tomorrow. i wont be capable of coherant thought for a little bit. inus not a morning person. i prefer night to dawn.
quote of the day:
"Things are only impossible until they're not." -Jean-Luc Picard, 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
yes, im a trekkie, and picard is awesome. huzzah.
p.s. *important if youre liana, meaningless if youre not*
my mom randomly decided that i could stay the night at your house assuming i was home by 11 sunday. also, not making a definate promise, but id hope you could expect to hear from me tomorrow between 12 and 1(likely closer to 1) we can hope for a quick ceremony. geez ive been hanging around you too long; im putting this here because im too lazy to go write an email. hope you see this before we talk tomorrow.
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