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myOtaku.com: Jigoku Inu

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

not too much going on today. spent awhile oer at my grandmas house. mom needed to do some sewing and wanted to use her sewing machine. that not being one of my favorite activities to watch, i played with the dog. hes a 3 yr old lhasa apso named rowdy. (picture isnt him, but he looks a lot like that) i offered to take him for a walk, and that was fun. spent the rest of the time playing with him. its so cute, whenever you sit down, he immediately comes over and puts his paws on your lap, wanting to be petted. hes the sweetest little dog and hes a lot of company for my grandma.

my coin-rolling project has come to fruition. my coins, just what i had in my room, totaled up to $94.00. thats been gathering for about 4 years. my dads coins (which have been collecting in the pantry for almost 9 years) added up to $204.04. seeing as i did all the work, i got 1/3 of the money, so that adds $68 to my pile. a tidy little sum for a couple days of effort. i know its ridiculous to let stuff gather for that long, but geez it pays off nicely. so now we both have empty containers and can start all over again. ill do this again in a few years. (as a practical matter, not greed. the college kid is looking for possible sources of cash to help fund academics.)

still chipping away at the artists block. perhaps my short coin-occupied hiatus will have reduced it a bit. had tkd last night, twas much fun. my roommate has showed up for the summer as well now, so theres at least 2 of us of the same rank (were the lowest in the class by about 3 belts) so we help each other. its entertaining.

quote of the day:
�On account of being a democracy and run by the people, we are the only nation in
the world that has to keep a government four years, no matter what it does.� -Will Rogers

the pitfalls of democracy. anarchy anyone?


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