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myOtaku.com: Jigoku Inu

Monday, July 31, 2006

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spent the weekend at lianas. twas fun as always. we actually didnt do a whole lot. we watched a special about ancient egypt on discovery, which was really interesting. uh, swam some, which was great since it was back over 100. didnt do much yesterday. we pretty much just hang out and do more or less nothing. exciting, isnt it?

im working on more art, surprise surprise. one is a second try at a demon concept for a friends video game. he said they were looking for something more humanoid, so i tried. i personally liked the first one, which would be this nasty thing. i dunno, it looks more demonic since its completely inhuman. however, im not calling the shots here, so i redid it. so now i end up with this even more nasty little beastie. i much prefer the first.

secondly, im drawing a little comic that liana suggested. its completely and thoroughly mocking inu, but its really funny and would so happen. so i draw it and laugh. that will be up tomorrow or something.

quote of the day:
"Nemo me impune lacessit"('No one harms me with impunity) –Montressor (Poe, “The Cask of Amontillado”)

if you have never read that story, go do so. now. and read "the black cat" while youre at it. and whatever other poe you can get your hands on.


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