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the back of beyond
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assassin / mercenary
Real Name
call me inu
accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
looooooong time
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
pass college, get my black belt before graduation
lighting things on fire, taekwondo
music, drawing, writing, things on fire
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
good news/bad news
had much fun at the lake with liana, as always. swam, played with neighbors pets, went out on the party barge, watched movies, etc. the usual lake fun-ness. the water is still a bit cold, but that really doesnt matter. the sun was warm enough if the water got too cold. we took my dog, oreo, out on a raft. he wasnt pleased with us. (he hates water) one of the neighbors has two cats, tommy and tita, and we played with them for over an hour. some other neighbors have 3 chesapeake bay retrievers, gypsy (daughter), ally (mother) and jesse (grandmother). we played with them for a long time, and it was fun. we were both drenched afterwards, but it was fun. and there are all the other dock-dogs: oreo, zeus, gidgit, parker, rerun, etc, that are always around. it rained a lot yesterday (memorial day) tho. no fun.
no new art as of yet. i failed to force liana to hold still so i could use her as a model for a realistic pic. i shall try again at some point.
now for the good news/bad news.
good news: i now have a job. im the delivery driver for my dads company, and driving around all day isnt near as bad to me as sitting in a desk or bagging groceries. its $8/ hour, 8 hours a day, every day. you do the math. thats not bad for a college kid, eh?
bad news: 8-5 every day is not at all what i had wanted. nor did i really want a job that was intense physical work. mind you, i can do it, but i dont enjoy hauling 30 lb boxes up stairs. also, i cannot take off early, i cant miss days, i cant have vacations. ever. at all.
more good news: no nights or weekends. ever. i can do 8-5, so long as im given my nights and weekends.
so thats where things stand. i start today. sadly, its supposed to rain all week. >p more on that as things develope.
quote of the day:
"A warrior stays to fight...even when the hope has left." -Hiei (Yu Yu Hakusho)
what? i like hiei quotes. they always have a good meaning or some morbid humor.
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