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Member Since
• 2003-11-24
• assassin / mercenary
Real Name
• call me inu
• accepted to college
Anime Fan Since
• looooooong time
Favorite Anime
• yu yu hakusho, inuyasha, samurai deeper kyo, rurouni kenshin, trigun, cowboy bebop, etc. etc.
• pass college, get my black belt before graduation
• lighting things on fire, taekwondo
• music, drawing, writing, things on fire
Monday, July 24, 2006
well then
edit: oops. messed up the links there. should be better now. stupid little mistake.
back from the lake. had fun. liana and i were going to burn old, evil school crap, but we completely forgot that theres a burn ban in place for most of the state. cursed weather. well, when its well over 100 degrees with no rain for weeks, you tend to have problems. still, we were disappointed. we took the houseboat out and stayed overnight on an island. fortunately it wasnt brutally hot at night, because our generator decided to die at about 11:30, so we had no AC all night. got a bit stuffy until we opened doors and windows. which was great until dawn. morning light is lovely unless youre trying to sleep. i complain too much, it was a nice weekend.
well, my first official contest is over with a rousing single entry from both theOtaku and dA. now that i look at it, most of my actual friends on both sites arent actually artists. so an art contest didnt seem to be the best idea. *shrug* ill keep that in mind for the future. anyway, heres the single entry:
Allies...? by AceGallagher.
many thanks to ace. she does get the requests i promised, as soon as she actually decides what she would like. (were working on that) she said "well, you can just surprise me," and im here thinking, "oh you have no idea what youre setting yourself up for *evil chuckle*" ahem, anyway, thats that.
in happy news, i only have 10 days of work left *rejoice* ive made some good money, and i dont think ive ever been in better physical shape, but im tired of fighting the heat and the fun daily feeling of strained muscles.
also, i should have art for you later tonight.
quote of the day:
�Even if you�re on the right track, you�ll get run over if you just sit there.� �Will Rogers
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